Monday, November 14, 2005

Bleach - Masked

we sure played like crazy this weekend...

remember Christian? well he IS a quincy and got beat the hell up by Kaoru and me, the only bad thing about that is that his quincy master came to the rescue and pounded on us.. just before finish us up i felt that weird one-second hollow prescense... when the quincy master released his spell we were able to dodge it but we fall unconcious. While uncouncious I had the most weird dream... I was walking in the middle of nowhere and a figure comes towards me, and wich every step I take the figure moves one step ahead too... when I was able to see the figure's face, I was looking at myself.
Later I woke up in my room all healed up, so i went out to report to my vice captain, Hitsugaya (yes he is a vice captain now, but 20 years latter, when the manga begins he bacomes captain) afterwards I talked with my captain, Murasama Ryoko, about my comunicartor being broken or something, because my calls for aid are never delivered... so she sent me to Urahara... when i got there Kaoru was talking to him too... turns out that our comunicators were broken after all but he doesn't know that was wrog with them, but he gave us new ones anyway. Later we were invited to join some club of female shinigami or something (remember, franklin and I are both ladies... and good looking ones =D) amd after that I told Kaoru to meet me in a place far away from public eye... there I attacked her in order to make her talk to the spirit of her Zanpakutou, cuz she needs her shikai badly! but she walked away on me and didn't do shit.
Some days after that, they gave us two a hollow slaying mission so we went there and just before the battle... the fucking quincy again... back up came for us, Mirumoto Shigeru (napo's pc) with 2 other NPC; and the the hollow called his own back up... 4 more hollows that looked like him but smaller. The battle began; slash slash, punch kick punch; and when the main hollow went down, instead of disapearing, he became some weird ooze tha possesed one of the NPC... so we called for backup cuz i didn't knew what to do... and who came? Byakuya!! he walked amog us looking everyone but me like trash (because im the only noble) and Mirumoro-san looked back like trash at Byakuga... well captain Byakuya killed the hollow, thus slaying the shinigami, then went to Mirumoto-baka and asked for his name before he used his shikai on him... "Learn how to adress to nobility... Ikari, we are leaving" that was what he said. Poor napo, Byakuya left him with 1hp left.
Later captain Byakuya asked me to report everything to me, but I failed to mention the quincy, wich he had failed to notice when he was aiding us. a couple of days later I called Mirumoto-san and Kaoru to a meeting... I hacked the both, nearly killed them actually... and this time they finally got their shikais!... the bad news is that some one from gotei 2 saw me almost killing them, reported to Soi Fong (captain of gotei 2) and Fong-sama told my captain about it and I was summoned, along with Kaoru and Mirumoto, so see Ryoko-sama... she scolded us, mainly me, cuz a shinigami could have died... but then, still pissed, she congratulated me and named me 10th sitting officer of my gotei =D!!

In other news my cousin wet her bed today =P I love her!


Animetronic said...

Well, yes, Byakuya stomped the crap out of me with his famous senbanzakura (thousand cherry blossom), and left my body covered in scars, nevertheless, that helped me find purpose, that and my captain (4th gotei), man, that woman rules. Anyway, tnx for the shikai waking up thingie..

KaritoGlam said...

I <3 You!