Sunday, December 10, 2006

That Pisses me Off, Part VII

My Gramma...
She has won the award to "the most anoying thing on earth"... She is even more anoying than mimes, it has gotten to the point where even my father can't stand her; and although it's funny to hear my dad YELL at her, everyone knows that it has to be VERY bad that even he is anoyed.... I'm gnna tell you why.
My dad is a mama's boy, always has been.... he is just a spoiled little brat to the point where, as a kid, he would ground me when I told him stuff like "gramma is being mean to me"; she has always been a bitch, she has always mistreated me, my bro and my mom and then went and denyed everything so she could be an angel in the eyes of my father.... and now, after 57 years my dad is finding out what a bitch his mother is.
Foe those who missed the pilot, my gramma hsa a bad knee, actually pretty bad, and 3 years ago she fell and broke her hip; the got surgery for the hip and got it fixed but when she was going to have a surgery for her knee , she even refused going to the hospital to get an X-RAY out of fear. So the knee got worse and worse and last week she fell 4 times and hurt her ankle and now she can't stand up... what do you say to that?
Now she is playing victim, she makes scenes complaining about everything; if anyone other that my dad touches her she screams in pain claiming that she is being hurt and not even my dad belives her... and the fact that she smokes 2 packs of cigarettes a day isn't gonna help with her health.
This my be the 7th entry I make of the things that pisses me, but I should have put this here a long time ago...

Lyrics? I can't find one fitting for this...


Unknown said...

By the way, she just told me she is moving with my aunt... that means Coro baby... a lot of miles away from me!

KaritoGlam said...

That's freaking good then.

She's not gonna bug you anymore.
And hopefully, you'll have another thing less that piss you off.


Unknown said...

She is leaving on staurday... I hope everything goes as planed

Unknown said...

A ver...
No la conozco, ni la he tratado
pero se algo:
los viejos son viejos
y, no me tomes a mal, pero viendote a ti y a tu papa no me parece inusual que ella sea asi de malcriada y quejona.

Te quiero mucho, pero no quisiera verte viejo: Como ella o peor, si alguna vez te has preguntado por que eres tan malcriado y quejon, bueno mira a tu abuela y quizas encuentres unas respuestas.

Es una vieja hon... a TODOS los viejos les da la vaina fuerte, y bueno digamos que tu abuela ha preferido vivir sola y amargada por razones que solo ella conocera, y tu que? que vas a hacer para cambiarla? Nada, primero porque no puedes y segundo porque ES UNA VIEJA y ya su tiempo de "servir para los demas" paso, les toca a uds calarsela.

No me parece que, por mas desgraciada que sea te expreses asi de tu familia, no se pero creo que tus valores familiares van mas alla que esto, y no me vengas con que "es que ella!!!!!"... ella nada, vuelvo y repito Es.Una.Vieja. No creo que haya algo que puedas decirme que me haga pensar como hablas aqui.

Disculpa si esto suena a regano, pero alguien tiene que empujarte un poco mas... Y siempre has apreciado mi honestidad y sinceridad en lo que digo.


Jac said...

mmm what a familiar situation..this indeed means i hava double gift waitning for me, i can see glimpses of that.. how the old take advantage on age to make mischief and deny it later...but in the house of pain and black such crap i don't put up with

it's nice to see your burden splits and goes adrift..

Unknown said...

me linkeaste
that feels... nice
Thank you hon...