Thursday, November 10, 2005

long time no see...

Well... my uncle, who live a house away from me, got his computer fixed up and now I can practically long in every day... good news huh?
anyway, this is the second time this week I tried to post something here, and since the first time this shit didn't worked and i lost 30 minutes writing stuff for nothing, I WILL keep it short this time.

About me I can say that a lots of stuff have happened the last 2 weeks or so, stuff that I would never thought that could happen; and it's been good, because that has gotten me up a bit! I've got to say that i kind of miss some things that were taken away from me... but I think it's better this way, or at least I want to believe that this way is better. Closing words on this subject: I love you both.
In other news; in the bleach RPG I am on, I got my Shikai yesterday (I "awoke" the spit of my sword and it told me his name "Arashimaru")... that was my second try and to tell the truth I never thought I could get it so fast, so that means I'm doing a good job I guess.
Well guys, it's closing time; but first I'm gonna translate some email i got from a friend which will make you laugh a bit...

Saving the Princess
ok lets suppose this "there is a beautiful princess, trapped in a high castle, guarded by a terrible and giant dragon... and her hero comes to the rescue..." here is how it would end depending on the stile of music the hero listens to:

the hero arrives at the castle riding a beautiful Pegasus (winged white horse), evades the dragon, rescues the princess and flies away with her into the horizon where they make love and live happily ever after.

the hero arrives at the castle with his shining blade, has an epic battle with the dragon which ends in death for the dragon. Then the hero goes up the castle and, all bathed in blood, has sex with the princess.

the hero arrives at the castle with the biggest jar ever made by man, filled with beer. Fights the dragon and kills it, then goes up the castle to the princess and humps her... and then walks away in search for more beer.

the hero comes riding a Harley Davidson, slays the dragon and then a a few drinks with the princess before having sex with her. latter the hero gets a tattoo to remember the whole thing

the hero arrives with a bunch of friends, all playing weird instruments like: piano, violin, flutes and stuff... after a while the dragons gets tires from all the dancing and chanting and falls asleep and the the hero goes away... without the princess

The hero comes to the castle in a boat, kills the dragons with an axe, cooks it and then eats it. Then he rapes the princes, plunders the cattle and burns everything before he leaves

The hero comes, slays the dragon, humps the princes, kills her and goes the fuck away holing like some animal

the hero appears in a thin fog in the middle of the night and kills the dragon with the help of Satan, and then they impale the dragon in the castle courtyard. later he goes to the princess and sodomizes her and the he grabs a blade, cut her and drinks her blood in some weird ritual before he kills her. the he finds out she is not a virgin and impales her next to the dragon

the guy comes, kills the dragon, goes up the castle and humps the princess, then he kills her, then he humps her again and he burns her... then he humps her again and then buries her, and then he desecrate the grave and fucks her again. afterwards he eats her.

the guy comes in, look at the dragons size, gets all suppressed and kills himself

the guy throws a stone at the dragon and runs away because he heard the police coming... latter he paints graffiti all over the castle.

the guy comes and plays 26 minutes guitar solo boring the dragon to death, then goes up to the princes and plays another virtuoso solo making the princess to run away in search for the heavy metal hero

the guy comes in a red muscle car along with 2 big breasted blondes, slays the dragon with a knife and then have sex with all 3 girls

the guy comes and the dragon looks at him and starts laughing his ass out... the hero goes to the princess steals all her make up and hair products and escapes while the dragon is still laughing

i hope you like that stuff... it killed me...
well thats all for now... stay tuned for more

....dekite iru ka? Ikimashou Arashimaru!!

1 comment:

KaritoGlam said...

That thingie made me laugh so damn hard. It's hilarious!

I love you so much, boy. And I'm deeply sorry.