Sunday, November 04, 2007

That Pisses Me Off - Part XI

Hello children. As you know I am a guy who likes to complain about stuff.... a LOT... and you have been able to see that I do complain a lot indeed thanks to the "That Pisses Me Off" posts.
Now, after all this time I have come to acknowledge one thing... I don't like when people tell me that I complain a lot... so as of right now I am concluiding the "That Pisses Me Off" series. This will be it's last entry! Really no more complains from me; unless of course it's something out of the ordinary... in that case I would writte something up, but it'll have to be something reaaaaaally anoying.... like my gramma or the emo (that means only 2 posts out of 11 that I have written would get published).

There.... I don't like when people tell me that I complain too much so I'm not complaing anymore. Say goodbye to the "That Pisses Me Off" posts, althoug I don't think anyone would miss them.

Lyrics? You wouldn't get it... So I'll post a video.


KaritoGlam said...

woohoo! This is the best post xD
Yay for not complains

Unknown said...

no se que tanto sentido tiene, digo fino que no vas a quejarte mas. Pero cual es tu razon? lo haces para que la gente deje de decirte que te quejas de mas? No deberias dejar de hacerlo entonces.

Deberias dejar de quejarte porque te llena de negatividad a ti, no a los demas, eso deberia importarte muy poco.

Por otro lado, puedes dejar de postear sobre quejas, pero eres como eres y en la vida seguiras quejandote de cosas que te molestan; eres quien eres... y asi se te quiere.

Lo de "deja de quejarte" es mas entre bromas y consejo, pero solo si vas a dejar de hacerlo por las razones verdaderas.


Doub** said...

creo que en esto apoyo a valen.
si es annoying para los demas q alguien viva quejandose, pero yo soy igual, me quejo demasiado, hasta de lo bueno.
and i know most people hates it, but here i am, you know i can't keep my mouth shut. so...
i'd apply "yay for no complains" ONLY if you wouldn't actually FEEL like complaining anymore...

and there's someone who will miss them: me.
i like your rants.


Unknown said...

Well ship my ass to the big red China, the subtitles are in english! I expected them to be in japanese... oh well...

Hector Partidas said...

Guaji... y ahora que voy a leer en tu blog, That pisses me off, era la vida de tu blog!!!

Complain all you want, we may live in a near communist country, but the internet is free!