Sunday, December 04, 2005

Bleach - Masked

Well... a lot have happened since last time I wrote, and by a lot I mean something big...

Aizen-Taichou (the 5th gotei captain) looked for me and asked me to train someone. It was that old-dude I wanted the quincy to get rid of... I had the chance, but I was not going to kill someone in front of Aizen-Taichou (btw Taichou = Captain). Later we (Kaoru, Shigeru and me) were called to gotei 11 by Kempachi-Taichou... there we drank and stuff... but when we got drinking we decided to go home, and then it happened that we saw a shadow lurking near gotei 12... we followed it. We were able to figure out what the shadow was just before it went inside gotei 12 headquarters: Kaoru's nii-chan... we followed him in, he was not suposed to be there... and neither did we... but once inside he stoped near a plaza as waiting for someone; and who showed up? Mayuri-Fuku Taichou (gotei 12 vice captain)... Radetsu (Kaoru's nii'chan) handed something over to Mayuri-Fuku Taichou and then the bastard killed Radetsu!! one more reason to hate him. After that we got radetsu corpse out of the gotei before someone could caught us; Kaoru was down hard... Radetsu's death was a big blow to her... finally we turned ourselfs in and of course they put us to trial. A month has passed by and the trial is still on, i have trained a lot with my Zanpakutou and I have really learned to hate that stupid Arashimaru, yes my Zanpakutou's name is Arashimaru... but i recived a distress call from someone asking for help cuz a hollow was kicking their but... so it's Kazehime's (me) and pals time to shine... we got there, we busted the hollow... and guess who showed up? Mayuri-Fuku Taichou you say? it was not him... it was Radetsu! and the bastard beat the crap out of us! we are about to die and when he was about to kill us he said somethin... Ban Kai!!... and we have not played since that day

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