Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Someone told me once to tidy up my room... Well actually a lot of people have told me that, hell my mom says that to me every other day, but the point is that this girl, a friend of mine mind you, told me to tidy up my room because your room reflects how you're feeling inside.

Well inside must be pretty fucked up then.

The only problem with that is that, for something to be fucked up, there HAS TO be something. Otherwise it's just nothing.... Right, guys? Get it? Nothing?... Heheps heheps... Erm...
Anyways, what I'm trying to say is that these days there's this emptiness that fills me, however stupid and illogical that may sound. There's nothing. There, where a lot once was, nothing but shadows trying to hold on to some half forgotten identity remain.

You see, the older I get, the more things I have to give up, that's life. But I'm not an old man, no matter how much my friends joke about it. I'm only 30, and already have given up so much. And for what point and purpose? Maybe it's the beer talking, or maybe it's because I am so goddamn nervous about the stupid test I have to take this Sunday, or maybe it's everything that's been happening in this spec of land we call a country... But this sucks.

And yeah, I just quoted Rocky, and if you thinking about giving me an inspirational quote, like "It ain't about how hard you're hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward"... That's crap. I love those movies man, except for Rocky V of course... Piece of shit movie... But let's be realistic. Yeah, I can keep moving forward. I have shown you I can, man. The problem is the same problem that have been and the same problem that will ever be: Is it worth it?

I have no answer for that.

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