Monday, December 04, 2006

...And now the strom.

Seems that I wont be missing the battles anymore...
But really kids, did you really thought that he would just take the blow honorably and accept defeat? I got up at 7am, put some clothes on, crossed the street and waited 3 hours in line to vote for El Maracucho; but I did it because it is my right AND my duty, but the minute I woke up I knew this was going to happen...
Geo you say that waiting on him to die is the only solution, others say that we need to stay peacefull, others to hope for the fraud to be discovered, some people say that they will leave Vzla... In my opinion only the last one is a valid choice, but is it not fit for me...
First: he wont just die! Bad people never die; look at Castro for fuck's sake, how long was Sadam in Iraq before Bush Jr.? Where on earth is Osama?... forget about waiting on him to die.
Second: do you remember La Mesa de Negociaciones y Acuerdos.... yeah I remember, It failed because there is no negotiating with him or his minions; he is just a power hungry FAILED couper that has bee trying to get to this since 1992... remember his own words "...POR AHORA..."
Third: children, do you remember El Referendum? We won, we know it, there was a leak of info and a book containg all the details was made and publish and all... and what happened? He wipped his ass with the book, and took it of the streets... that is why we don't see the bloody book in the bookstores.

Now, what do I think that people should do? We can't just take it! The closest we've been to getting rid of him was when we wher on the streets... we NEED to get back on the streets people! But this time we can't let some old fart to blow it; yes, by old fart I mean Carmona Estanga, he blew it.
Now must come the storm, we have to fight by whatever means we have, we cannot just stay dull and wait on him to say that people love him so much that he will no make anymore elections... come on the bastard's been there for 8 years and he calls that only one presidential period!!
I cannot let this happen... yet I am but one man...

There are no words in english nor in spanish nor in any of the languages created by men for such treachery.


Unknown said...

Not one man. But definately, one idea.

It has begun...

KaritoGlam said...

I know, I know all of that.
But still, I have no clue what to do.

One thing I know: I'm not afraid... I'm to depresed and hopeless to be afraid. I think there's no light at the ond of this tunel.

*~Karol Romero~*

Jorge Salinas said...

Dude..... tienes toda la razon... aki ya no estamos hablando de otro revocatorio... estamos decidiendo el futuro de Venezuela y si no nos arrechamos AHORA... no dentro de 4 dias o el 24 si no AHORA..... no nos arrecharemos nunca y nos mamaremos al loco por los siglos de los siglos como Cuba... asi ke A DESPERTARSE SE HA DICHO.... ARRECHEMONOS CARAJO.... HASTA CUANDO NOS VAMOS A DEJAR PASAR EL FALO POR LA NARIZ, HASTA CUANDO NOS VAMOS A DEJAR VER LA CARA DE PENDEJOTES, HASTA CUANDO NOS VAMOS A CONFORMAR CON LO KE PASE EN EL PAIS... DESPIERTENSE CONO!!!

Hector Partidas said...

Arrecharse no lleva a nada si no tienes a alguien que lidere a las masas. Solo seria una masacre sin sentido y le gobierno podria decir, ven? son golpistas. Hay que ser mas inteligente que eso.

Se necesita un liderazgo que no se raje cuando lo amenacen y que su conciencia le permita llevar acabo lo que debe llevarse acabo.