Saturday, November 16, 2013


Let me just be clear from the get go: I HATE POLITICS. I do, I really do; there is nothing that makes my rage go up as high and as quick as politics.... Well, maybe Emos, but they're not a problem these days.
Stupid Emos.
Anyway. On to the point.

The other day my dad was talking about the situation that's been going on here in the last few days, the whole ransacking shit. Some say it's this guy's fault other say it's the other guy's fault and to be honest I couldn't care less who's fault it is; bottom line is, some dude came up on TV and said "People, go nuts" and people went nuts. Now I know for a fact that merchants are making less money than they are expending, IF THEY MAKE MONEY AT ALL, because some people are just stealing shit! And my dad comes up and says, all triumphant, all filled with pride, like some super hero just got here to rescue us "The president of Fedecamaras asked the government to show record of whom they have delivered the dollars to", because, you know, if they got their merchandise at a "fair price" they should be selling at a "fair prize"... That's the government's excuse for all this; and if they happen to be making this up, that means they lose, right? I said to him "What does it matters if they have compelling evidence of everything they say the government have done wrong?". He just got mad a me and called me a pessimist, that we have to believe that something will happen. I've got news for you:


And nothing's happened, and nothing will EVER happen. No one will do anything. And you're stuck with this dude until A.- They all magically die... Unlikely, B.- Someone pulls a coup SUCCESSFULLY, C.- All hell breaks lose, or D.- We get a visit from Uncle Sam.

Like I told you before, I hate politics, all of it! At least the politics I am accustomed to... meaning they way they do politics here. Maybe politicians in other countries do their job well, but not here. I definitely don't like the guys in charge but I DO NOT like the other guys either. They're weak. They call themselves "opposing party", but it's more like "whining about others and do nothing party". "Oh, but, guaji... We want peace, and protect lives and all that hippie crap shit, not all out mayhem" Open your goddamn eyes. We have no peace, people die everyday... A LOT... we have none of that hippie crap, but instead we have all out mayhem. So what are we really protecting?

People. Lets face it. They all suck. They ALL have sucked. I mean, I only 30 years old, right? Some people (mainly old farts) may even call me a "kid". But I have a dad, and a mom, and I used to have a lot of grandparents, although now there's only one left alive. And my mom and dad have uncles and aunties... and I have known all of them, and their friends! I have sat down and talk to them. Old people. People that's 70 and 80 years old. And they have never talked nicely about ANY GOVERNMENT. In fact the last time I heard someone say something like "in those times, you could sleep with the front door open" or "people lived good" or "Venezuela moved forward economically" or "we had a great infrastructure development in that time", they were talking about Marcos Perez Jimenez.

And he was a dictator.


So. I've spoken my mind. Next time you're feeling like telling me "Maduro rocks" or "Maduro sucks", just don't, man. I hate politics. You don't see me telling religious people to quit their religion because I dislike it. You don't see me telling my brother how fucking awesome I think Metal is, because I know he doesn't like Metal. So please, PLEASE, do not talk to me about politics. Wanna write about it, do it! I'll just don't read it and we can all be happy. But one thing is to post something somewhere, and another VERY DIFFERENT thing is to sat down next to me and start a conversation saying "So, how about that Daka situation?". Don't do that, please. There's a lot of other interesting things to talk about.

Thank you in advance.

Yours truly:

1 comment:

cesar clamens said...

hay una frase muy sencilla para definir tu post yo quisiera q los politicos fueran paraliticos, pero en fin gobierno chiflado, oposicitores diarreicos y uno esperando q den la orden pa salir a dar batazos.