Sunday, February 17, 2008

Yeah Right!!

For all those readers who are not from my country, or who don't know yet, Venezuela changed their currency this year... The new currency is called Bolivar Fuerte...
STRONG MY ASS!! Look at what happens when you drop a one of the new coins:
Kindda makes you wonder about the whole "Un Bolivar fuerte, una economia fuerte, un pais fuerte" thing....


KaritoGlam said...

holy... this is crazy and LAME!

sucks big time.

Unknown said...

XD... rie para no llorar!
desafortunadamente esa es nuestra realidad... aunque muchos aun sigan pensando que vamos por buen camino!

i really wanna leave this hole :(

Jorge Salinas said...

Sabes?? verga dime mariquita dime todo pero marico estrelle esa mierda contra la pared y no se pego... parece ke hay unas cuantas monedas ke si las sacaron buenas =( y esas me tocaron a mi =(

Luisjoey said...


this is really funny! the strongest in name is weaken in toughness!


Animetronic said...

jajajaja, habra que meterle wintrol a esos bolivares