Sunday, December 24, 2006

What I want for Xmast

I want a lot of stuff actually... A new game console, an Mp3 player would do great, a new cellphone, another tattoo... those things are cool, but what I really want is evolution.
I cannot stand the stupidity of the people of this country, the same stupidity that have led generations to finally arrive at where we are now... Im tired of that "viveza criolla" or whatever you may call it, I can't belive that in this country you can "purchase" your driver's licence, or that you can get any movie you want, EVEN THE ONES THAT HAVE NOT BEEN RELEASED YET! Streetlights are useless here; if you have a bussines then be sure that your employees WILL take home pens, pencils and whatever their children may need to finish homework. I live on a country where people litter and then complains about how dirty the city is.
I find myself guilty of some of theese charges, not all of them, but I am not inocent... and let me tell you something: if we don't change, the only thing that awaits us is compleate oblivion.
What I want for Xmast is a change in everyone's mind, we need to be better peope, and do not tell me that it can't be done, because when we leave the country we behave like perfect citizens... so my question is: wy can't we behave like good people all the time?
Anyway, I may be just talking the truth here or maybe it is the vodka talking... Im gonna go but just think of what I just said.

No lyrics.

P.S.: Of course I linked you, yours is the best blog ever hon.


KaritoGlam said...

I agree..I don dislike Venezuela, but I do dislike the ppl in here, their beliefs and such. That's the only problem I see here, Society...well, and Government.

I think were able to change, cuz as you say, ppl take a 180º turn, they can bloody do it here. BUT they dun fucking want it...por comodismo. So, we're fucked and we will always be... sad, but true :(


Unknown said...

Don't get me wrong. Im not talking about politics here... just trying to make people see that they can be better.

When was the last time you did something just because "it was the right thing to do"?

KaritoGlam said...

I know it's NOT about politics... but that's something that cannot be left away these days.

And boy, I do think I'm one of those who do the "right thing" or at least try...

Unknown said...



Rianse un poco de la vida, se que de lo que hablas aqui es serio, y si hay o habria que hacer algo al respecto... pero si te lo tomas muy en serio te van a salir canas verdes y ya de por si tienes de donde sacarlas... Ademas con esto no se logra mas que lo que ya tenemos de sobra: Gente quejandose de la boca para afuera.

Venezuela por desgracia necesita mas que unos pocos de nosotros admitiendo como estan las cosas, y aun cuando unos cuantos posteen sobre el asunto, alli queda, en lineas y en blogs... o acaso hacemos algo mas que quejarnos en un espacio de internet?... si, eso pense....

Asi que si no se va a hacer mas que esto, relajate y tomatelo con vodka porque la vida es para disfrutar no para añorar

Y si alguna vez, alguno de nosotros tiene el coraje o la verdadera pasion de hacer algo mas al respecto, le doy todo mi apoyo y es alli cuando todos nos uniremos a una causa que sentimos pero no actuamos para hacer realidad.

como cantaria James:
Sad but true

Unknown said...

Ahhh se me olvidaba

el hacer lo que se considera correcto va dentro de cada quien, la misma frase "hacer lo correcto" es una de las frases mas hipocritas usadas desde siempre

Todo tiene que ver con el balance entre nuestra conciencia moral y nuestra conciencia psicologica (no lo digo yo, lo dicen los libros)... donde lo que SENTIMOS que esta bien es lo que debemos seguir...

Si "Haces lo correcto" no lo hagas porque una señal dice "No arrojar basura", hazlo porque te sentirias sucio lanzando ese pedazo de papel, o ese vaso de plastico.

Jaja, la idea no es ser ciudadanos modelos, es simplemente ser GENTE.

Oh well

Ya me estas arrastrando a niveles de profundidad de los que estoy huyendo estos dias

Sweet Emotion babe...

Unknown said...

"Si "Haces lo correcto" no lo hagas porque una señal dice "No arrojar basura", hazlo porque te sentirias sucio lanzando ese pedazo de papel, o ese vaso de plastico."

That's exactly what I mean; sadly people here need to get fucked to do things "right", and fucked I mean that the authorities need to inplant fear on the people, but when a cop stops you all he does is ask for money... way to go enforcer! "To serve and protect", yeah right, more like "to observe and collect".

Unknown said...




Jac said...


my firey talker you expose such good arguments, but evolution takes time and we're like the farthest place of the cradle of civilization so we get the updates at the end.

Deeds not Words, like in the Young Indiana Jones Adventures (omg am i that old?) do complain but do give the example,others might follow. There's so much we can do in this world.

The right thing to do is for ourselves, not for others i believe so not for the sign but for you.

and the jac note... too much of everything is has after all a balance..tip it one side is not always good

nuff said