Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Baseball Classic

Definitively the Major League Baseball is the best baseball league in the world, that is why USA have been champions twice.... Yeah right.
Wake up morons, you guys are not the best! You have not won, and not only that: YOU HAVE NOT BEEN IN A FINAL YET! Not only that but have not even been in 3th place and on top of that Venezuela have gotten better standings than the USA in both tournaments.

I could go on and on but I really don't know much about baseball...
Anyway; congratulations Japan, I rooted for you last time and I rooted for you this time. I wanted Venezuela to win but since we got screwed by Korea... GO JAPAAAAAAAN!!!

1 comment:

KaritoGlam said...

That's very true... Americans think they're at the top of the World on everything... and mostly in Baseball.

I stayed up last night, till 1:00am watching the Korea vs. Japan game. It was a damn good game.