Wednesday, February 23, 2011

That Pisses me Off, Part XIII

Hello children, it's been some time since I last wrote one of this post, but the thing is that I've been trying to live a more tolerant life. Well no, not more tolerant, but more "complain free". But there is this thing that's been bothering me for a while, and I've tried to leave it alone - believe me - but I can't hold it anymore. Twilight really really pisses me off.


Because Vampires monsters dammed by God to not see the light of the day, to draw nourishment only from blood and to live forever, to see the world change and not being able to really change themselves, to watch everything and everyone they love die and crumble to dust. These are the children of the night, but not emo or goth like, no no... Real spawns of darkness because, unlike emos and goths, they WERE cast out from the light! Vampires are the stuff of nightmare, like Dracula or Orlok (whom is pretty much Dracula himself) not EMPTY, PLASTIC, SPARKLY AND STUPID SEX SYMBOLS!!

nuff said.

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