I want a lot of stuff actually... A new game console, an Mp3 player would do great, a new cellphone, another tattoo... those things are cool, but what I really want is evolution.
I cannot stand the stupidity of the people of this country, the same stupidity that have led generations to finally arrive at where we are now... Im tired of that "viveza criolla" or whatever you may call it, I can't belive that in this country you can "purchase" your driver's licence, or that you can get any movie you want, EVEN THE ONES THAT HAVE NOT BEEN RELEASED YET! Streetlights are useless here; if you have a bussines then be sure that your employees WILL take home pens, pencils and whatever their children may need to finish homework. I live on a country where people litter and then complains about how dirty the city is.
I find myself guilty of some of theese charges, not all of them, but I am not inocent... and let me tell you something: if we don't change, the only thing that awaits us is compleate oblivion.
What I want for Xmast is a change in everyone's mind, we need to be better peope, and do not tell me that it can't be done, because when we leave the country we behave like perfect citizens... so my question is: wy can't we behave like good people all the time?
Anyway, I may be just talking the truth here or maybe it is the vodka talking... Im gonna go but just think of what I just said.
No lyrics.
P.S.: Of course I linked you, yours is the best blog ever hon.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Sunday, December 10, 2006
That Pisses me Off, Part VII
My Gramma...
She has won the award to "the most anoying thing on earth"... She is even more anoying than mimes, it has gotten to the point where even my father can't stand her; and although it's funny to hear my dad YELL at her, everyone knows that it has to be VERY bad that even he is anoyed.... I'm gnna tell you why.
My dad is a mama's boy, always has been.... he is just a spoiled little brat to the point where, as a kid, he would ground me when I told him stuff like "gramma is being mean to me"; she has always been a bitch, she has always mistreated me, my bro and my mom and then went and denyed everything so she could be an angel in the eyes of my father.... and now, after 57 years my dad is finding out what a bitch his mother is.
Foe those who missed the pilot, my gramma hsa a bad knee, actually pretty bad, and 3 years ago she fell and broke her hip; the got surgery for the hip and got it fixed but when she was going to have a surgery for her knee , she even refused going to the hospital to get an X-RAY out of fear. So the knee got worse and worse and last week she fell 4 times and hurt her ankle and now she can't stand up... what do you say to that?
Now she is playing victim, she makes scenes complaining about everything; if anyone other that my dad touches her she screams in pain claiming that she is being hurt and not even my dad belives her... and the fact that she smokes 2 packs of cigarettes a day isn't gonna help with her health.
This my be the 7th entry I make of the things that pisses me, but I should have put this here a long time ago...
Lyrics? I can't find one fitting for this...
She has won the award to "the most anoying thing on earth"... She is even more anoying than mimes, it has gotten to the point where even my father can't stand her; and although it's funny to hear my dad YELL at her, everyone knows that it has to be VERY bad that even he is anoyed.... I'm gnna tell you why.
My dad is a mama's boy, always has been.... he is just a spoiled little brat to the point where, as a kid, he would ground me when I told him stuff like "gramma is being mean to me"; she has always been a bitch, she has always mistreated me, my bro and my mom and then went and denyed everything so she could be an angel in the eyes of my father.... and now, after 57 years my dad is finding out what a bitch his mother is.
Foe those who missed the pilot, my gramma hsa a bad knee, actually pretty bad, and 3 years ago she fell and broke her hip; the got surgery for the hip and got it fixed but when she was going to have a surgery for her knee , she even refused going to the hospital to get an X-RAY out of fear. So the knee got worse and worse and last week she fell 4 times and hurt her ankle and now she can't stand up... what do you say to that?
Now she is playing victim, she makes scenes complaining about everything; if anyone other that my dad touches her she screams in pain claiming that she is being hurt and not even my dad belives her... and the fact that she smokes 2 packs of cigarettes a day isn't gonna help with her health.
This my be the 7th entry I make of the things that pisses me, but I should have put this here a long time ago...
Lyrics? I can't find one fitting for this...
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
For you
Someday someone will best me, but it's not gonna be anytime soon and it will definately NOT be you...
Monday, December 04, 2006
...And now the strom.
Seems that I wont be missing the battles anymore...
But really kids, did you really thought that he would just take the blow honorably and accept defeat? I got up at 7am, put some clothes on, crossed the street and waited 3 hours in line to vote for El Maracucho; but I did it because it is my right AND my duty, but the minute I woke up I knew this was going to happen...
Geo you say that waiting on him to die is the only solution, others say that we need to stay peacefull, others to hope for the fraud to be discovered, some people say that they will leave Vzla... In my opinion only the last one is a valid choice, but is it not fit for me...
First: he wont just die! Bad people never die; look at Castro for fuck's sake, how long was Sadam in Iraq before Bush Jr.? Where on earth is Osama?... forget about waiting on him to die.
Second: do you remember La Mesa de Negociaciones y Acuerdos.... yeah I remember, It failed because there is no negotiating with him or his minions; he is just a power hungry FAILED couper that has bee trying to get to this since 1992... remember his own words "...POR AHORA..."
Third: children, do you remember El Referendum? We won, we know it, there was a leak of info and a book containg all the details was made and publish and all... and what happened? He wipped his ass with the book, and took it of the streets... that is why we don't see the bloody book in the bookstores.
Now, what do I think that people should do? We can't just take it! The closest we've been to getting rid of him was when we wher on the streets... we NEED to get back on the streets people! But this time we can't let some old fart to blow it; yes, by old fart I mean Carmona Estanga, he blew it.
Now must come the storm, we have to fight by whatever means we have, we cannot just stay dull and wait on him to say that people love him so much that he will no make anymore elections... come on the bastard's been there for 8 years and he calls that only one presidential period!!
I cannot let this happen... yet I am but one man...
There are no words in english nor in spanish nor in any of the languages created by men for such treachery.
But really kids, did you really thought that he would just take the blow honorably and accept defeat? I got up at 7am, put some clothes on, crossed the street and waited 3 hours in line to vote for El Maracucho; but I did it because it is my right AND my duty, but the minute I woke up I knew this was going to happen...
Geo you say that waiting on him to die is the only solution, others say that we need to stay peacefull, others to hope for the fraud to be discovered, some people say that they will leave Vzla... In my opinion only the last one is a valid choice, but is it not fit for me...
First: he wont just die! Bad people never die; look at Castro for fuck's sake, how long was Sadam in Iraq before Bush Jr.? Where on earth is Osama?... forget about waiting on him to die.
Second: do you remember La Mesa de Negociaciones y Acuerdos.... yeah I remember, It failed because there is no negotiating with him or his minions; he is just a power hungry FAILED couper that has bee trying to get to this since 1992... remember his own words "...POR AHORA..."
Third: children, do you remember El Referendum? We won, we know it, there was a leak of info and a book containg all the details was made and publish and all... and what happened? He wipped his ass with the book, and took it of the streets... that is why we don't see the bloody book in the bookstores.
Now, what do I think that people should do? We can't just take it! The closest we've been to getting rid of him was when we wher on the streets... we NEED to get back on the streets people! But this time we can't let some old fart to blow it; yes, by old fart I mean Carmona Estanga, he blew it.
Now must come the storm, we have to fight by whatever means we have, we cannot just stay dull and wait on him to say that people love him so much that he will no make anymore elections... come on the bastard's been there for 8 years and he calls that only one presidential period!!
I cannot let this happen... yet I am but one man...
There are no words in english nor in spanish nor in any of the languages created by men for such treachery.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Lyrics II and III - The Trooper and Battlefield
The Trooper
[Iron Maiden - Harris]
You'll take my life but I'll take yours too
You'll fire your musket but I'll run you through
So when you're waiting for the next attack
You'd better stand there's no turning back.
The Bugle sounds and the charge begins
But on this battlefield no one wins
The smell of acrid smoke and horses breath
As I plunge on into certain death.
The horse he sweats with fear we break to run
The mighty roar of the Russian guns
And as we race towards the human wall
The screams of pain as my comrades fall.
We hurdle bodies that lay on the ground
And the Russians fire another round
We get so near yet so far away
We won't live to fight another day.
We get so close near enough to fight
When a Russian gets me in his sights
He pulls the trigger and I feel the blow
A burst of rounds take my horse below.
And as I lay there gazing at the sky
My body's numb and my throat is dry
And as I lay forgotten and alone
Without a tear I draw my parting groan.
[Blind Guardian]
It cannot be seen but there's blood on the green
Only God knows I'm innocent
Take me, take me home
A dark seed reigns in me like the Storm rules over the sea
I challenge thee, do not cross this bridge alone
Don't dare me now
The threatening shadows will pass by
They're getting closer now
Open your eyes
Wake up my dear young friend
And hate shall fade away
I will not move, yet
I'll stand still instead
There on the battlefield he stands
Down on the battlefield he's lost
And on the battlefield it ends
War and anger shall reign
The clash of iron can be heard
By blindness you're driven insane
I'm lost in anguish and grief
Sorrow won't wane 'til you die
A shattered body deeply hurt
And darkness will cover the light
It's gone forevermore
The field's been left in sorrow
The father and the son they're gone
The Sun shines bright and anger rises
Lorn and lonely torn apart
Don't you think it's time to stop now
We were charmed and fooled by the old serpent's kiss
Let's pray that heaven is on our side
Through violence and horror shall honour arise
So let's pray and blessed shall be our leader
We follow the noble and bright
Don't you hear me crying, crying
Come take me awayI hallow thy name
There on the battlefield he stands
Down on the battlefield he's lost
And on the battlefield it ends
War and anger shall reign
The clash of iron can be heard
By blindness you're driven insane
I'm lost in anguish and grief
Sorrow won't wane 'til you die
A shattered body deeply hurt
And darkness will cover the light
It's gone forevermore
That's what the minstrel sing
Join in the horrible screams
Take part in murderous deeds
Renowned be the lion-hearted
Join in the minstrelsy
Wailing in endless grief
It eagerly longs for more
Broken bodies lay down on the ground
Blood sheds all over the place
The green will be stained forever
And hate reigns all over the field
They keep struggling on in anger
Fiercely intense outrageous, too blind to see
And in pain they keep on singing
We claim the land for the highlord
God bless the land and our highlord
War and anger shall reign
The clash of iron can be heard
By blindness you're driven insane
I'm lost in anguish and grief
Sorrow won't wane 'til you die
A shattered body deeply hurt
And darkness will cover the light
It's gone forevermore
God I so miss that
[Iron Maiden - Harris]
You'll take my life but I'll take yours too
You'll fire your musket but I'll run you through
So when you're waiting for the next attack
You'd better stand there's no turning back.
The Bugle sounds and the charge begins
But on this battlefield no one wins
The smell of acrid smoke and horses breath
As I plunge on into certain death.
The horse he sweats with fear we break to run
The mighty roar of the Russian guns
And as we race towards the human wall
The screams of pain as my comrades fall.
We hurdle bodies that lay on the ground
And the Russians fire another round
We get so near yet so far away
We won't live to fight another day.
We get so close near enough to fight
When a Russian gets me in his sights
He pulls the trigger and I feel the blow
A burst of rounds take my horse below.
And as I lay there gazing at the sky
My body's numb and my throat is dry
And as I lay forgotten and alone
Without a tear I draw my parting groan.
[Blind Guardian]
It cannot be seen but there's blood on the green
Only God knows I'm innocent
Take me, take me home
A dark seed reigns in me like the Storm rules over the sea
I challenge thee, do not cross this bridge alone
Don't dare me now
The threatening shadows will pass by
They're getting closer now
Open your eyes
Wake up my dear young friend
And hate shall fade away
I will not move, yet
I'll stand still instead
There on the battlefield he stands
Down on the battlefield he's lost
And on the battlefield it ends
War and anger shall reign
The clash of iron can be heard
By blindness you're driven insane
I'm lost in anguish and grief
Sorrow won't wane 'til you die
A shattered body deeply hurt
And darkness will cover the light
It's gone forevermore
The field's been left in sorrow
The father and the son they're gone
The Sun shines bright and anger rises
Lorn and lonely torn apart
Don't you think it's time to stop now
We were charmed and fooled by the old serpent's kiss
Let's pray that heaven is on our side
Through violence and horror shall honour arise
So let's pray and blessed shall be our leader
We follow the noble and bright
Don't you hear me crying, crying
Come take me awayI hallow thy name
There on the battlefield he stands
Down on the battlefield he's lost
And on the battlefield it ends
War and anger shall reign
The clash of iron can be heard
By blindness you're driven insane
I'm lost in anguish and grief
Sorrow won't wane 'til you die
A shattered body deeply hurt
And darkness will cover the light
It's gone forevermore
That's what the minstrel sing
Join in the horrible screams
Take part in murderous deeds
Renowned be the lion-hearted
Join in the minstrelsy
Wailing in endless grief
It eagerly longs for more
Broken bodies lay down on the ground
Blood sheds all over the place
The green will be stained forever
And hate reigns all over the field
They keep struggling on in anger
Fiercely intense outrageous, too blind to see
And in pain they keep on singing
We claim the land for the highlord
God bless the land and our highlord
War and anger shall reign
The clash of iron can be heard
By blindness you're driven insane
I'm lost in anguish and grief
Sorrow won't wane 'til you die
A shattered body deeply hurt
And darkness will cover the light
It's gone forevermore
God I so miss that
The Calm Before the Storm...
Right now I feel like I am about to get really fucked up by life.
Do you know that calm before the storm in wich everything is just fine, everything seems to be going well and then you crash... one bad thing happen, and the another, and another and you keep sinking untill you can even breath? I feel like I'm there baby... I'm kindda scared.
But what the hell.... It's not the first time it would happen, I think I can deal with it if it come again, what I just want is to stop waiting! If I'm gonna get fucked then fuck me, don't keep me waiting cuz It's the wait that kills me... If it has to happen the I want it to happen quickly and as soon as possible... You know, like a band-aid, you have to do it in one motion, RIGHT OFF!
Anyway... I'll leave you guys for now... see ya...
Metropolis Part I
[music by Dream Theater, lyrics by Petrucci]
The smile of dawn
Arrived in early May
She carried a gift from her
The night shed a tear
To tell her of fear
And of sorrow and pain
She'll never outgrow
Death is the first dance, eternal
There's no more freedom
The both of you will be
confined to this mind
I was told there's miracle for
each day that I try
I was told there's a new love
that's born for each one that
has died
I was told there'd be no one to
call on when
I feel alone and
I was told if you dream of the
next world
You'll find yourself swimmingin a lake of fire
As a child, I thought I cou
ldlive without pain without
As a man I've found it's all
caught up with me
I'm asleep yet I'm so afraid
Somewhere like a scene from amemory
There's a picture worth a
thousand words
Eluding stares from faces
before me
It hides away and will never be
heard of again
Deceit is the second without end
The city's cold blood teaches us
to survive
Just keep my heart in your eyes
and we'll stay alive
The third arrives...
Before the leaves have fallen
Before we lock the doors
There must be the third and
last dance
This one will last forever
Metropolis watches and
thoughtfully smiles
She's taken you to your home
It can only take place
When the struggle between
our children has ended
Now the Miracle and the
Sleeper know that the thirdis love
Love is the Dance of Eternity
Do you know that calm before the storm in wich everything is just fine, everything seems to be going well and then you crash... one bad thing happen, and the another, and another and you keep sinking untill you can even breath? I feel like I'm there baby... I'm kindda scared.
But what the hell.... It's not the first time it would happen, I think I can deal with it if it come again, what I just want is to stop waiting! If I'm gonna get fucked then fuck me, don't keep me waiting cuz It's the wait that kills me... If it has to happen the I want it to happen quickly and as soon as possible... You know, like a band-aid, you have to do it in one motion, RIGHT OFF!
Anyway... I'll leave you guys for now... see ya...
Metropolis Part I
[music by Dream Theater, lyrics by Petrucci]
The smile of dawn
Arrived in early May
She carried a gift from her
The night shed a tear
To tell her of fear
And of sorrow and pain
She'll never outgrow
Death is the first dance, eternal
There's no more freedom
The both of you will be
confined to this mind
I was told there's miracle for
each day that I try
I was told there's a new love
that's born for each one that
has died
I was told there'd be no one to
call on when
I feel alone and
I was told if you dream of the
next world
You'll find yourself swimmingin a lake of fire
As a child, I thought I cou
ldlive without pain without
As a man I've found it's all
caught up with me
I'm asleep yet I'm so afraid
Somewhere like a scene from amemory
There's a picture worth a
thousand words
Eluding stares from faces
before me
It hides away and will never be
heard of again
Deceit is the second without end
The city's cold blood teaches us
to survive
Just keep my heart in your eyes
and we'll stay alive
The third arrives...
Before the leaves have fallen
Before we lock the doors
There must be the third and
last dance
This one will last forever
Metropolis watches and
thoughtfully smiles
She's taken you to your home
It can only take place
When the struggle between
our children has ended
Now the Miracle and the
Sleeper know that the thirdis love
Love is the Dance of Eternity
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Do you have any idea of...
... how much time I spent with her?
... how much I want to see my cousin?
... how much I want out?
... how hard this is for me?
... what you are talking about?
... how long it has been since that?
... what that means to me?
... how long this is taking me?
... who I am?
... what I like?
... how does it feels?
... how much does it makes me free?
... how worried I am?
... how much I NEED that?
... the places I've been?
... the things I have gone trhu?
... the thing I've seen?
... the things I haven'nt seen?
... what really makes me insane with joy?
... how much I miss the battles?
Do you have any idea of how clueless you are?
Until It Sleeps
Where do I take this pain of mine
I run, but it stays right my side
So tear me open, pour me out
There's things inside that scream and shout
And the pain still hates me
So hold me, until it sleeps
Just like the curse, just like the stray
You feed it once, and now it stays
So tear me open, but beware
There's things inside without a care
And the dirt still stains me
So wash me, until I'm clean
*It grips you, so hold me
It stains you, so hold me
It hates you, so hold me
It holds you, so hold me
Until it sleeps**
So tell me why you've choosen me
Don't want your grip, don't want your greed
I'll tear me open, make you gone
No more can you hurt anyone
And the fear still shakes me
So hold me, until it sleeps
[*--** Repeat]
I don't want it
So tear me open, but beware
The things inside without a care
And the dirt still stains me
So wash me, 'till I'm clean...
I'll tear me open, make you gone
No longer will you hurt anyone
And the hate still shapes me
So hold me, until it sleeps...
Until it sleeps...
... how much I want to see my cousin?
... how much I want out?
... how hard this is for me?
... what you are talking about?
... how long it has been since that?
... what that means to me?
... how long this is taking me?
... who I am?
... what I like?
... how does it feels?
... how much does it makes me free?
... how worried I am?
... how much I NEED that?
... the places I've been?
... the things I have gone trhu?
... the thing I've seen?
... the things I haven'nt seen?
... what really makes me insane with joy?
... how much I miss the battles?
Do you have any idea of how clueless you are?
Until It Sleeps
Where do I take this pain of mine
I run, but it stays right my side
So tear me open, pour me out
There's things inside that scream and shout
And the pain still hates me
So hold me, until it sleeps
Just like the curse, just like the stray
You feed it once, and now it stays
So tear me open, but beware
There's things inside without a care
And the dirt still stains me
So wash me, until I'm clean
*It grips you, so hold me
It stains you, so hold me
It hates you, so hold me
It holds you, so hold me
Until it sleeps**
So tell me why you've choosen me
Don't want your grip, don't want your greed
I'll tear me open, make you gone
No more can you hurt anyone
And the fear still shakes me
So hold me, until it sleeps
[*--** Repeat]
I don't want it
So tear me open, but beware
The things inside without a care
And the dirt still stains me
So wash me, 'till I'm clean...
I'll tear me open, make you gone
No longer will you hurt anyone
And the hate still shapes me
So hold me, until it sleeps...
Until it sleeps...
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
That pisses me off, Part VI
Im gonna make this short... I can let people get away with many things but I just really hate the fact that everyone, EVERY-FUCKING-ONE, has to be my judge and jury; I'd allow such power only to a selected few that know me enough to judge me, but lately it seems that there is a "Judge guaji and claim a prize!" campaing or something because everyone is like judging me out of fun.
I'm getting really pissed, I've not been this upset since, idk, 4 or 5 years... fucking people thinking they can fucking judge me... anyway, I just needed to let off some steam...
Lyrics? Yup...
2 Minutes To Midnight
Kill for gain or shoot to maim
But we don't need a reason
To Golden Goose is on the loose
And never out of season
Some blackened pride still burns inside
This shell of bloody treason
Here's my gun for a barrel of fun
For the love of living death
The killer's breed or the Demon's seed,
The glamour, the fortune, the pain,
Go to war again, blood is freedom's stain
But don't you pray for my soul anymore.
2 minutes to midnight,
The hands that treaten doom.
2 minutes to midnight,
To kill the unborn in the womb.
The blind men shout "Let the creatures out
We'll show the unbeliverers."
The napalm screams of human flames
Of a prime time Belsen feast ... yeah!
As the reasons for the carnage cut their meat and lick the gravy
We oil the jaws of the war machine and feed it with our babies.
The killer's breed or the Demon's seed,
The glamour, the fortune, the pain,
Go to war again, blood is freedom's stain
But don't you pray for my soul anymore.
2 minutes to midnight,
The hands that treaten doom.
2 minutes to midnight,
To kill the unborn in the womb.
The body bags and little rags of children torn in two
And the jellied brains of those who remain to put the finger right on you
As the madmen play on words and make us all dance to their song
To the tune of starving millions to make a better kind of gun.
The killer's breed or the Demon's seed,
The glamour, the fortune, the pain,
Go to war again, blood is freedom's stain
But don't you pray for my soul anymore.
2 minutes to midnight,
The hands that treaten doom.
2 minutes to midnight,
To kill the unborn in the womb.
It's all night
It's all night
I'm getting really pissed, I've not been this upset since, idk, 4 or 5 years... fucking people thinking they can fucking judge me... anyway, I just needed to let off some steam...
Lyrics? Yup...
2 Minutes To Midnight
Kill for gain or shoot to maim
But we don't need a reason
To Golden Goose is on the loose
And never out of season
Some blackened pride still burns inside
This shell of bloody treason
Here's my gun for a barrel of fun
For the love of living death
The killer's breed or the Demon's seed,
The glamour, the fortune, the pain,
Go to war again, blood is freedom's stain
But don't you pray for my soul anymore.
2 minutes to midnight,
The hands that treaten doom.
2 minutes to midnight,
To kill the unborn in the womb.
The blind men shout "Let the creatures out
We'll show the unbeliverers."
The napalm screams of human flames
Of a prime time Belsen feast ... yeah!
As the reasons for the carnage cut their meat and lick the gravy
We oil the jaws of the war machine and feed it with our babies.
The killer's breed or the Demon's seed,
The glamour, the fortune, the pain,
Go to war again, blood is freedom's stain
But don't you pray for my soul anymore.
2 minutes to midnight,
The hands that treaten doom.
2 minutes to midnight,
To kill the unborn in the womb.
The body bags and little rags of children torn in two
And the jellied brains of those who remain to put the finger right on you
As the madmen play on words and make us all dance to their song
To the tune of starving millions to make a better kind of gun.
The killer's breed or the Demon's seed,
The glamour, the fortune, the pain,
Go to war again, blood is freedom's stain
But don't you pray for my soul anymore.
2 minutes to midnight,
The hands that treaten doom.
2 minutes to midnight,
To kill the unborn in the womb.
It's all night
It's all night
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Lyrics I - Hermano del Viento
Más allá de las nubes
Dormía m í libertad
La encontré cautiva llorando,
Su amarga soledad.
Soñé que su llanto
Acogía mi aliento
Tuve un sueño
Soñé ser parte del cielo
Viaje con el viento
Danzando en la tempestad
Le entregue mi alma perdida,
Buscando su amistad.
Sentí su lamento
Descender de lo alto
El me ofreció su hogar
Yo ser su hermano
No dejare de soñar
Ni perderé su lamento
Solo añoro poder ser hermano del viento
Tuve un sueño
Soñé ser parte del cielo
Dormía m í libertad
La encontré cautiva llorando,
Su amarga soledad.
Soñé que su llanto
Acogía mi aliento
Tuve un sueño
Soñé ser parte del cielo
Viaje con el viento
Danzando en la tempestad
Le entregue mi alma perdida,
Buscando su amistad.
Sentí su lamento
Descender de lo alto
El me ofreció su hogar
Yo ser su hermano
No dejare de soñar
Ni perderé su lamento
Solo añoro poder ser hermano del viento
Tuve un sueño
Soñé ser parte del cielo
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Anniversary Post
This blog will be one year old tomorrow so I'm doing this entry to "conmemorate" the ocation.
I was thinking and, this blog isn't here just because you know, this blog woudn't be here if it weren't for a friend, hell I wouln't be here if it weren't for my friends... my frineds made me who I am, but a handfull of those friends really left like a mark on me or something.
I was trying to put that into words and I couldn't, I was uttery uncapable of think of something that could help me describe that "mark" and then it hit me. I was watching TV yesterday and this song came in and hit me... and now I can say, in the words of the artist, that you are like a tattoo: you pierced very deep into my skin and I bleed through you; and it hurt a little bit sometimes, and sometimes it hut a little more; and then came the healing process wich itches like a bitch and I'm afraid of needles for fuck's sake, but in the end... tattooes are just rock and roll baby.
So what I am trying to say is: thank you, I don't care if you are/were classmates, couples, friends, neigbours, lovers, family or whatever... in the end you were all teachers so thank you... I'm not gonna give out names because those who are reding know it's with them...
I REALLY feel like a girl right now, but it's ok; you must pay up your daily 5 minutes of gayness or else it's gonna build up and then what? Anyway, I'm gonna go now, but stay tunned for more girlyness.
Lyric? Yup...
X-Japan - Un-Finished
Lyrics by Yoshiki
Wipe your tears falling down
from your eyes and forget me
no need to be hurted anymore
go away from me now
I don't know what is love
no need to be hurted anymore
oh! I'm looking at you
I'll lose control of myself
wipe your tears falling down
from your eyes and forget m
eno need to be hurted anymore
all vision's going to vanish...
I was thinking and, this blog isn't here just because you know, this blog woudn't be here if it weren't for a friend, hell I wouln't be here if it weren't for my friends... my frineds made me who I am, but a handfull of those friends really left like a mark on me or something.
I was trying to put that into words and I couldn't, I was uttery uncapable of think of something that could help me describe that "mark" and then it hit me. I was watching TV yesterday and this song came in and hit me... and now I can say, in the words of the artist, that you are like a tattoo: you pierced very deep into my skin and I bleed through you; and it hurt a little bit sometimes, and sometimes it hut a little more; and then came the healing process wich itches like a bitch and I'm afraid of needles for fuck's sake, but in the end... tattooes are just rock and roll baby.
So what I am trying to say is: thank you, I don't care if you are/were classmates, couples, friends, neigbours, lovers, family or whatever... in the end you were all teachers so thank you... I'm not gonna give out names because those who are reding know it's with them...
I REALLY feel like a girl right now, but it's ok; you must pay up your daily 5 minutes of gayness or else it's gonna build up and then what? Anyway, I'm gonna go now, but stay tunned for more girlyness.
Lyric? Yup...
X-Japan - Un-Finished
Lyrics by Yoshiki
Wipe your tears falling down
from your eyes and forget me
no need to be hurted anymore
go away from me now
I don't know what is love
no need to be hurted anymore
oh! I'm looking at you
I'll lose control of myself
wipe your tears falling down
from your eyes and forget m
eno need to be hurted anymore
all vision's going to vanish...
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Super Sentai
I've been a Power Rangers fan since forever... I must admit I've not liked all the seassons (I hate lost galaxy and fuck you Andros for killing Zordon!!!) but I have found something better than that.
If you want something cool, go to the source; The power Rangers are based on the Super Sentai series that air in japan... the fist one came out in 1975! They rock and are way funnier... Anyway, here is a link that'll take you someplace where you can learn more about the Super Sentai
Still no lyrics.... Im still not in the mood.
If you want something cool, go to the source; The power Rangers are based on the Super Sentai series that air in japan... the fist one came out in 1975! They rock and are way funnier... Anyway, here is a link that'll take you someplace where you can learn more about the Super Sentai
Still no lyrics.... Im still not in the mood.
This Pisses me Off, Part V.
Have you ever gotten the most anoying sentence of them all?
...."you deserve better"....
I don't know what I hate the most: mimes or being told that.
I just hate it, I've been hearing it all my life and guess what... Aparently Im still deserving something better. As I recently told Annie: point at something/someone/someplace better, I dare you; and make that something I can get, something within my reach, 'cuz people always exagerate thing saying that you deserve this, or that or whatever but they never think about what are the posibilities of getting what they think you deserve....
Aw forget it.... It's useless...
No lyrics... Im pissed and dissapointed AND bored.
...."you deserve better"....
I don't know what I hate the most: mimes or being told that.
I just hate it, I've been hearing it all my life and guess what... Aparently Im still deserving something better. As I recently told Annie: point at something/someone/someplace better, I dare you; and make that something I can get, something within my reach, 'cuz people always exagerate thing saying that you deserve this, or that or whatever but they never think about what are the posibilities of getting what they think you deserve....
Aw forget it.... It's useless...
No lyrics... Im pissed and dissapointed AND bored.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Someone up there must really hate me... It's been ages since last time, I even got my hotmail account closed due to inactivity...
Anyway, I hope to see this place more often now that I have internet access once more.
That's all for now, I just wanted to let people know that my wings are fully healed now and all... It's just that right now I really have no time to loose.
Well see ya....
Anyway, I hope to see this place more often now that I have internet access once more.
That's all for now, I just wanted to let people know that my wings are fully healed now and all... It's just that right now I really have no time to loose.
Well see ya....
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
New Hair Style
Monday, July 17, 2006
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
What an awesome movie. I saw it yesterday and oh boy... The bad thing is that I can't comment because I dun want to spoil you guys... but I'll tell you this: good old Jack is better than ever!
Do you know why "The Da Vincci Code" and "X-MEN 3: The Last Stand" sucked so bad? Because all the cool stuff went to this one... I can't wait for the third part, wich is already filmed btw.. I just found out yesterday.
Lyrics? Just the right one...
Lyrics by Xavier Atencio and music by George Bruns
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.
We pillage, we plunder, we rifle, and loot,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot,
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.
We extort, we pilfer, we filch, and sack,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
Maraud and embezzle, and even high-jack,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.
We kindle and char, inflame and ignite,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
We burn up the city, we're really a fright,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
We're rascals, scoundrels, villans, and knaves,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
We're devils and black sheep, really bad eggs,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.
We're beggars and blighters, ne'er-do-well cads,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
Aye, but we're loved by our mommies and dads,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
What an awesome movie. I saw it yesterday and oh boy... The bad thing is that I can't comment because I dun want to spoil you guys... but I'll tell you this: good old Jack is better than ever!
Do you know why "The Da Vincci Code" and "X-MEN 3: The Last Stand" sucked so bad? Because all the cool stuff went to this one... I can't wait for the third part, wich is already filmed btw.. I just found out yesterday.
Lyrics? Just the right one...
Lyrics by Xavier Atencio and music by George Bruns
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.
We pillage, we plunder, we rifle, and loot,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot,
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.
We extort, we pilfer, we filch, and sack,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
Maraud and embezzle, and even high-jack,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.
We kindle and char, inflame and ignite,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
We burn up the city, we're really a fright,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
We're rascals, scoundrels, villans, and knaves,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
We're devils and black sheep, really bad eggs,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.
We're beggars and blighters, ne'er-do-well cads,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
Aye, but we're loved by our mommies and dads,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
This Pisses me Off, Part IV
No blondie, this one isn't about you; although it is about a girl.
There is this wacko at school that I met, idk, like 2 years ago or so... the fact is that she dug arround so she could meet me; fine, lots of people do that, not only out-of-their-mind girls. Everytime we spoke I realized more and more that this girl had issues, and since I grew fond of her I tryed to help out as much as I could... and that's when all turn wrong. She had never tasted alcohol, and when she began drinking... she was unable to stop... so what do you get when you cross a drunk girl with issues with a cellphone with "habla pegao'"? You don't know? I'll tell you: A FUCKING CALL AT 3AM IN THE MONIRNG FROM THE DRUNK GIRL WITH ISSUES!! Yeah, that's what you get... but since she is so nice it's not like she called just once to check in... no no, SHE CALLED EVERYTIME SHE GOT DRUNK!! And, just for the fun of it, how often do you think she got drunk? EVERY FUKING WEEKEND!! And she kept calling no matter what!
But I don't care, I'm fine, I'm cooooooool baby... Until the day that Olgi answered my cell phone and told her to stop calling; she got pissed and on the next day she starts fighting and yelling and all because "I shouldn't have let Ogli pick up my phone"... that did it, there, in that exact moment, I lost my cool... An now she knows where she can shove her cellphone.
Guess what now she is left alone, everyone got tyred of her. I pity her, but I can't do shit; why? 1.- Because of principles 2.- There is nothing that I've not already tryed, this girl just isn't logical.
And on top of that, yesterday at 2:30am or so she called me, drunk I asume, but I didn't have a good reception and the call was lost.
Why do I trouble myself telling you this children? So you learn from me... when you realize that someone you know is a wacko, tell Olgi to pick up your phone.... now Im off, I can't leave you lyrics because I have a wireless mouse and it just ran out of battery.... so... see ya!... or something like it.
PS: I cut my hair real short... pictures coming soon.
There is this wacko at school that I met, idk, like 2 years ago or so... the fact is that she dug arround so she could meet me; fine, lots of people do that, not only out-of-their-mind girls. Everytime we spoke I realized more and more that this girl had issues, and since I grew fond of her I tryed to help out as much as I could... and that's when all turn wrong. She had never tasted alcohol, and when she began drinking... she was unable to stop... so what do you get when you cross a drunk girl with issues with a cellphone with "habla pegao'"? You don't know? I'll tell you: A FUCKING CALL AT 3AM IN THE MONIRNG FROM THE DRUNK GIRL WITH ISSUES!! Yeah, that's what you get... but since she is so nice it's not like she called just once to check in... no no, SHE CALLED EVERYTIME SHE GOT DRUNK!! And, just for the fun of it, how often do you think she got drunk? EVERY FUKING WEEKEND!! And she kept calling no matter what!
But I don't care, I'm fine, I'm cooooooool baby... Until the day that Olgi answered my cell phone and told her to stop calling; she got pissed and on the next day she starts fighting and yelling and all because "I shouldn't have let Ogli pick up my phone"... that did it, there, in that exact moment, I lost my cool... An now she knows where she can shove her cellphone.
Guess what now she is left alone, everyone got tyred of her. I pity her, but I can't do shit; why? 1.- Because of principles 2.- There is nothing that I've not already tryed, this girl just isn't logical.
And on top of that, yesterday at 2:30am or so she called me, drunk I asume, but I didn't have a good reception and the call was lost.
Why do I trouble myself telling you this children? So you learn from me... when you realize that someone you know is a wacko, tell Olgi to pick up your phone.... now Im off, I can't leave you lyrics because I have a wireless mouse and it just ran out of battery.... so... see ya!... or something like it.
PS: I cut my hair real short... pictures coming soon.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Deutschland 2006
Ok, the World Cup have finally ended.
No more World Cup for another 4 years, thank God we have the Eurocup.
This was a good World Cup, my team got the 3rd place acording to the FIFA, but to me the final match was played by Germany and Italy, and Italy won fair and square; in what to me was the best game in the whole tournament.
Congratulations to the champios and all those ppl I know that were cheering for Italy: Giani, Hector, Evita, Ana Valentina, KAORU-SAN (Aka: El Donero; Aka: Franklin), Machorro, Lucia and all the others that I cannot think of right now; we'll get you next time.
Lyrics? I have just the right one right here....
1) Fratelli d'Italia, l'Italia s' desta
dell'elmo di Scipio s' cinta la testa
dov' la vittoria? Le porga la chioma:
ch schiava di Roma Iddio la cre.
(rit.) Stringiamoci a coorte, siam pronti alla morte,
siam pronti alla morte, l'Italia chiam.
Stringiamoci a coorte, siam pronti alla morte,
siam pronti alla morte l'Italia chiam.
2) Dall'alpe a Sicilia, dovunque Legnano;
ogni uom di ferruccio ha il core, ha la mano.
I bimbi d'Italia si chiaman Balilla
il suon d'ogni squilla i vespri son.
3) Noi fummo da secoli, calpesti e derisi,
perch non siam popolo, perch siam divisi.
Raccolgaci un'unica bandiera, una speme:
di fonderci insieme gi l'ora suon.
4) Son giunchi che piegano le spade vedute,
gi l'aquila d'Austria le penne ha perdute
il sangue d'Italia il sangue polacco
bev col Cosacco, ma il sen le bruci.
5) Uniamoci, uniamoci l'unione e l'amore
rivelano ai popoli le vie del Signore.
Giuriamo far libero il suolo nato.
Uniti per Dio, chi vincer ci pu?
6) Evviva l'Italia, dal sonno s' desta,
dell'elmo di Scipio s' cinta la testa.
Dov' la vittoria? Le porga la chioma:
ch schiava di Roma Iddio la cre.
Stringiamoci a coorte, siam pronti alla morte,
siam pronti alla morte, l'Italia chiam.
Stringiamoci a coorte, siam pronti alla morte,
siam pronti alla morte, l'Italia chiam.
PS: Zidane, great last performance, huh? SERVES YOU RIGHT!!!
No more World Cup for another 4 years, thank God we have the Eurocup.
This was a good World Cup, my team got the 3rd place acording to the FIFA, but to me the final match was played by Germany and Italy, and Italy won fair and square; in what to me was the best game in the whole tournament.
Congratulations to the champios and all those ppl I know that were cheering for Italy: Giani, Hector, Evita, Ana Valentina, KAORU-SAN (Aka: El Donero; Aka: Franklin), Machorro, Lucia and all the others that I cannot think of right now; we'll get you next time.
Lyrics? I have just the right one right here....
1) Fratelli d'Italia, l'Italia s' desta
dell'elmo di Scipio s' cinta la testa
dov' la vittoria? Le porga la chioma:
ch schiava di Roma Iddio la cre.
(rit.) Stringiamoci a coorte, siam pronti alla morte,
siam pronti alla morte, l'Italia chiam.
Stringiamoci a coorte, siam pronti alla morte,
siam pronti alla morte l'Italia chiam.
2) Dall'alpe a Sicilia, dovunque Legnano;
ogni uom di ferruccio ha il core, ha la mano.
I bimbi d'Italia si chiaman Balilla
il suon d'ogni squilla i vespri son.
3) Noi fummo da secoli, calpesti e derisi,
perch non siam popolo, perch siam divisi.
Raccolgaci un'unica bandiera, una speme:
di fonderci insieme gi l'ora suon.
4) Son giunchi che piegano le spade vedute,
gi l'aquila d'Austria le penne ha perdute
il sangue d'Italia il sangue polacco
bev col Cosacco, ma il sen le bruci.
5) Uniamoci, uniamoci l'unione e l'amore
rivelano ai popoli le vie del Signore.
Giuriamo far libero il suolo nato.
Uniti per Dio, chi vincer ci pu?
6) Evviva l'Italia, dal sonno s' desta,
dell'elmo di Scipio s' cinta la testa.
Dov' la vittoria? Le porga la chioma:
ch schiava di Roma Iddio la cre.
Stringiamoci a coorte, siam pronti alla morte,
siam pronti alla morte, l'Italia chiam.
Stringiamoci a coorte, siam pronti alla morte,
siam pronti alla morte, l'Italia chiam.
PS: Zidane, great last performance, huh? SERVES YOU RIGHT!!!
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
...just so you know Part 1.
I was a bet wetter, and actually I stopped doing it when I was like 12 or so.
As a kid I never thought about law school, I wanted to be a scientist on a white coat, mixing chemicals and stuff.
I am more “shojo” than what I like to admit.
I totally dislike radical emo people. You know all those people that go around saying how much life hurts and talking about suicide and stuff. I am a Hard Rocker and you don’t see me destroying everything I see.
I had sex with Medusa… sorry -Acid-.
My favourite RPG is Chrono Trigger and my favourite game of all times is Metal Gear Solid.
My favourite ban is X-Japan, favourite member: HIDE.
People say that I am kindda like Jack Sparrow.
I belive in soul mates, past lives and stuff.
I don’t belong to a religion per se, but I think there are deities.
There is this one girl with whom I had a chance to have sex with once. She means the world to me and I wanted it to be perfect, so I miss my chance and I don’t see it coming back.
The most important person in my life is my mom.
I had a dog named Rodolfo who died of food poisoning. (notice I wrote “who” instead of “wich”; that is because I thought of him as a person).
In chronological order I’ve been in love with:
-Marianne Elliot
-Kalua Partipilo, Michelle Blanco (I don’t remember with whom I fell in love with first)
-Ana valentine Chavez
-Karol Romero
I am utterly uncapable of hating someone. Blondie you are a living proof of that.
Once I start having feeling for some girl I never stop loving. There is one major exception.
I never lie. Well, only to myself.
Neon Genesis Evengelion (for all who don’t know, that is Japanese animated series) changed my life for good.
I’ve been a role player for 6 years.
I’ve been a dungeon master for 5 years.
My favourite Dungeons and Dragons class is Bard, not Wizard.
Pen and paper RPG campaigns:
-Best: Lighting, Rokugan.
-Most Enjoyed: Masked, Bleach.
Pen and paper RPG Characters:
-Best: Kakita Aoshi, Rokugan – Samurai.
-Most Enjoyed: Ikari Kazehime, Bleach – Shinigami / Vaizard.
I’ve never really dated “my type of girl”.
I wish I’ve been born in mid 60s, so that I could have had 18 years or so when Heavy Metal and Hard Rock ruled the earth.
Favourite spot: Football.
Favourite food: Curry Chicken.
If the world is gonna end, I wish I could see it.
I SO want to see my cousin Marianne right now.
There is a spirit living in my room, a “not so good” one.
I don’t own a computer.
This thing was Ana Valentina’s idea.
I wish Special Forces Unit FOX HOUND was real.
I am a nice guy… but I also am a stupid asshole.
At age 21 I cryed 3 times while watching my favourite movie of all times: The Lion King
There is a cousin called Jose Manuel (Mandoka) who is some sort of mini-me.
I own 2 swords: a Katana named Murasama and a Wakizashi named Ryoko.
All my action figures are displayed on my room.
I DON’T deal with drunk people.
There is something wrong with my lungs AND with my nose.
I own 1 Backstreet Boys cd, Backstreet Back.
Sazuke may be a cry baby, but he is a Sharingan using cry baby.
After 21 years I finally feel like I belong somewhere; I belong in “El Pasillo” with my friends… THAT is my place.
I don’t like me.
Raistlin Majere is the shizznit.
The coolest person I know is Ana Valentina.
The best movie ever (not my favourite, just the one that I consider best) is either The Lord of the Rings or Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children.
My uncle has a gay dog.
Sometimes if there is enough silence and if I listen hard enough I can hear voices.
There is a TV in my room. I only use it to play video games and watch DVD movies.
My gramma is on a wheelchair.
Sometimes I feel like quitting.
I wish I could write cool stuff like Ana or the Quincy.
According to me, girls should come with a guide or something.
Thinking about it; I not only dislike radical emo people, I dislike all radical people… I just handle some people better than others.
I’ve had surgery 4 times, 2 of wich have been minor surgery.
To me, ignorance is a bliss.
I never thought that a tattoo could itch this much.
..... that is all for now, but I WILL be writting more of this stuff on the near future.
Lyrics? nah!
As a kid I never thought about law school, I wanted to be a scientist on a white coat, mixing chemicals and stuff.
I am more “shojo” than what I like to admit.
I totally dislike radical emo people. You know all those people that go around saying how much life hurts and talking about suicide and stuff. I am a Hard Rocker and you don’t see me destroying everything I see.
I had sex with Medusa… sorry -Acid-.
My favourite RPG is Chrono Trigger and my favourite game of all times is Metal Gear Solid.
My favourite ban is X-Japan, favourite member: HIDE.
People say that I am kindda like Jack Sparrow.
I belive in soul mates, past lives and stuff.
I don’t belong to a religion per se, but I think there are deities.
There is this one girl with whom I had a chance to have sex with once. She means the world to me and I wanted it to be perfect, so I miss my chance and I don’t see it coming back.
The most important person in my life is my mom.
I had a dog named Rodolfo who died of food poisoning. (notice I wrote “who” instead of “wich”; that is because I thought of him as a person).
In chronological order I’ve been in love with:
-Marianne Elliot
-Kalua Partipilo, Michelle Blanco (I don’t remember with whom I fell in love with first)
-Ana valentine Chavez
-Karol Romero
I am utterly uncapable of hating someone. Blondie you are a living proof of that.
Once I start having feeling for some girl I never stop loving. There is one major exception.
I never lie. Well, only to myself.
Neon Genesis Evengelion (for all who don’t know, that is Japanese animated series) changed my life for good.
I’ve been a role player for 6 years.
I’ve been a dungeon master for 5 years.
My favourite Dungeons and Dragons class is Bard, not Wizard.
Pen and paper RPG campaigns:
-Best: Lighting, Rokugan.
-Most Enjoyed: Masked, Bleach.
Pen and paper RPG Characters:
-Best: Kakita Aoshi, Rokugan – Samurai.
-Most Enjoyed: Ikari Kazehime, Bleach – Shinigami / Vaizard.
I’ve never really dated “my type of girl”.
I wish I’ve been born in mid 60s, so that I could have had 18 years or so when Heavy Metal and Hard Rock ruled the earth.
Favourite spot: Football.
Favourite food: Curry Chicken.
If the world is gonna end, I wish I could see it.
I SO want to see my cousin Marianne right now.
There is a spirit living in my room, a “not so good” one.
I don’t own a computer.
This thing was Ana Valentina’s idea.
I wish Special Forces Unit FOX HOUND was real.
I am a nice guy… but I also am a stupid asshole.
At age 21 I cryed 3 times while watching my favourite movie of all times: The Lion King
There is a cousin called Jose Manuel (Mandoka) who is some sort of mini-me.
I own 2 swords: a Katana named Murasama and a Wakizashi named Ryoko.
All my action figures are displayed on my room.
I DON’T deal with drunk people.
There is something wrong with my lungs AND with my nose.
I own 1 Backstreet Boys cd, Backstreet Back.
Sazuke may be a cry baby, but he is a Sharingan using cry baby.
After 21 years I finally feel like I belong somewhere; I belong in “El Pasillo” with my friends… THAT is my place.
I don’t like me.
Raistlin Majere is the shizznit.
The coolest person I know is Ana Valentina.
The best movie ever (not my favourite, just the one that I consider best) is either The Lord of the Rings or Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children.
My uncle has a gay dog.
Sometimes if there is enough silence and if I listen hard enough I can hear voices.
There is a TV in my room. I only use it to play video games and watch DVD movies.
My gramma is on a wheelchair.
Sometimes I feel like quitting.
I wish I could write cool stuff like Ana or the Quincy.
According to me, girls should come with a guide or something.
Thinking about it; I not only dislike radical emo people, I dislike all radical people… I just handle some people better than others.
I’ve had surgery 4 times, 2 of wich have been minor surgery.
To me, ignorance is a bliss.
I never thought that a tattoo could itch this much.
..... that is all for now, but I WILL be writting more of this stuff on the near future.
Lyrics? nah!
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Ok! Last saturday I got inked at last!!! I got the logo of X-Japan, my favorite band.
It was unexpectedly cool... It didn't hurt and I can't belive how cool it looks.
I can't wait to get inked again. I didn't blog about this before because I've been sick I got a bad ass fever and everything. Anyhow here are some pictures of my tattoo:

You can see it is still fresh on the first pic, and on the second le word "Japan" can be read because I had some sort of lubricant/care stuff on it... It is a pain in the ass to take care if it, It is hard to reach.
Well Im out...Lyrics? hell yeah!
X [Band Anthem]
Samekitta machi ni wakare o tsuge
arekuruu shigeki ni mi wo sarase
aitsu no hitomi wa hikari-useta
moekuruu kokoro wa ayatsurenai
# midareta ai ni nagasare omae wa subete wo ushinatta
karada tsuranuku sakebi de omae no kokoro kowashite yaru
sabi-tsuita kotoba nage-sutete
harisakeru kokoro wo toki-hanate
furishikiru ame ni se wo mukete
ikizuku yatsura ni kotoba wa nai
umoreta toki tomado omae wa akumu wo samayo
chi no kifuruwasu NOISE de omae no kokoro kowashite yaru
* X! kanjite miro! X! sakende miro! X! subete nugisutero!
X! kanjite miro! X! sakende miro! X! kokoro moyase!
[* repeat]
[# repeat]
[* repeat x2]
Saturday, May 27, 2006
A gallery of faces worth Emotion
Well this is the second time I write this since this piece of shit page erased all that I had written the first time.... you see this entry was about my friend Ana Valentina, some of you may know her as "the teacher". She went to get tattooed today, so I went and met her there. It was really funny, really really funny; she kept making all theese funny faces everytime the needle touched her... the only non-cool part was when she almost crushed my hand... that was not even a little funny.
Anyway, the point is: I know I've been making fun of her since the begining of this but I really admire her for doing that because I know it took lots a courage to do it (it's not that easy for some of us)... belive me she was really nervous but she showed courage and the tattoo looks great.
Now if you check out her ass you can see Emotion right on top of it... Congrats hon.
Lyrics for this? Well I just heard this song, and the band is great... check out their video.
Anyway, the point is: I know I've been making fun of her since the begining of this but I really admire her for doing that because I know it took lots a courage to do it (it's not that easy for some of us)... belive me she was really nervous but she showed courage and the tattoo looks great.
Now if you check out her ass you can see Emotion right on top of it... Congrats hon.
Lyrics for this? Well I just heard this song, and the band is great... check out their video.
On a cold winter morning, in the time before the light
In flames of death's eternal reign we ride towards the fight
And the darkness is falling down and the times are tough all right
The sound of evil laughter falls around the world tonight
Fighting high, fighting on for the steel
Through the wastelands evermore
The scattered souls will feel the hell that is wasted on the shores
On the blackest waves in history
We watch them as they go
Through fire, pain and once again we know
So now we fly ever free
We're free before the thunderstorm
On towards the wilderness our quest carries on
Far beyond the sundown, far beyond the moonlight
Deep inside our hearts and all our souls
So far away we wait for the day
For the lights are so wasted and gone
We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days
Through the fire and the flames we carry on
As the red day is dawning
And the lightning cracks the sky
They raise their hands to the heavens above
As we send them to their lies
Running back through the mid-morning light
There's a burning in my heart
We're banished from the time in the fallen land
To a light beyond the stars
In the blackest dreams we do believe
Our destiny this time
And endlessly we'll all be free tonight
And on the wings of a dream
So far beyond reality
All alone in desperation
Now the time is gone
Lost inside you'll never find
Lost within my own mind
Day after day this misery must go on
Now here we stand with their blood on our hands
We've fought so hard now can we understand?
I'll break the seal of this curse if I possibly can
For freedom of every man
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
That Pisses me Off, Part III
Hey, long time no see huh?
I've been having connection problems, but I know I've been a lousy blogger lately. I promise I'll have this nice and shinny once more hon, just gimme some time.
And now on with the post...
Don't you hate when people ask you to do them a favor when they know they are not in a position to be asking for favors?
Remember the blonde I talk about before? Seems to me that she is into something with a friend of mine, only the dude lives in Caracas. She have me asking for adress, stuff about his personality and stuff like that... stuff you would ask a friend to tell you about a girl you like. The thing is: I am a nice guy you know? I really don't care to ask theese thing, It's when people start pushing me to ask theese things... that is just plain anoying you know? Ow well, I guess I have to deal with that kind of stuff so I can later blog about it.
I'm out now, wait for my next post... it's comming very very soon.
Lyrics? I don't have one for this ocation actually... but I really like this one. I'ts from Kingdom Hearts 2
Atada Hikaru
In you and I, there's a new land,
Angels in flight,
{I need more affection than you know}
My sanctuary, my sanctuary,
Where fears and lies melt away,
Music in time,
{I need more affection than you know}
What's left of me,
What's left of me now?
I watch you fast asleep,
All I fear means nothing,
In you and I, there's a new land,
Angels in flight,
{I need more affection than you know}
My sanctuary, my sanctuary,
Where fears and lies melt away,
Music in time,
{I need more affection than you know}
What's left of me,
What's left of me?
{So many ups and downs}
My heart's a battleground
{I need true emotions}
{I need more affection than you know}
{I need true emotions}
You show me how to see
That nothing is whole and nothing is broken,
In you and I there's a new land,
Angels in flight,
{I need more affection than you know}
My sanctuary, my sanctuary,
Where fears and lies melt away,
Music in time,
{I need more affection than you know}
What's left of me,
What's left of me now?
My fears, my lies..
Melt away
{I need more affection than you know}
I've been having connection problems, but I know I've been a lousy blogger lately. I promise I'll have this nice and shinny once more hon, just gimme some time.
And now on with the post...
Don't you hate when people ask you to do them a favor when they know they are not in a position to be asking for favors?
Remember the blonde I talk about before? Seems to me that she is into something with a friend of mine, only the dude lives in Caracas. She have me asking for adress, stuff about his personality and stuff like that... stuff you would ask a friend to tell you about a girl you like. The thing is: I am a nice guy you know? I really don't care to ask theese thing, It's when people start pushing me to ask theese things... that is just plain anoying you know? Ow well, I guess I have to deal with that kind of stuff so I can later blog about it.
I'm out now, wait for my next post... it's comming very very soon.
Lyrics? I don't have one for this ocation actually... but I really like this one. I'ts from Kingdom Hearts 2
Atada Hikaru
In you and I, there's a new land,
Angels in flight,
{I need more affection than you know}
My sanctuary, my sanctuary,
Where fears and lies melt away,
Music in time,
{I need more affection than you know}
What's left of me,
What's left of me now?
I watch you fast asleep,
All I fear means nothing,
In you and I, there's a new land,
Angels in flight,
{I need more affection than you know}
My sanctuary, my sanctuary,
Where fears and lies melt away,
Music in time,
{I need more affection than you know}
What's left of me,
What's left of me?
{So many ups and downs}
My heart's a battleground
{I need true emotions}
{I need more affection than you know}
{I need true emotions}
You show me how to see
That nothing is whole and nothing is broken,
In you and I there's a new land,
Angels in flight,
{I need more affection than you know}
My sanctuary, my sanctuary,
Where fears and lies melt away,
Music in time,
{I need more affection than you know}
What's left of me,
What's left of me now?
My fears, my lies..
Melt away
{I need more affection than you know}
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Thursday, April 20, 2006
What would you say...
...if I told you that Spiderman knows Kung-Fu, has a Spider car, talks with a spider, has a sidekick AND A SPIDER MEGAZORD or something like it, wich is a leopard by the way!
You don't belive me? Click here then http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-m0jwdmnxA
You don't belive me? Click here then http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-m0jwdmnxA
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Absence of Spells Beyond
In times like this I wonder "how the fuck did Raistlin Majere managed to even survive without his magic?!". Lately I've felt robbed of whatever made me write... really, I can't belive it! It's like my writing pool is all dryed up. I've always seen my writings as some sort of magic; in tales of might and magic, wizards devoted their life to their magic, archieving power too great to even imagine; It's the same to me and my writings! To me, my writing shows devotion and archive goals, and I've been robbed of that!!
This is a time of absence in my spells, and I hope it doesn't last much longer, because it is getting to the point where I can't make a point! I feel like I've been writing crap since the begining of this... anyway... I better go... see you guys later, I hope.
Not Falling
Always known in all my time, a little left of center now.
Reflect as I realize that all I needIs to find
the middle pillar path, to sit like the sun by a star in the sky and just be.
Sinners, casting stones at me!
I, I stand- not crawling, not fallings down!
I, I bleed- the demons that drag me down!
I, I stand (for nothing)! Not crawling (the center), not falling down! (Of calms within the eye!)
I, I'll bleed (for no one)! The demons (but myself) that pull me down...For me and no one else.
Goodbye sunshine, I've put it out again, SAD!
I'm over, personalities conflicting, I don't need you or anyone but me.
I'll just be living my own life. I feel my glowing center grow.
Infecting, I feel alive.
Shovel dirt over lime.
Plant it in myself to sit like a seed under covers of earth and just be.
Sinners, point your fingers at me!
I, I stand- not crawling, not fallings down!
I, I bleed- the demons that drag me down!
I, I stand (for nothing)! Not crawling (the center), not falling down! (Of calms within the eye!)
I, I'll bleed (for no one)! The demons (but myself) that pull me down...For me and no one else.
Come play kill. Refuse my body, refuse my shadow!
Stone cold will. Refuse to lead this, refuse to follow!
Bitter pills - refuse to feed this, refuse to swallow, I'm fueled godless!
Come play, come play kill. Just be.
This is a time of absence in my spells, and I hope it doesn't last much longer, because it is getting to the point where I can't make a point! I feel like I've been writing crap since the begining of this... anyway... I better go... see you guys later, I hope.
Not Falling
Always known in all my time, a little left of center now.
Reflect as I realize that all I needIs to find
the middle pillar path, to sit like the sun by a star in the sky and just be.
Sinners, casting stones at me!
I, I stand- not crawling, not fallings down!
I, I bleed- the demons that drag me down!
I, I stand (for nothing)! Not crawling (the center), not falling down! (Of calms within the eye!)
I, I'll bleed (for no one)! The demons (but myself) that pull me down...For me and no one else.
Goodbye sunshine, I've put it out again, SAD!
I'm over, personalities conflicting, I don't need you or anyone but me.
I'll just be living my own life. I feel my glowing center grow.
Infecting, I feel alive.
Shovel dirt over lime.
Plant it in myself to sit like a seed under covers of earth and just be.
Sinners, point your fingers at me!
I, I stand- not crawling, not fallings down!
I, I bleed- the demons that drag me down!
I, I stand (for nothing)! Not crawling (the center), not falling down! (Of calms within the eye!)
I, I'll bleed (for no one)! The demons (but myself) that pull me down...For me and no one else.
Come play kill. Refuse my body, refuse my shadow!
Stone cold will. Refuse to lead this, refuse to follow!
Bitter pills - refuse to feed this, refuse to swallow, I'm fueled godless!
Come play, come play kill. Just be.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Last Weekend...
... RULED BABY!!! It was a Rock n' ROLE weekend.
Kaoru-Chan, Alejandro, Nynn@, The Chinesse, ruTH and I went to valencia to RPG event. We played all weekend with a lot of people form diferent parts of our country. I played 3 times and made DM once... my players loved my adventure.
It was great, the most funny part was making fun of Shigeru, cuz he didn't went (Because of Shigeru's sake I wont say why he didn't went, although we already know)... anyway... I'm fucking sleepy... I WILL write a lot about this, but later... right now I'm gonnahit the bed cuz I have not had a good nights sleep in like 4 days... bye all!
Lyrics? too tired for that...
Kaoru-Chan, Alejandro, Nynn@, The Chinesse, ruTH and I went to valencia to RPG event. We played all weekend with a lot of people form diferent parts of our country. I played 3 times and made DM once... my players loved my adventure.
It was great, the most funny part was making fun of Shigeru, cuz he didn't went (Because of Shigeru's sake I wont say why he didn't went, although we already know)... anyway... I'm fucking sleepy... I WILL write a lot about this, but later... right now I'm gonnahit the bed cuz I have not had a good nights sleep in like 4 days... bye all!
Lyrics? too tired for that...
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
... tch!
Have you ever found yourself trying to say something and not being able to say it? Well I have, it would kill you if you are not strong enough. Aparently, I am strong enough to bear with that but what I am not is corageous, I have not the courage to speak my mind and because of that I have lost things... things that, to me, are more important than life. Now I am trying not to let that happen again but I realize that I am as coward as always...
I wish I could talk to her face and tell all the things that go round and round in my mind... but I just can't find the courage to do that... I'll be needing to buy some courage points when I get to my new advancement.
Maybe someday I'll tell her how much she means to me not by just saying "... a whole fucking lot babe!" but for now I want all who read this to know that sometimes I just find myself unable to tell you how great I think you are... but if you want to know, then... I don't know how... I'll gather whatever strenght is left in me and tell you.
nah... I'm not in the mood...
I wish I could talk to her face and tell all the things that go round and round in my mind... but I just can't find the courage to do that... I'll be needing to buy some courage points when I get to my new advancement.
Maybe someday I'll tell her how much she means to me not by just saying "... a whole fucking lot babe!" but for now I want all who read this to know that sometimes I just find myself unable to tell you how great I think you are... but if you want to know, then... I don't know how... I'll gather whatever strenght is left in me and tell you.
nah... I'm not in the mood...
Saturday, March 11, 2006
THE most useless thing ever...
....is right in everyone's hands... the pinky. That finger is useless! You don't need it at all, unless you want to pick your nose that is, but picking your nose is a gross thing to do so you shouldn't do it! Anyhow, that bastard little finger is useless and I'm out of here because I think I'm making a fool out of myself and if I were on a Jhonny Depp film he would be looking at me with a freaky smile and he would be just ready to tell me "You are really weird!"... Anyway... bye all.
Lyrics? Yes... When she reads this, she will know I left this for her.
Desprate Angel
music: Taiji words: Toshi
Desperate angel fallin' from the sky
Desperate angel, now you wonder why.
In a shitty town, lotta' scum around,
born into a world of make believe.
What you feel, no way it's real.
Everybody plays the game,
wanting more than you had before,
never gonna be satisfied.
Where to go, you don't know,
how is your material world?
(So won't you come beside me)
Now you're gonna get it.
(Because you know I'll set you free)
Rock you all night, does it feel right?
I'm letting you go now ... yeah!
(Well they) Sell me this and they sell me that.
Don't want none of your fucking crap,
(Gotta) lot to say, do it my own way.
I will never follow, cannot change, rearrange.
I don't care no matter what you say,
pay your dues, win or lose.
How is your material world?
(I'm burning, got the fire) I am gonna take you
(You see my hot desire) Show me your stuff,
ready? Go! Give you what you want and more!
Desperate angel, got no wings to fly,
Desperate angel, sadness in your eyes.
I wanna feel what's inside you, I want you so bad.
Forget what you've seen, and forget what you know right away.
I wanna feel what's inside you, I want you so bad.
I'll show you the way, then we'll sail far away, paradise through the night ... No!
(So won't you come beside me) Now you're gonna get it.
(Because you know I'll set you free) Rock you all night. (Burning up, look out!)
Desperate angel, fallin' from the sky
Desperate angel, now you wonder why.
Desperate angel, you've had a bad time,
another lost soul, desperate angel.
Fallin' from the sky, desperate angel, love you cannot buy.
Lyrics? Yes... When she reads this, she will know I left this for her.
Desprate Angel
music: Taiji words: Toshi
Desperate angel fallin' from the sky
Desperate angel, now you wonder why.
In a shitty town, lotta' scum around,
born into a world of make believe.
What you feel, no way it's real.
Everybody plays the game,
wanting more than you had before,
never gonna be satisfied.
Where to go, you don't know,
how is your material world?
(So won't you come beside me)
Now you're gonna get it.
(Because you know I'll set you free)
Rock you all night, does it feel right?
I'm letting you go now ... yeah!
(Well they) Sell me this and they sell me that.
Don't want none of your fucking crap,
(Gotta) lot to say, do it my own way.
I will never follow, cannot change, rearrange.
I don't care no matter what you say,
pay your dues, win or lose.
How is your material world?
(I'm burning, got the fire) I am gonna take you
(You see my hot desire) Show me your stuff,
ready? Go! Give you what you want and more!
Desperate angel, got no wings to fly,
Desperate angel, sadness in your eyes.
I wanna feel what's inside you, I want you so bad.
Forget what you've seen, and forget what you know right away.
I wanna feel what's inside you, I want you so bad.
I'll show you the way, then we'll sail far away, paradise through the night ... No!
(So won't you come beside me) Now you're gonna get it.
(Because you know I'll set you free) Rock you all night. (Burning up, look out!)
Desperate angel, fallin' from the sky
Desperate angel, now you wonder why.
Desperate angel, you've had a bad time,
another lost soul, desperate angel.
Fallin' from the sky, desperate angel, love you cannot buy.
Monday, February 27, 2006
4th Impact... the begining of the end of all tales to come...
He who wields a blade faster than lighting finds himself walking through a forrest, his destination is unknown to him... and the only way to keep him in course is path made out of petals; now, those petals would mean nothing to him if it were not for one little detail, one that keep his mind focused on the path and on the quest he embarqued some days ago when a man, a man who hid his face under a hood, gave him a box while he was drinking in some bar near the Kaiu Wall in Crab lands. The box was incredibly beautiful, an excellent piece of craftmanship and it would have been perfect to the critic eye of any crane... but not to this particular crane. That box smelled funny he thought but he didn't hesitated to open it... inside the box was something that filled the crane's eyes with a mix of fury and fear, relief and regret, and at that moment he recognized the smell... the smell that caused him to have nightmares, the smell of a rose. He rushed out of the bar, sword in hand ready to unsheet, only to find a path made out of rose petals... so he followed that path and he follows it still... and he will keep following it untill death takes him, for it is time to bring this rivalry to an end.
Meanwhile 2 warriors walk their way through the same forrest, one with a heart of darkness and one whose swords bite as dragon fangs, searching for what seems lost. Some days ago they were suposed to meet someone they have not seen in a long while, someone that almost took their lifes, but that persons never showed up at the place of the meeting, instead a man who hid his face with a hood gave them a wakizashi. That sword was not unfamiliar to the dragons eyes, that sword had made an unmeasurable amout of cuts, but none of those cuts were delivered to an oponent. The master of that wakizashi had cut himself, bringing unspeakable pain unto him, to archieve power beyond recognition... but at the end he had to be redeemed, for power corrupts. The dragon was shocked, but the darkness had eyes like only a few in the entire world... and he could see traces of chakra... chakra that lead them towards a forrest. Now they walk that forrest, the same forrest in wich one as fast as lightning and as calm as the sky follows a trail of petals, to what seems to be the begining of the end of all tales to come.
Ryouji, Shinji, Suizuke... be prepared... you know that I don't hesitate to kill.
Meanwhile 2 warriors walk their way through the same forrest, one with a heart of darkness and one whose swords bite as dragon fangs, searching for what seems lost. Some days ago they were suposed to meet someone they have not seen in a long while, someone that almost took their lifes, but that persons never showed up at the place of the meeting, instead a man who hid his face with a hood gave them a wakizashi. That sword was not unfamiliar to the dragons eyes, that sword had made an unmeasurable amout of cuts, but none of those cuts were delivered to an oponent. The master of that wakizashi had cut himself, bringing unspeakable pain unto him, to archieve power beyond recognition... but at the end he had to be redeemed, for power corrupts. The dragon was shocked, but the darkness had eyes like only a few in the entire world... and he could see traces of chakra... chakra that lead them towards a forrest. Now they walk that forrest, the same forrest in wich one as fast as lightning and as calm as the sky follows a trail of petals, to what seems to be the begining of the end of all tales to come.
Ryouji, Shinji, Suizuke... be prepared... you know that I don't hesitate to kill.
I can't belive...
...that I am such a baby!!!!!
Rusty Nail
lyrics & music: Yoshiki
Staring at the painted rose in my shattered memory
Lost in my broken thoughts, the unchangable dream piles up
Oh-----Rusty Nail !
If I keep letting my tears flow
I am bound to forget you
Just tell me my life
Wherever I walk to see,
Because of the tears, I cant see tomorrow.
The rise has ended, forget the scars of the weekend
Even if I embrace the flowing time, my heart will still be pierced
Oh-----Rusty Nail !
If I keep letting my tears flow
I am bound to forget you
Beautifully the sleeping rose fades its colour
Let you heart fall downhill
With you untainted face you will surely live on
Your eyes that reflect that night leaves out only the blazing dream
Heading towards the morning, forgetting the loneliness
Holding on to my red painted wrist, I cried
Let the night come to an end
For the time being, shiver at the door of memories
In my broken thoughts, these blue lips pile up
Oh-----Rusty Nail !
If I keep letting my tears flow
I am bound to forget you
Just tell me my life
Wherever i walk to see,
Because of the tears, I cant see tomorrow
Painfully i decorated my heart...now also
I cannot get myself to forget you
Rusty Nail
lyrics & music: Yoshiki
Staring at the painted rose in my shattered memory
Lost in my broken thoughts, the unchangable dream piles up
Oh-----Rusty Nail !
If I keep letting my tears flow
I am bound to forget you
Just tell me my life
Wherever I walk to see,
Because of the tears, I cant see tomorrow.
The rise has ended, forget the scars of the weekend
Even if I embrace the flowing time, my heart will still be pierced
Oh-----Rusty Nail !
If I keep letting my tears flow
I am bound to forget you
Beautifully the sleeping rose fades its colour
Let you heart fall downhill
With you untainted face you will surely live on
Your eyes that reflect that night leaves out only the blazing dream
Heading towards the morning, forgetting the loneliness
Holding on to my red painted wrist, I cried
Let the night come to an end
For the time being, shiver at the door of memories
In my broken thoughts, these blue lips pile up
Oh-----Rusty Nail !
If I keep letting my tears flow
I am bound to forget you
Just tell me my life
Wherever i walk to see,
Because of the tears, I cant see tomorrow
Painfully i decorated my heart...now also
I cannot get myself to forget you
Saturday, February 11, 2006
...re post...
I want to post this cuz I want you to read it....
X-Japan, lyrics and music by Yoshiki
Do nothing but cry Day and night
In a narrow space between past and future
Your memories will stay unchanged
Even if you turn them into beautiful lies... you're all alone
Your tears flow
Into an unlimited nocturnal sky...
Once more
Oh my Dahlia
Your heart filled with sorrow
Turns into an unfinished number of stars
You don't know where
You're going to
In distress you have deploy your wings of loneliness
Beyond an ocean of tears
You'll see blue sky
Even in a shapeless dream
Refugee on the tomorrow's winds
Flap your wings... now
Time after time
You try to find yourself
In the time which passes
You carry unchanging injuries
Which flutter in winds of oppression
Dream on your left Dead on your right
Embrace the blue night
Question your tomorrow in your heart
And fills it with contradiction... dead or alive
In a second long like eternity
Your tears won't flow
Two times
Oh my Dahlia
For whoever has scars in their heart
The rain streams
Time after time
In the nocturnal sky
You question why are you born
Until your endless river of tears
Shines with a brilliant gold color
The icy wind blows
The birds what can't fly
Carry each one of your dreams
Into the daybreak's sky
Time after time
You cry in reality
The passing time stops
Miracle of sheded tears
The flowers of your illusions will open out
X-Japan, lyrics and music by Yoshiki
Do nothing but cry Day and night
In a narrow space between past and future
Your memories will stay unchanged
Even if you turn them into beautiful lies... you're all alone
Your tears flow
Into an unlimited nocturnal sky...
Once more
Oh my Dahlia
Your heart filled with sorrow
Turns into an unfinished number of stars
You don't know where
You're going to
In distress you have deploy your wings of loneliness
Beyond an ocean of tears
You'll see blue sky
Even in a shapeless dream
Refugee on the tomorrow's winds
Flap your wings... now
Time after time
You try to find yourself
In the time which passes
You carry unchanging injuries
Which flutter in winds of oppression
Dream on your left Dead on your right
Embrace the blue night
Question your tomorrow in your heart
And fills it with contradiction... dead or alive
In a second long like eternity
Your tears won't flow
Two times
Oh my Dahlia
For whoever has scars in their heart
The rain streams
Time after time
In the nocturnal sky
You question why are you born
Until your endless river of tears
Shines with a brilliant gold color
The icy wind blows
The birds what can't fly
Carry each one of your dreams
Into the daybreak's sky
Time after time
You cry in reality
The passing time stops
Miracle of sheded tears
The flowers of your illusions will open out
For England James?
... no, it was for me; it was for me all this time and THAT is why, now that it's over, I don't feel too good... feels like "Game Over".
Lyrics?... just something Yoshiki wrote...
Prologue ~World Anthem
Music: F. Marino words: Yoshiki
All of the hate and all of the sadness
have melted away nothing remains here close by
I see love trying to take shape,
as I reach out for it the love breaks up before my very eyes
everywhere there flows ... blue blood
Lyrics?... just something Yoshiki wrote...
Prologue ~World Anthem
Music: F. Marino words: Yoshiki
All of the hate and all of the sadness
have melted away nothing remains here close by
I see love trying to take shape,
as I reach out for it the love breaks up before my very eyes
everywhere there flows ... blue blood
Saturday, January 28, 2006
That pisses me, Part 2
Once upon a time, before I moved back to my hometown, there was a girl in my life, she was my neighbor, and I learned to love her as problably I will never love again... She was the love of my life and she holds that place still. The thing is: she is out of my life, maybe for good, and I don't like that, but I had to face it and learn to live with it. What pisses me is: every single girl I've been with ever since always comes saying stuff like "I wish you could be with her" or "I would have you leave me and go to her" and the one I have hated the most "I'll buy you a no return ticket to England"... at first it seemed cute, but now it has gotten to the point where it pisses me... why the fuck are you with me then?? I really can't understand girls, they are shepherds for the devil, THEY WORK FOR THE DEVIL MAN!!
As a note before I go, I give you all a little piece of advice: you all, not only girls, BUT ALL PEOPLE have got to learn that ignorance is a bliss!!!
Lyrics for this entry? nah... just a quote from the Lord of the Rings:
"... how do you retake your life after this? there is too much that time can not mend, too much pain that cannot be forgotten... how to live a normal life when in your heart you beging to understan that there is no turning back?!..."
As a note before I go, I give you all a little piece of advice: you all, not only girls, BUT ALL PEOPLE have got to learn that ignorance is a bliss!!!
Lyrics for this entry? nah... just a quote from the Lord of the Rings:
"... how do you retake your life after this? there is too much that time can not mend, too much pain that cannot be forgotten... how to live a normal life when in your heart you beging to understan that there is no turning back?!..."
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
A long time ago...
...in a galaxy far away, well not that long ago and actually two houses form mine, I could get internet form my uncle's computer; but alas, I don't know why, he barely let's his wife use the pc now so that's why I've been absent... But do not despair people, for my school started once more and my life is back to normal, wich means that I don't do shit... I just go to class and then back to my house. The only things of importance are:
1.- My dad got surgery... again... and he is doing great.
2.- Karoru-Chan and I have now 2 moths being a couple.
3.- I found out just how big of a PSYCHO Karoru-Chan is.
4.- My brother and his girlfriend are having troubles, AGAIN!.
5.- Alejandoro-Kun and Machorro-Kun graduated.
6.- Erulan-Kun's Birthday was yerterday.
Well that's like all.... there is more... a couple of more subjects that make quite a big deal... but I am not gonna talk about that, so I'll better get going because I am taking care of la Beba's Tamagochi and it is crying for food.
1.- My dad got surgery... again... and he is doing great.
2.- Karoru-Chan and I have now 2 moths being a couple.
3.- I found out just how big of a PSYCHO Karoru-Chan is.
4.- My brother and his girlfriend are having troubles, AGAIN!.
5.- Alejandoro-Kun and Machorro-Kun graduated.
6.- Erulan-Kun's Birthday was yerterday.
Well that's like all.... there is more... a couple of more subjects that make quite a big deal... but I am not gonna talk about that, so I'll better get going because I am taking care of la Beba's Tamagochi and it is crying for food.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
12/31/2005... evidence found!

I told you morons I could pass for a normal person! See? that's my little cousin Fabiana in my arms, she is the cutest... right?! (for your own sake I strongly recomend that you say "yes dude, she is gorgeous")

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