I told you morons I could pass for a normal person! See? that's my little cousin Fabiana in my arms, she is the cutest... right?! (for your own sake I strongly recomend that you say "yes dude, she is gorgeous")

when a guy is bored, this blog is what happens
what the fuck is wrong with you? where in the hell is guaji? you are his evil, sort of normal, twin...!!!
OMG OMG OMG!!!! I think I'm gonna cry.
I LOOOOVE this pictures. Fabiana is beautiful, I loove that kid. And Mandoka is one of a kind...That kid ROCKS!
You, Ed, look so cute...I so like the pic where u kiss la beba! :D
I miss you BADLY, Blow u a huge kiss.
OMG! q liiindos!! miren miren, yo hablo español porq es mas chevere...
Y yo difiero de napo.. no es tu gemelo malvado!! guAji no tiene un gemelo malvado. Simplmente lo secuestraron los extraterrestres y jugaron un poquito con el, y lo devolvieron un poco mas normal. Pero q no panda el cunico... eso tiene arreglo!
I miss you guAji!!!!
And i loveee youuu!!!!!
lots of kisses
.... ruTH, should you ever mention aliens again in this blog and god knows what I will do to you... and Karotu-Chan WILL like it, belive me!
hey i think i confused the blog of guajis.... =S isnt this one, his blog??? Well if is it... I love karoll tooo!!! lol, just wanted to piss u off... im bored!!! and its late...
Ruthie im watching u!!! >=D
Bye, luv ya guaji!!! happy new year!
Hey there... nice pics :)
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