Thursday, December 23, 2010

On the noon before Xmast...

Recently I've had a lot of complains about me, well more than complains they're like comments headed my way. The thing is that with Christmas coming they are getting more frequently. Why? Because people asks why I don't celebrate Christmas when the answer should be obvious. It is a Christian celebration and I do not count myself as a Christian. It's ok that they ask stuff, I'm pretty curious myself but them problem is they start a mess every time I say I'm not a Christian. I mean, it's not a crime not to be one, why can you accept that people CAN think differently?
I think differently, I dislike that religion and pretty much every other religion that there is. I do not dislike faith, mankind needs to believe in something to go on, but since it is very profitable, or has been very profitable over the course of history, this or that guy have changed religions... They made them into churches, and that is what I'm against: institutions!

And what have the Christian Church done to piss me off? I'll tell you; or better yet, I'll ask you
  1. How many died by the sword on the crusades, killing AND dying in the name of God?
  2. How many mothers and babies were burnt in the stake just because the kid was born with a deformity and were BOTH considered possessed by demons?
  3. How many "witches" were burnt? How many were tortured to death during the inquisition?! Remember the "Maellus Maleficarum"?
  4. Remember just how many died in Jerusalem during the 1st crusade? By early June 1099 Jerusalem’s population had declined from 70,000 to less than 30,000.
  5. Was it not the Church, under the lead of Leo the Great, that purged the Priscillianists?
  6. Who wrote "Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord"? I'll answer this one: it was Hitler (Mein Kampf Volume 1, Chapter 2)

So you say "Well that's in the past! The Church doesn't do that anymore!", and I say it's because the people OPENED THEIR DAMN EYES!!! Because The Church still has absurd and outdated tendencies and ideals. We still get mobs of simple minded people, only the signs now read "God Hate Fags" instead of "God Hate Witches" and deny science! But mankind have grown up, and they realized that giving so much power to these people is wrong and now we have presidents and governors and stuff SEPARATED from The Church; although the politics in my country are as bad as those guys from the Inquisition.... Literally.

But I said "pretty much every other religion that there is", so let's talk a little about that:
- Rabbi Yitzchak Ginzburg is know for:
  1. Having offered biblical justification for the view that the spilling of non-Jewish blood was a lesser offense than the spilling of Jewish blood. "Any trial based on the assumption that Jews and goyim are equal is a total travesty of justice", he said
  2. In his writings, Ginzburg gives prominence to Halachic and kabbalistic approaches that emphasize the distinction between Jew and non-Jew (Gentile), imposing a clear separation and hierarchy in this respect. He claims that while the Jews are the Chosen People and were created in God's image, the Gentiles do not have this status.... Ginzburg stated that, on the theoretical level, if a Jew requires a liver transplant to survive, it would be permissible to seize a Gentile and take their liver forcefully. From this point only a small further step is required to actively encourage and support the killing of non-Jews, as Ginzburg did in the case of Goldstein.
- Rabbi Ovadia Yosef is know for:
  1. Following Huricane Katrina: "There was a tsunami and there are terrible natural disasters, because there isn’t enough Torah study... Black people reside there [New Orleans]. Blacks will study the Torah? [God said], Let’s bring a tsunami and drown them... Hundreds of thousands remained homeless. Tens of thousands have been killed. All of this because they have no God... Bush was behind the [expulsion of] Gush Katif, he encouraged Sharon to expel Gush Katif... We had 15,000 people expelled here [in Israel], and there [in America] 150,000 [were expelled]. It was God’s retribution... God does not short-change anyone."
  2. In an October 2010 sermon, Yosef stated that "The sole purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews". He said that Gentiles served a divine purpose: "Why are Gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why Gentiles were created." "Gentiles were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel.
- And as for the Musulims:
  1. The Koran say: "And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush.". It also say not to take friends those that "have received the scriptures before you", meaning Christians and Jews. Then you wonder where religious people get their radical and intolerant ideas.
  2. July 19 2005, Mashad (Iran). Two dudes were publicly executed. They were being charged of being homosexuals. They were 17 and 19 years old.
  3. And don't get me started on the Islamic laws.
So that's it for the three mayor religions in the world. I'm not gonna go into everyone because they're just so many! Recently I found out about the Pastafarianism and their Flying Spaghetti Monster.

So people I leave this here. some sort of manual that will help you understand why I am not a Christian, why I don't celebrate Christmas. I'm not a Christian, not because I am driven by the devil, or the gods of Heavy Metal command me... No, it is a personal choice, a choice that one can make if one so chooses! And you know what? I used to be a Christian, I am baptized and all! Why did I change? Here's some huge irony... You believe in God, God gave us free will, then why can't I fucking choose to not like God? If he doesn't like it, that's his problem! If he wanted ALL of us to follow him, then why did he gave us free will?
Do not let yourself be deceived by religion people. If you want to believe, go ahead, I'm not saying it's wrong, but if you indeed have free will then stop behaving a certain way just because a guy in a throne or some book tell you to. Do things because you want to, because you think it's right. Don't cheat on your wife/husband, not because the bible says but because it is just fucking wrong and that's it. If you like religions fine, I just ask one thing: Leave me and my believes alone!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Bad Guy?

Let's play a game, it's called "The Bad Guy". I'll ask some questions and you'll get points if you get the right answers.
Since there's no price I think we'll be playing just for fun. Here goes.

First one:
The other day some friends and I got together to play RPGs, but turns out that half the people didn't come, so the half that DID come and I just sat down and talk over a few beers. I had wine.
Around midnight we got hungry, and since one of my friends is a chef he cooked Thai food for dinner. Since my mom is a freak when it comes to tidiness and stuff (she sometimes acts like Monica from "friends"), we cleaned up our shit but we didn't placed all the pots and pans in place, but we DID dried them.

The other day my brother brought friends home. At about 5am he had woken up everyone in the house, we got a call from security had called saying that several neighbors had complained about the loud music that was playing. When they finally left the house it was a fucking mess (bottles, garbage, puke in the bathrooms and stuff like that), and my brother, being drunk, just went to bed.

Out of this two scenarios, who do you think got yelled at? If you said ME then you're right. According to my parents I was supposed to place the pots and pans in the drawers.

Another one:
The other day (actually the week after) I got together and this time everyone came. After we were done playing I got in my car and went to grab a bite to eat with some of the people that were home and then I went to a friend's house. He just graduated and I wanted to congratulate him and there's this friends from out of town that was also there. I got home, I don't know, at about 4am maybe? When I got home I took my time to clean up the mess we left when we were playing earlier that day. Every thing in it's place, I cleaned the table, put every ornament/decoration (my mom puts a lot of those in xmast) back where it was and finally I went to bed. I forgot to bring my RPG book and dice with me.

Where we live (the 3th world) we don't get water everyday but every other day if we're lucky. So everyone builds a tank to store water, we have one of those, the thing is, remember when I said that we got water every other day if we're lucky? Well I was talking about the town in general, because in my house it NEVER comes. We have to buy it from people that drive trucks filled with it. Right now, to fill up our tank we pay 200Bs (that's about 50 American dollars) and we have to do it twice a week. So the other day my brother decided to get one of those kiddie pools and fill it up so he could have a sexy night with a lady friend. He wasted half our tank and wouldn't let anyone sleep with the noise and on top of that his girlfriend (Yes, he was cheating on her) kept calling the house.

Guess who got yelled at this time? If you said my brother, then you're wrong. I was supposed to take the book and dice to my room with me.

So my fellow bloggers, I think you got the picture already. If not, allow me to explain.
I opened this blog a long time ago because I needed to complain, I needed to let out some steam. Call me an angry person (who isn't), call me a guy with issues (who is free of those?), call me what you want (exceptions: chavista, reggeatonero, emo, Christian, communist and lier) but the truth is: I NEED TO COMPLAIN. That is who I am, I see something wrong and I complain about it, and if you take the time to check my blog you'll see that I not only complain about my brother or about things that happen to me; I complain about everything I see that I don't like, and this post is a way of pushing a "re-start" button for the blog, because I've kept it in oblivion far too long. I hope you enjoy this. Good fight, good night.

PD: I see that I have new followers, and that I have a comment from someone I don't know! That is a first for this blog. I want to thank you all even if you don't come back again, just for taking your time to read at least one entry; and if you DO come back, well, like I said, I'll try and keep things running from now on.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010


I have been forced to make a decision that I don't want to take. I'm gonna have to ask something of my father. I don't want to have to feel like I owe him anything.

But I don't care. I have to not care. I have to... I must learn not to

Sunday, October 31, 2010


A long time ago I made myself a question, and that question was: Why do I even bother?

You see, I've lived all my life with a simple but strict code of conduct. I've tried to be the better man, always... Where has that led me? Well... Someone please answer. It wasn't a rhetorical question, I was actually asking you.
Back then the world was a very different place for me, I had RPGs, music, nakamas, rage, a jar of paint and crimson red lips. Back then I thought myself the better man. Recently I've been led to believe that perhaps I was mistaken. I've given out so much, to my friends, to my family, to people I don't even know; and what have I gotten in return? I have endured, sometimes silently, other rather loudly, so much, just for the sake of living in peace, and for what? I have tried to be a decent man in an indecent world and I have accomplished nothing. I have tried to be a pleasant man, and I have learned that the only way to life this life is the pirate way: take all what you can, give nothing back.

Back then I had an answer for my question... Today I have shit.
Why do I even bother? Why should I even try? I can't think of anything. Things have changed, they're not what they used to be, but that's not what bothers me. What bothers me, what fills me with emptiness, is the fact that there is nothing left for me; so why bother? I bet it all, I went all in, and I lost. I was wrong. I was living a dream. Sucks.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Interesting Times - Chapter 5: The Missing Piece

Iuchi Li-Hsu was an impish, skinny and wild looking young lady, who refuses to wear fancy women's kimonos and rather go around with bared arms. Thus she was considered a barbarian, something the members of the Unicorn Clan were all used to, but, to her dishonor, she was now and then confused with a prostitute by those without the knowledge of heraldry and samurai insignia.

She rode her gaijin steed a fast as she could, only stopping to rest when absolutely necessary, galloping hard to reach the Ojatara Valleys to meet with Isawa Hideyori, another member of her team of Magistrates. But also in Ojatara waited Shosuro Naoko, her half-sister and the only person in the world whose approval Li-Hsu desired. She needed to get to her destination as fast as possible, the information she carried with her was of the direst importance to Hideyori, her sister and everyone else in her team.

About a week ago she had met with Isawa Hideyori in Kyden Ashinagabachi. He has requested of her, to go to Kyuden Hida and meet with certain people and ask about a young Phoenix woman called Asako Shiori. Shiori, and a Scorpion named Bayushi Bijomaru, had met with someone there, and just weeks later Bijomaru had gone missing and just recently Shiori had killed herself with taint in her veins. Li-Hsu was determined to find out what had happened... What she found was a secret kept by the Kuni Witch Hunters for half a decade.
50 years ago Kyuden Hida had been plagued by deceit, politics and passionate revenge when, in winter court, it suffered an attack by Doji Nashiko, The Demon Bride of Fu-Leng, an enemy far more cunning, evil and just immensely powerful than anything Kyuden Hida had faced before.

She was stopped, however, by brave samurai that gave their own lives to protect Rokugan. And what was the price paid? Hida Kisada himself demanded that the named of those heroes be struck from history, so that future generation never knew of what had happened in winter court. Their bodies were cremated and put to rest in a secret tomb not far from Kyden Hida...
Now, after 50 years, someone had found and defiled that tomb and left a message written in blood on the walls... As soon as she read that, she ran to the cave entrance, got on her horse and rushed to The Castle of the Emerald Champion.
She had to warn her team.
She had to warn her half-sister.

Author's Note:
- Gaijin
- Kuni With Hunters
- Kyuden Hida
- Hida Kisada

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Interesting Times - Chapter 4: Revelations II

3 weeks have passed since Asako Shiori had the vision in which she killed Bayushi Bijomaru.

Moto Yoshihiro, an expert horse rider from the Unicorn Clan, was now 27 years old, ten years older than what he was when he participated in the Tournament of The Topaz Champion. He was sent to Kyuden Ashinagabachi, the palace of the Tsuruchi family of the Mantis Clan. The finest archers in all of Rokugan and some of the best magistrates were trained in this lands; his orders came from his superior, Doji Himeko, and it was a simple task: Gather Isawa Hideyori, a powerful shugenja of the Phoenix Clan who had recently joined the ranks of the Asako Inquisitors, and Shiba Shinamori, his Yojimbo, and return to the castle of the Emerald Champion with them.
Yoshihiro met the people he was sent to gather at the aforementioned Tournament where they also met Bayushi Bijomaru and other individuals with whom they had work in the past 10 years.

Moto Yoshihiro met with Isawa Hideyori, not in his residence, but in the residence of another contestant from 10 years ago, Tsuruchi Kanjiro. However, Yoshihiro didn't just come inside a residence, it was a crime scene. He found Isawa wounded but alive, unlike Shiba Shinamori - he had been thrown like a thing in the floor.

Shinamori had his chest pierced by two arrows and had wounds that seem made by a clawed beast while Hideyori, whose arm was cut deep, was giving orders to a male servant.
"Isawa-san, what have happened here?". The answer was simple "Go into next room, Moto-san, and you will see"
He did as he was told. When he walk into what was an ordinary room like any other in Rokugan he saw the body of a man, sitting in the floor with his back against a wall, his left hand a bit disfigured as his fingers did not end in nails but in black claws... the man was most burnt and a wakizashi had been trusted into his chest. From the wound blood as black as night still poured down.

In awe Yoshihiro turned to his friend "What is this? Seem like this room belongs not here but in Jigoku! Who is that man lying there?"
"That my friend..." said Hideyori " ...would be Tsuruchi Kanjiro, you remember him right? Doji-Sama sent me here to track down a rumor about workers of Maho, turns out that our old friend was it. When Shiba-San and I confronted him he fought, he killed my yojimbo and he nearly kills me. I pinned him down with my wakizashi, which was all that kept me free from taint, and then burned him where he stood. I've healed myself and I've already made arrangements to have him and Shiba-san cremated before sunset".
"This is madness, I knew this man, I would have never suspected that he worked maho".
The shugenja smiled and said "You're a bushi friend, a good one, and a good samurai too, but some busyness are better left in the hands of other people" "Meaning?" Said Yoshihiro
"Meaning, friend, that you clearly outmatch my skill with the sword, but when it comes to gathering info... I have a little help from the kami".

There was silence for a moment.

Then the Phoenix spoke "There was another death, besides Shiba-san and Tsuruchi Kanjiro, another one of my clan died. Asako Shiori, remember her?"
The eyes of Yoshihiro widened "Yes, she was barely 20 winters"
"She was also an Inquisitor, it appears that she got the taint from Tsuruchi Kanjoro. She took her own life this morning, yet her body looks as if it had been decomposing for weeks. What foul things can the taint cause on a human body".
The horseman came close to the Phoenix "It is most unfortunate, Isawa-San, however we must return at once to the castle of The Emerald Champion, Doji Himeko-Sama has sent me to summon you... It's a shame that Shiba-San wont be joining us".
The shugenja looked in the eyes of the one sent to summon him, that look made Yoshihiro uncomfortable
"Is there something wrong, Isawa-San" "Tsuruchi Kanjiro said something that puzzles me, he didn't called me or Shiba-San by our names" "What do you mean" Asked the Unicorn.
"He called us Isawa Hoken and Matsu Kei"
"The ravings of a madman perhaps?"

"Perhaps, but I shall look into it later"


In case you're wondering:
- Asako Inquisitors
- Tournament of The Topaz Champion
- Emerald Champion

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Interesting Times - Chapter 3: Revelations I

It had been days since Shiori had that dream in which she killed her host. She had left Kyuden Toketsu on her way to Kyuden Hida some days ago and Bijomaru insisted on traveling with her claiming that he knew someone in Kyden Hida that might help on her research - It seemed suspicious, but perhaps he could actually help, in fact, he had been of great help with Tenkai's poisoning so maybe, just maybe, he was being sincere. In truth Bijomaru was actually trying to gain some favors with her and take credit for any discovery she might make, those were his ways, but nothing he could do would make Shiori disgusted enough as to send him away.

Now in Kyuden Hida, she knew she was on the right track when she found herself surrounded by walls made of stone bricks and wooden doors, for those exact same things she had seen in her first vision. For Shiori time went by like the wind when she was reading scrolls and, after 3 days of reading she decided to go for a walk and clear her mind. Her investigations had revealed nothing, her trip was for naught. She felt frustrated.

Bijomaru saw her and walked to her. He knew how to read people and how to take advantage of them - seeing her frustration he thought the time was right to stung her, not with his tail but with something deadlier still: his tongue.
"I am not skilled in poetry milady, but, were I skilled in it, I'd sure dedicate a haiku to you right now" "Why would you trouble yourself to that point for someone you barely know? I hope you're not courting me Bayushi-San" said Shiori
"Nothing of the sort milady, I just thought I might cheer you up. You might not have found anything yet, but I can assure you will find a clue when you least expect it"
Shiori eyed Bijomaru for a moment and said "I must apologize to you Bayushi-San. All I do is question your motives".
Bijomaru gave the slightest of bows to Shiori "My reputation precedes me, however, as a token of my good will, I have set up a meeting with someone you might like to a have a little talk to. You see I know someone that owes me a favor, this man, Tsuruchi Kanjiro is the descendant of someone in the Crab Clan that might shed light in your investigation... You must know that all of the Clans have it's secrets, but secrets can be bought"
Shiori didn't approved of Bijomaru's ways, however she believed that this secrets might help save the lives of thousands, and so she bowed to Bijomaru and said 4 words that, in the presence of Bijomaru, she had learned to say repeatedly... "I'd be honored to"

Friday, January 29, 2010

Vienna, during The Week of Nightmares

Vienna. 1999. 2 minutes to midnight.
The man have been sitting there in the same bench since sundown, thinking.
This man is one who's been battling for his entire life, and his unlife had been no different. the first thing he did as one of the damned was claw his way out of a coffin and 6 feet of dirt driven by the hunger he, and all of his kind, always felt. Tonight he fought another battle, although this one was not gonna leave any scars, at least not on his skin.
His mind went back and fort in time recalling memories of days long gone by and some other more recent, he thought of himself and his sire. He loathed that man, the only thing that gave purpose to his existence was the need he felt to kill him, Andrea di Montisello, the Cainite that created him.
The last time he saw his sire was the night he betrayed him. He could remember that night in Marseilles. That night Andrea di Montisello had performed the Amaranth.
Marko asked "Why have you drained him? They will hunt you now! And this man was your friend, he saved your ass more than once, you've said so yourself!!".
The answer was "Why? You of all people should know Marko... Gehenna is comming and I DO NOT want to be the meal of someone more powerful than me. The time will come when you'll have to the same: it's eat or be eaten! You ask me why I did this? It's because of who we are... We are monsters!".
He never saw him again, and he's been hunting him since.

His mind kept wondering.
More recently he stood in a plaza in Vienna looking at a girl whose type would be considered EMO years later. The woman, Paula, was depressed to her very core, her mind was set on ending her existence - she also was one of the damned. Just a couple of hours before Marko gave her a lesson on who she was. He had stolen a child from the arms of his mother and gave him to Paula, put a gun to her head and said "Drink Paula".
After a few seconds of hesitation, she drank a little. He said "That's not what I meant, suck him dry. Feed. You too must feel the hunger".
"I wont do it Marko, he's just a kid, I refuse to!" Said her.
"FEED DAMN IT!! I know you work on the hospital so you can feed on the terminal patients, but that is not who we are! 'The merciful death' huh? Just like Louis... Let me let you in a little secret you pathetic waste of meat, we're Vampires, we're the damned! There's no good in our souls, we are monsters!" He made emphasis on those last 3 words, as if trying to get her to understand.
His words drew Paula into a rage, controlled by the beast within her she slaughtered the boy in her frenzy while Marko laughed as he saw what was left of her humanity slip through her fingers like that child's blood.
"We are monsters".
Andrea had told him that in Marseilles.

Finally he thought of a little girl. She was 8 years old, or so it seemed. She was Marko's new childe. He was forced to embrace her, there was still innocence in her. He thought of Andrea and realized he had become the same monster he had been trying to kill for such a long time. Rage almost took a hold on him, the park was full with people, his vision turned red, he began to lose it as the beast took over and then, then he thought of that little girl again. That thought made him calm down little by little until he was in full control once more.
He was going to kill Andrea, yes, but he wasn't gonna let that girl endure the hardships of having a monster for a sire.

He got up and walked away thinking one last thing: "I am not like you, you son a bitch, I'm not gonna die a monster".

In case you're wondering
The Week of Nightmares

Sunday, January 24, 2010


The man's shirt read "The Ed Hunter Tour" along with a setlist of songs.
The man was on his knees and his flesh had been cut open several times by the claws of the ultimate predator, however he was not in danger of dying. Vampires don not bleed, they hardly feel pain at all, but this was different. His enemy was very much like him, and his blood could power the beast within to manifest in his body... These claws burned him, like only the sun and fire could burn his flesh.
The man looked up as his assailant grabbed him by the neck and said "Any last words comrade?". His accent was definitively from Russia.
The man said "Yes.... Checkmate comrade"
The sound of a gunshot could be heard in the room as a woman dressed in red stood behind the Russian and blew his brains with a chromed Mark XIX Desert Eagle.
Only a few people in the room had seen the woman in the room. Her blood could charm people's minds to ignore her until she draws attention to herself. She pushed the Russian aside with his feet, helped the man up and said "Are you ok Marko?"
The man saw a little girl a few feet away from him stand up with nothing more than a couple of bruises and said "Never better"