Thursday, December 22, 2005

That pisses me, Part 1

Well today we are going to talk about the things that can piss me... and the thing that piss me theese days is: the nerve of some people! lets elaborate on that shall we?
There is this blonde girl (why does it always have to be a girl? I'm begining to think girls are evil) that is getting on my nerves; you see I used to worship her a lot once upon a time when things were better and more shiny, but then she fucked me up... really really bad, but I mean really really really really really really really bad... did I said she fucked me real bad?... anyway, I end up sad and alone... but I got over it, she went out of my life and time passed by... NOW she comes claiming the place she had before; obviously that place is taken, and even if it were not taken, that is not something you just come and claim... that is a place you earn.
You think this is all a crappy girly story and that I am whining too much? Then tell me so, so I can sent her to you and you can suffer her cuz she is a persistant blondie... I AM a forgiving guy, the thing is you can't buy forgiveness, you earn it and you are not being any different, you are just the same ol' gilr in wich I lost time worshiping...but it doesn't really matter now, I'm just posting this here so a couple of friends of mine get to know how I've been for they are away traveling...
Tune in next time so I can tell you about othe things that can piss me... like when you can't open the condom wraping

Well... that's all... Merry X-mast to all and to all a good nite..... and Karol I love you...


Unknown said...

Lol... I read this and (i really don't know why...jeje) it made me SOOOOOOO happy jaja... Be cool kid lov u and good for you, she's not worth it!!


Animetronic said...

yeah,damn those condom packages thingies...

Vivi said...

LOL, i'll just say what was the best part of all the "story" hehe here it is: "Tune in next time so I can tell you about othe things that can piss me... like when you can't open the condom wraping"
That last line... LOL...
That's all i have to say!
about the girl, i think like annie ;)
Bye bye sweetie! lov ya

AGuimera said...

Hi my friend!! I can imagine who is she..... I remember her and I'm so proud of you! You're a nice guy, my little son! jejeje and she is evil, don't deserves you. Love ya !! :)

KaritoGlam said...

I love you too. And i also h8 condoms

Unknown said...

i know you do kid...