Friday, August 14, 2009

That Pisses Me Off - Part XII

I am not a Christian guy... I once was, really, but somewhere along the road, I grew up and realized it was not for me. Why you ask?... I'll tell you why
*Cheap Talk show music playing*
Hello and welcome to a new Edition of "That Pisses Me Off"; I'm your host, guAji, and after a long absence I AM BACK!

As I said before, I am not Christian, and here's why.
1.- Today's been a year since my great grandmother's death, and my family set up a service in her name and shit, so I went to pay my respect to her. Now, for the 3rd time today, I'm not Christian, and I was the better behaved person in the building! Everyone was joking around, paying more attention to their phones that to the service and I even saw a guy sleeping... what the fuck kind of behavior is that? The worst part is that God is so merciful that he'd forgive that kind of behavior ... Wake up stupid! That's not a merciful God, that's a stupid one! everyone goes around committing sin after sin after sin, then you can repent at the moment of death and you'll get a free ticket to heaven? It's disrespectful and no one does anything about it; so 1st reason: The Christians are little shits

2.- Today, at church also, I had to listen to the priest rant on about how homosexuality is against God and shit, that homosexual relationships are not allowed in the Kingdom of Heaven and stuff because God said so. Wake up you over educated alleged virgin old fart, times change! You can't be that close minded; or do you plan another inquisition and witch hunts and stuff? You guys burned people because they were suspected of witchcraft, and that was because IT WAS AGAINST GOD and God said so.... So committing murder is Ok? Isn't one of the 10 commandments Thou shall not kill? Shit, it weren't for open minded people you'd still be burning "witches". So, reason number 2: Close mindedness and hypocrisy

3.-I really can't be a part of a religion that tells me I'm useless, or that I have no power whatsoever over my life and I must leave it in the hands of God! In Christianity you always get phrases like "God, I'm not worthy...", "forgive me God, I'm only human" and so on and so forth, and the proof of that is this prayer:
Our Father in Heaven, Hallowed be your Name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done, On earth as in Heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins As we forgive those Who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation But deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, And the glory are yours Now and forever. Amen.
Lets take a closer look, shall we?
Our Father in Heaven, Hallowed be your Name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done, On earth as in Heaven. -I'm not quite comfortable with HIS will being done just because, but I can live with that -Give us today our daily bread. - Why? can't you work for your own? - Forgive us our sins As we forgive those Who sin against us. - Why should he forgive you? Just because? Wouldn't it better NOT TO SIN? - Lead us not into temptation - Grow up! Walk away yourself - But deliver us from evil. - I've told you already, walk away from there and DO NOT SIN, weakling! - For the kingdom, the power, And the glory are yours Now and forever. - So everything is his? Nothing I do is worth shit because it not his work? -Amen.
So reason number 3: That religion underestimates people so that they turn blindly to the Church for guidance.... I wont be a sheep. I'm sorry.

Now lets be clear, I have nothing against God, or his son or whatever; in fact I think that a guy'd send his own son to die for such stupid would be followers really cares about shit you know? Although sending your own fucking son is kind of harsh... But the point is: It's not God, I just dislike Christianity, that's all.


KaritoGlam said...

I agree with you on all this.

And on that homosexual part: I don't see it as "times has change". Homosexuality has being there forever, since mankind... Yes, morals were a huge deal back then.
BUT, that's not my problem bout it. My problem with this religion according to homosexuality is the fact that they clearly reject them.
So, where the hell did the "unconditional love" go? Are you telling me that you can love killers but not homosexuals; and in fact, reject them, demand them to change, and even say they're ill? ...Seriously, WTF?
Maybe they should look for that word in a dictionary...


Unknown said...

By "Times change" I didn't mean "homosexuals are ok now, but were not before"

I mean that people used to be WAY more close minded than they are now and it sucks that homosexuals, or any other group of discriminated people, were discriminated in the past. Now, they still get discrimination, but, not thanks to the Christian Church, people is more open to things and I really think that's something good: the fact that humanity in general can accept different things, even if it is at a slow pace, is good... what's not good, and what the Church doesn't do, is precisely that: Learn to accept things.

And by the way, funny fact; where did the Church, as an institution, began? Rome! Yes Rome, the romans stole the Church from the people in order to control them, and guess what? Rome was filled with homosexuals... Take Caligula for example, just to name one.

Hector Partidas said...

Amen Brother! Amen! hehehe see what I did there?!

Seriously though, I've always said (always as in, since 5 or so years til the time this was written) that that particular prayer is an Ode to uselessness or total, complete and utter complaince.

I truthfully believe that socialism/communism was built on that prayer, its very disheartening.

Anyway, right on with everything you said bro. Right on.

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