Thursday, February 08, 2007

That Pisses me Off, Part VIII

We have all seen and laughed with the "I must be emo" music video/flash/thing.
I recently saw that it was posted in so I saw it again and I laughed again... and then it happened, one of the comments was form an emo kid and was something like "why do you make fun of us", "we have feelings" and crap like that. Now notice that I just used the word "crap"... do you know why I used it? I'm gonna tell you.
I am a heavy metal-hard rocker-head banging guy; and the head bangers have been made fun of even before you emo kids even existed! People have made fun of head bangers since metal exist; because of the long hair, because of the glam bands, because how noissy metal is, how bad metal band trashed hotel rooms, how quickly ther marriages ended, how many times they went into rehab... and what did head bangers did when people laughed at them and made fun of them and were not taken seriuos? Did they sint and cry? Did they cut themselves? Did they log into and wrote about how shitty life was? NO!
Now lets put aside the music preferences and let us comepare the emo kids with me, ok? ok...
They say thay have problems with theis fathers. Ok dude you know who have had problems with his father? me... I even had to duck a fist once ok? And I'm glad my mom was there to stop us 'cuz we might have hurt ourselves badly... No kid... you don't have problems regarding your father, I have.
They say that people reject them. You don't know what rejection means untill you have lived what I went through in Caracas boy, not even my own mother would talk to me. Althoug I have to say, in your defense, that I've always been a loner by choice, so it didn't afect me that bad.
They say that people make fun of them. People make fun of me and my frineds can back that up, but what do I do when people make fun of me? Do I cry? Do I cut myself? No... I enjoy the moment and make fun of myself; the is nothing more stupid than to take oneself too seriously, you should make fun of yourself.
They say they are missunderstood and that nobody cares for them. I know for a fact that when people try to understand emo kids, the emo kids just walk away... I don't know why... maybe so they can go on saying that nobody understand/cares.
I think I made my point clear...

SO, children, this eight entry of my most famous "That Pisses me Off" is, as you already saw, to the emo culture. Im not againts emo music, although I think it's mediocre and sucks, and I am not against liking emo music... I am agains that idiotic way of living in wich you spend your days:
- Trying to convince everyone, even yourself, that you can and will commint suicide, when the thing that you fear most is death... specially your own.
- Self inflicting injury.
- Crying about everything that there is on this good earth.
- And so forth and so on...

Tune in next time, for "That Pisses me Off, Part IX... reaggeton"

Lyrics? Hell Yeah!
Children of Bodom
Hate Me!

I was born in ashes of molten hatred
Raised by demons in abodes of the dead
The Reaper's scythe I fall upon to light my path
Wrecked by mangled wounds of life
I have become become the resurrection of the Evil one
'Y know that I don't fucking care if I live or die

I need a bishop preaching fire to get away with my sins
I despise everything I see so I don't give a fuck if ya hate me

Ain't got respect for humanity
Never lived or wanted immortality
The Reaper's shadow I fall upon to obscure my path
Every day I'm being battered up until I bleed
You motherfuckers just leave me be
Ya could never give me cure for the pain I feel inside

Led by the Reaper I walk in the night
Show me the way to yer kingdom come

I believe in Armageddon, I've been baptised in alcohol
I'm enbodyment of Antichrist
I'm living for my own demise


KaritoGlam said...

okay... I might sound stupidm emo or whatever.

But I do know one thing... No one is better than others and no one has better rights. You're being a plain hater. I know there are some assholes around but hey, let live.

Emo kids do cry about they're miserable lives... maybe they're not emotionally as strong as u are. But I don't see them messing with other ppl unless their own group.

Hey, I'm weird to some ppl... most of ppl. And I don't care. Some say I should care at least a lil bit. And some make fun of me, and I don't care. But I also have my very depressive moments. And I'm a cutter. So u might call me "emo" but that's just me. I try to be all hippie, love & peace... but i'm human.

I know you got your problems, so does everyone else... But you can't expect everyone will react/think/feel as you do.

Just spoke my mind here.
Love it or Hate it.


Unknown said...

Yes we all have our depresive moments babe, and yes there are people that cut themselves or whatever and hey, I'm called a freak too... me... the one you call too normal...

I'm ok with that but I just can't live with such negative behavior. You say "let live" I'm letting live babe, I have not killed emos and I don't intend to... but the right to talk trash about what I dislike is mine and mine alone.

Might I remind you what I wrote at the end of my entry?
"I am agains that idiotic way of living in wich you spend your days"
I never said I was against someone in particular, ergo my hate it's not towards a gruop of people but to a lifestyle... like they say "hate the game, not the player" Im not hating the player, althoug I think it's stupid to play that game.

Hector Partidas said...

I'm officially naming your blog, "my happy place", it always makes me laugh.

Its idiotic how everyone thinks their life is worse than the next guys. No life is the same, so no life can be better or worse than the next persons... too bad no one seems to understand that...

Still... funny stuff... Although, i do believe there are way too many emos out there...

Animetronic said...

"Trying to convince everyone, even yourself, that you can and will commint suicide, when the thing that you fear most is death... specially your own."
I must admit that phrase is genious, kudos to you, my head banging friend.
As for emos, i really don't care, i make fun of them the same way i make fun of almost every single thing in life, why? cause my old poppa always told me to laugh at the world, or maybe it was a book, can't remember.
Anyway, in the issue of cutters (something even older than emo sub culture) im not gonna drop any thoughts in the grounds of not wanting to start a not wanted argument.
So, fuck emos, fuck their asses with a burning log. (now, thats a reason to cry)

Unknown said...

Well, yeah, we all have problems and we all have different ways to react. But for gods sake, have u seen their hair!? I mean, some of them have nice hair, but... others are just mean whit that beautiful thing that grown on their heads!

And yeah, we make fun of them bcuz we always make fun of everything.. the difference is that they take things personal... and that makes it even funnuer!

Hector Partidas said...

I'm going to take a burning log up my ass in the hopes it kills me cuz you made fun of my hair!!!!!

(Is that emo enough?)


What is emo? How do you define emo?

Unknown said...

ya bastaaa

que ladilla chamo, i love you to death, pero verga bajalaaa

los emo?
who cares?
creo que nadie mas que tu!


Unknown said...

I love you too kid, very very much; in fact you really have no idea how much... but like I said, the right to talk trash about what I dislike is mine and mine alone... so I'm just gonna keep on talking trash about whatever I feel like talking trash about untill those things disapear from existance or untill I die... whatever comes first. And if it is in fact as you say and no one really cares, then don't care about what I write and don't waste 2 minutes posting a comment.

KaritoGlam said...

This is plain stupid...
I support Ana here

You care more about emos than themselves!

Unknown said...

Like I said:

1.- I'm not hating he player, Im hating the game... and I think that whoever lives by that filosophy, be it emo or not, is stupid.

2.- If it is in fact as you say and no one really cares, then don't care about what I write and don't waste 2 minutes posting a comment.

Unknown said...

Jajaja... calmate guaji.
Es tu blog, y lo que sea que escribas (aun cuando siempre sean quejas que te quitan energias jiji) me gusta leerlo.

Me tomo dos minutos posteandote un comment? me tardo mas si incluyes el leer los post. Pero que me importa? No vale, es tu blog asi escribas mierda de mierda y te quejes de que las quejas no sabes para que existen, y termines escribiendo un post que no tiene un sentido logico ni para y y luego, escribas otro quejandote de lo enredado que seria llevar un blog etc etc etc... Aun asi vendria leeria y me tardaria 1 2 o 3 minutos comentandote

Solo relajate

Delirium said...

Yuppie guajiiii!!!
Sigue quejandote, aunque se pierdan energias haciendolo es bueno hacerlo! Yo lo hago y se duerme mejor!

Todo es bueno y malo en la vida, es solo la manera en que se vea para ti o los demas lo que determina la vision de cada cual!!!
Bloggear lo que te de la gana es tu derecho!

Te quiero muchisisisisisisimo guaji!!!

Silvermoon said...

Hey hey, i support guaji here OK? many ways..
1. This is guaji´s space to say wutever he wants to say (dont give to many details :P).
2.Emos SUCKS!!!, u wanna know why?, for the simple reason that u cant have an stupid attitude to something so big as...LIFE... if u werent alive u werent urself, got my point?... if u dont like life, and u think that u r doomed or wutever then kill urself man, wtf!!!, everyone have problems, every-fuckin-one, but u see ourselves being plain stupid or down all the time? NO!!!, u dont!!, because it is to "llamar la atencion"!!!, to be all down and "huy won". Thats wut pisses me off, that all they want is to be seen with their attitude...
Fuck emos!!!