Ok! Last saturday I got inked at last!!! I got the logo of X-Japan, my favorite band.
It was unexpectedly cool... It didn't hurt and I can't belive how cool it looks.
I can't wait to get inked again. I didn't blog about this before because I've been sick I got a bad ass fever and everything. Anyhow here are some pictures of my tattoo:

You can see it is still fresh on the first pic, and on the second le word "Japan" can be read because I had some sort of lubricant/care stuff on it... It is a pain in the ass to take care if it, It is hard to reach.
Well Im out...Lyrics? hell yeah!
X [Band Anthem]
Samekitta machi ni wakare o tsuge
arekuruu shigeki ni mi wo sarase
aitsu no hitomi wa hikari-useta
moekuruu kokoro wa ayatsurenai
# midareta ai ni nagasare omae wa subete wo ushinatta
karada tsuranuku sakebi de omae no kokoro kowashite yaru
sabi-tsuita kotoba nage-sutete
harisakeru kokoro wo toki-hanate
furishikiru ame ni se wo mukete
ikizuku yatsura ni kotoba wa nai
umoreta toki tomado omae wa akumu wo samayo
chi no kifuruwasu NOISE de omae no kokoro kowashite yaru
* X! kanjite miro! X! sakende miro! X! subete nugisutero!
X! kanjite miro! X! sakende miro! X! kokoro moyase!
[* repeat]
[# repeat]
[* repeat x2]
Yeyy!!! guAji con tattooo!!!!! q fino!! me encanta!!ahora quiero uno!! me quiero tatuar guAji! por tu culpa! >.<
I'm happy 'cause you're happy. Cuidalo bastante y cuando quieras volver me avisas y te vuelvo a acompañar te portaste demasiado bien :D
Love you hon...
Se me adelantaron! (-.-)
bUeno, no importa. Igual comento y fui la primera q lo vio =D
And this is what I have to say: I fucking love this tattoo! I was extremely surprised when I first saw it. I knew I was going to dream of it and, in fact, I DID.
And this tattoo thing is ADDICTIVE! Once you get one, you'll want more and more. Right afterwards, you start thinking about the next desingn and spot :P hehe.
to ruTH: As my friend Majin Boo would say: you wanna get a tattoo? ESE ES TU PEO so don't blame it on me
to Ana: this sucker is getting on my nerves... and thax for being there kid
to Karol: You are just plain funny kid :P I love you.. and it's not right afterwars, it's when they have not finnished with the first one when youn star thinking about new desingns and places
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