Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Meet Jürgen

When I am watching a Germany game, there is no better place to be than in company of this guy: Jürgen. I know I can count on him to be there and scream with me
He is the most hardcore fan ever! Look at him! He is always cheering, it does not matter how many goals Klose fails or how long it takes the DT to put Schweinsteiger to play, he is always supporting his team.

If you have not realized it yet, this is just a joke. I hope I made you laugh; but let it be written and let it be known: I DO watch the games with this little dude nearby; and you should probably get one like this to match your team!


Doub** said...

finally a pic of Jürgen!! i've been waiting to know this little guy since you first told me about him.
hardcore fan indeed.

i should drop by your place someday and watch a game with you and him.

KaritoGlam said...

So you got your own German Cheerleader, huh? =D


Unknown said...

Yes indeed, there is just one little problem... I can't really understand what he says

Doub** said...

something tells me that not the kind of cheerleader he'd like to have around...