Let's play a game, it's called "The Bad Guy". I'll ask some questions and you'll get points if you get the right answers.
Since there's no price I think we'll be playing just for fun. Here goes.
First one:
The other day some friends and I got together to play RPGs, but turns out that half the people didn't come, so the half that DID come and I just sat down and talk over a few beers. I had wine.
Around midnight we got hungry, and since one of my friends is a chef he cooked Thai food for dinner. Since my mom is a freak when it comes to tidiness and stuff (she sometimes acts like Monica from "friends"), we cleaned up our shit but we didn't placed all the pots and pans in place, but we DID dried them.
The other day my brother brought friends home. At about 5am he had woken up everyone in the house, we got a call from security had called saying that several neighbors had complained about the loud music that was playing. When they finally left the house it was a fucking mess (bottles, garbage, puke in the bathrooms and stuff like that), and my brother, being drunk, just went to bed.
Out of this two scenarios, who do you think got yelled at? If you said ME then you're right. According to my parents I was supposed to place the pots and pans in the drawers.
Another one:
The other day (actually the week after) I got together and this time everyone came. After we were done playing I got in my car and went to grab a bite to eat with some of the people that were home and then I went to a friend's house. He just graduated and I wanted to congratulate him and there's this friends from out of town that was also there. I got home, I don't know, at about 4am maybe? When I got home I took my time to clean up the mess we left when we were playing earlier that day. Every thing in it's place, I cleaned the table, put every ornament/decoration (my mom puts a lot of those in xmast) back where it was and finally I went to bed. I forgot to bring my RPG book and dice with me.
Where we live (the 3th world) we don't get water everyday but every other day if we're lucky. So everyone builds a tank to store water, we have one of those, the thing is, remember when I said that we got water every other day if we're lucky? Well I was talking about the town in general, because in my house it NEVER comes. We have to buy it from people that drive trucks filled with it. Right now, to fill up our tank we pay 200Bs (that's about 50 American dollars) and we have to do it twice a week. So the other day my brother decided to get one of those kiddie pools and fill it up so he could have a sexy night with a lady friend. He wasted half our tank and wouldn't let anyone sleep with the noise and on top of that his girlfriend (Yes, he was cheating on her) kept calling the house.
Guess who got yelled at this time? If you said my brother, then you're wrong. I was supposed to take the book and dice to my room with me.
So my fellow bloggers, I think you got the picture already. If not, allow me to explain.
I opened this blog a long time ago because I needed to complain, I needed to let out some steam. Call me an angry person (who isn't), call me a guy with issues (who is free of those?), call me what you want (exceptions: chavista, reggeatonero, emo, Christian, communist and lier) but the truth is: I NEED TO COMPLAIN. That is who I am, I see something wrong and I complain about it, and if you take the time to check my blog you'll see that I not only complain about my brother or about things that happen to me; I complain about everything I see that I don't like, and this post is a way of pushing a "re-start" button for the blog, because I've kept it in oblivion far too long. I hope you enjoy this. Good fight, good night.
PD: I see that I have new followers, and that I have a comment from someone I don't know! That is a first for this blog. I want to thank you all even if you don't come back again, just for taking your time to read at least one entry; and if you DO come back, well, like I said, I'll try and keep things running from now on.
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Hey again :-).
Let me start by asking you a question: If people didn't complain, how would anyone know what was wrong??
When the people who have the power to change things in our lives start listening to what we say we won't have to complain anymore!
Imagine - a life where you have sensible conversations to sort things out.
Besides, everyone needs to let off steam now and then!
It WILL change. It WILL get better. Just keep on complaining!
hello! =) randomly came across your blog. i understand how you feel, but i do hope that you are feeling better. Not to forget to think and feel good that times keeps you going.
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