Sunday, January 11, 2009

It's been TOO long!

Hello children, welcome back and get ready for a lesson on life
We all saw "Click" right? If not, then you should... But the point is: I want a remote like that.
-Do I want to control life as the dude did on the movie? No.
-Do I want to fast forward everything boring/annoying? No!
Then why guAji? Why do you want a remote like that? Easy.. In fact, I'll answer that question with more questions

- Have the TV ever did something wrong? Nope.
- Let's say you are watching a game... Does it change the channel so you can't watch the game? Never.

I could go on and on, but I think I've made my point.
TVs are the most well behaved thing in your house! If you yell they don't tell you to shut up, If you are tired of the TV you just turn it off, it doesn't criticize you, If you are bored well the TV is there for you! The TV rules! Why? Because it comes with a remote...
Imagine that you could just turn your father off when he comes yelling and being obnoxious when he knows you have a migraine... Imagine you could set a timer on yourself! Say good bye to waking up late or having trouble going to sleep!
People HAVE GOT TO be more like TVs!

And you know what? I have been keeping it quiet, for the last year I have said nothing, but enough is enough... And I don't care what you think! I'll complain my ass off if I want to....
I bet you are wishing to have a remote to mute me or something, huh?
That felt good


KaritoGlam said...

Well, yeah. TVs are cool, but it'd be just way too easy, and since life's a bitch and unfair, btw, we are screwed.

Machines tend to be better than actual ppl sometimes, no wonder our lives are kinda ruled by them.

Go solo, at least that way you don't get fuckers the chance to mess with you.

Unknown said...

Hey don't get me wrong, people have the right to yell and be obnoxious... after all this is a free country... mostly...

What I am saying is: Learn when you can yell and be obnoxious because the minute you start bothering someone... well... that someone might just shoot you

After all, in this mostly free country, apparently people can shoot each other

Unknown said...

you should write like this more often... but you don't and we both might know the reason...

anyway i think it's great... not the remote control idea, or that TVs are great, but the fact that you talked about something that maybe you didn't even see here: hell yea we all have the power to control things and we should all learn how to do it (PNL, IE)... if not "five drinks and a season of surrending"
