Well happy birthday to you little mushroom.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Something cute, little and blonde...
Well happy birthday to you little mushroom.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Meet Jürgen
If you have not realized it yet, this is just a joke. I hope I made you laugh; but let it be written and let it be known: I DO watch the games with this little dude nearby; and you should probably get one like this to match your team!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Monday, December 08, 2008
Tales of The Scorpion
I hope you find some meaning to all this nonsense... I did
The Ki-Rin and The Scorpion
One day Ki-Rin was playing in a field. Her sister Phoenix had told her to look out for The Scorpion, but she was too busy playing and looking at all the new things that she only half-heard her sister's warning.
While she was playing, a creature climbed upon a rock to watch. The Ki-Rin saw the creature and said "I have seen Flower, I have seen Tree, I have seen rock, I have seen Horse, but I have not seen you. Who are you?. The creature said "I am truth"
The Ki-Rin smiled "I am very pleased to meet you friend Truth. Have you seen The Scorpion? My sister told me to look out for him, but I do not know what he looks like".
"Yes, I know Scorpion" Said Truth
"Can you tell me what he looks like?"
"Yes, in fact lets us go to look for him now. If you carry me on your back, we will go much faster than if we both walk"
"Good idea!" said The Ki-Rin"Clim on my back, friend, and we will be off"
Truth climbed on The Ki-Rin's back and together they went looking for scorpion
"So" asked The Ki-Rin"What does The Scorpion look like?"
"He has 2 sharp Pincers" Said Truth
The Ki-Rin looked at Truth's 2 sharp pincers and said "Ah, I see"
"And he has many legs"
The Ki-Rin looked at Truth's many legs and said "Ah, I see"
"And he has a tail that drip deadly poison"
The Ki-Rin looked at Truth tail and said "Why Truth, he looks just like you!"
Truth smiled and said "Yes, yes he does"
The Ki-Rin laughed "Isn't it fortunate that I met you before I met him?
Then Truth nodded "Yes, it is"
And The Ki-Rin had nothing more to say
The Lion and The Scorpion
Once there was a Lion sleeping in a sunny field. A Scorpion came to him and said "Lion, you are so large. I suppose you are the largest creature in the lands". The lion replied "Yes, I believe that I am"
"And" said The Scorpion "you must be the strongest and bravest creature as well"
"That's what they say" said The Lion
"My only advantage is my poison tail" The Scorpion said "and I suppose you could smash me underfoot before I could sting you even once"
"I could quite easily" said The Lion rising and stretching
"In fact, if I stung you, I doubt you would even notice"
The lion looked down at The Scorpion curiously "Perhaps. But I believe that I will step upon you now, tiny one, and you will never have a chance"
"Oh but great Lion" The Scorpion said smiling "I stung you 5 minutes ago"
And The lion had nothing more to say
The Crane and The Scorpion
One there was a Crane and a Scorpion, sitting by the edge of a river. The Crane said "Isn't it funny how the Fortunes distributed their blessings among the creatures?
The Scorpion eyed the Crane suspiciously "What do you mean?"
The Crane smiled and said "Look at me. Look at my beautiful wings and feathers, I can fly and I can swim; look at my perfect neck and my shining eyes, I am the envy of all the creatures in the world". And then The crane looked at The Scorpion and said "Look at you, all you have is your tail"
"Ah" said The Scorpion "but that means you have nothing to gain, and I have nothing to lose. When you are old and have lost your feathers you will no longer be able to fly, and when you are fat and half blind you will no longer be able to swim. Then, when you are counting everything you that have lost, I will be counting everything I have gained"
And The crane had nothing more to say
The Crab and The Scorpion
Once, long ago, The Scorpion was walking on a beach with his brother The Crab
"Ah Scorpion" said The Crab "You have tricked Lion and you have tricked Crane, but you shall not best me. For I am safe withing my armored house, and not even your poison sting can reach me here"
The Scorpion eyed Crab's metal plating and nodded wisely. "that is true my friend. But how sad for you that you are trapped in such a unwieldy prison"
"What?" said The Crab "This is not a prison, this is my home"
"Of course" smiled The Scorpion "And that is what everyone tells you. But if it were not a prison you would be able to take it off. I have heard that you were cursed, condemned to spend the rest of your life carrying your own prison in your back"
The Crab said "I can take it off whenever I want to!"
The Scorpion nodded sadly and said "I'll be sure to tell everyone that"
The Crab stomped on the sand "I can take my shell whenever I want!"
The Scorpion said "Have you even tried?"
The Crab stomped and took his house off his back and threw it in the ground
The Scorpion smiled as they looked at each other
And The crab had nothing else to say
The Phoenix and The Scorpion
One day The Scorpion came to Phoenix in his mountains and said "I have a gift for you"
Phoenix backed away "Oh no, I know all about you. I don't want your gift"
"Oh really?" said The Scorpion"I will leave it here" and put the gift on the ground "and if you don't want it, someone else certainly will" Then The Scorpion walked away.
Phoenix looked at the gift an thought "If I take the gift and it's a trap, than I have been tricked. But if I leave it and it's not a trap, then I have been tricked. What shall I do?"
All day long Phoenix sat and looked at the gift pondering it. "What does he have in mind? He tricked the Crab with anger and the Lion with Pride. He tricked the Ki-Rin with her ignorance and the Crane with flattery. How does he mean to trick me?"
Soon the sun had crossed the sky and the moon had made it's nightly progress, but Phoenix had not moved a single footstep; he was rooted to the spot, pondering The Scorpion's gift. When he looked up the next morning he saw The Scorpion watching and laughing.
And Phoenix had nothing more to say
The Dragon and The Scorpion
One day The Dragon came to The Scorpion and said "I saw how you tricked Ki-Rin"
And The Scorpion nodded
Dragon continued "I saw how you tricked Lion"
And The Scorpion nodded
Dragon continued "I watched you trick Crane"
And The Scorpion nodded
Dragon continued "I was there when you tricked Crab"
And The Scorpion nodded
Dragon continued "And I knew what you would do to Phoenix"
And The Scorpion said "And you stood by and did nothing"
And Dragon had nothing more to say
Monday, August 25, 2008
Meet the Live Cast
The players will be displayed alphabetically, by their clans
Hida Ekutoru
A typical Crab: Big, strong and not even a bit subtle; but a nice guy none the less. He belongs to the military where he have a rank of "Nikutai" - a rank equivalent of a Corporal - and is in charge with a squad (10 people) of Crab soldiers. He also works for a Emerald Magistrate, a member of the Akodo Family of the Lion Clan.
Recently he and the rest of the Samurai employed by this magistrate went to Crab lands to deal with a series of murders that had taken places in the lands of a wealthy Yasuki Merchant; the plot became thicker when the group found out about the existence of a madmen monastery and the works of a Bog Hag. He committed sepukku as he chose the lesser of 2 evils and gave his life for the Empire. The Kamis rewarded him by giving him new life.
Kakita Kaoru
If Ekutoru is the typical Crab then Kaoru is the Typical Crane: Beautiful, well mannered and cold. She served a Magistrate within her clan, and was also at the service of the same Akodo Magistrate that employed Hida Ekutoru. She also went to the Yasuki lands to investigate the problems there and she came out of the monastery alive together with a Soshi Shugenja who she killed for being a maho (black magic) practitioner. In the end she was the only that survived in the group (Ekutoru died and was brought back), and was awarded when she arrived in Crane lands with a excellently crafted Katana.
Later, the Akodo Magistrate she worked for died and through the favor of a Crane Courtier she became an Emerald Magistrate herself
Shinta Moshibaru
Born a ronin, he lived in a small village near where Ekutoru and Kaoru brought peace by eliminating the cult of mad monks. When he was about to die, Shinta's father, Goshiro, asked Ekutoru to give the boy his father's swords so he could take on the path of the warrior; the first thing he did was to enter the Shadowlands and come back alive with 20 goblin heads. Having completed the 20 Gobin Winter he was admitted in the Moshibaru family, a vassal of the Hida
Tamori Fushinotori
A youung shugenja from the dragon clan. This is a ladies man and likes to train his body as well as his mind. However, he is to young to be telling tales about him. His 1st real assingment was to deliver a gift from his family to a Hida Lord in Kyuden Hida
Akodo Hayato
His father was the one that was the employer of Kaoru and Ekutoru. After his father's death everyone expected him to become the new Emerald Magistrate, but an influential Crane Courtier puled his strings and Kaoru was named Magistrate instead of him. This will surely bring harsh times between them.
Mirumoto Kaede
A young and proud member of the Dragon Clan. Her first assignment is to serve as a yojimbo (guardian) to Fushinotori's trip to Kyden Hida. He asked permission from her lord to challenge Hida Ekutoru, her brother in law, as a way to restore her family's honor due to Ekutoru misbehavior towards his wife, Kaede's older sister. She won the duel and caught the eye of Kaoru.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Just Thoughts
Live the present time wholly and fully, because the past does not belong to you and the future becomes the present so quickly that you have no time to grasp it.
Anyway, I'm off.
Hope you people like that whether it's mine or not.
Black Tide - Shockwave
Monday, July 14, 2008
The Epilogue of a Beauty
She kept her katana for safekeeping and at her arrival she requested for another stand so she can put that katana to rest properly until she was able to return it to her fallen comrade family.
At night she began combing her hair when she suddenly heard a great deal of noise coming form the nearby rooms. She was suspicious of foul magic inside the castle, and the noises startled her.
Swift as the wind she reached for her katana as she heard running steps coming close to her room, she turned to the door unsheathing her blade just in time to see the sliding door open in one smooth motion; what she saw was a towering naked man... Surprised as she was, the only thing that could scape her mouth was to call out the name of the naked man in front of her, her voice trembling with awe:
Saturday, May 31, 2008
... not again!
Through time I have been disappointed over and over again while I try to be as best as I can and live up to be the best guy everyone can ask for; it's not easy, and sometimes I just don't fucking care about anything else but me, but to be honest I get little complain... actually so little that I could say that I get no complains, but I don't want to brag. I only ask one thing in return: why can't those that know that can bring me down, like I just said I have been brought down, behave? Is it really so hard??
Why do I even bother??
Until Sleeps
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Past, Present, Future.
Later, Rasit traveled in time and took on Fistandantilus and absorbed him while he was still alive! It was like being two times a powerful as you can be! But with all that power and shit he still could not escape his past. Since he became Fistandantilus, he became destined to die and go forth in time to fin himself (Raist) and be lock in a never ending circle.
Why am I telling you this? To see what happens when you stop living for today while thinking about the future and start living in the past and thinking that the past is the answer to your problems and the root of your curses.
See the past is just that: PAST... you can't do shit about it because, unless you have a time machine (in which case you'll have to let me borrow it, I wanna meet hide), you CAN'T change your past! The only thing you can do with that is learn from it. Period.
On the other hand you have the present, that thing which you are living now. You can screw the present big time if you decide to live in the past, because the past it's a bitch... it wont let you go.
Then we have the future... all we can do about that is get ready for it learning from the past, the hard part is that no one knows what awaits us in the future, unless you have a time machine (in which case you'll have to let me borrow it; I wanna know who wins the Euro2008 and then make some bets).
Bottom line is: you have to own you past, you can't let your past own you. It's the same thing with money: when you own money, you are wealthy; when money owns you, then you are just greedy and that sucks.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Thank you Heavy Metal.
Here is the Japanese opening of a well knonw tv show: Mazinger Z or Tranzor Z in North America... Why do you have to go and screw up such a cool name like Mazinger??? How do you name the Mazinkaiser, Tranzorkaiser?? Stupid.
Anyway here is the vid:
Now here is the same video, but this time the song is performed by Animetal, a Japanese Heavy Metal band wich makes covers out of Japanese tv shows
See?? I rest my case, Heavy Metal is not only good, it is a blessing.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Head Ache
The thing is that the last time I got a head ache like this was actually about a week ago. I had a system breakdown due to some heavy thinking and I was not able to go to bed until like 4 am or so, and then I had to wake up early because my dad needed some stuff done... so I had no like "no time to sleep"... I mean, I did have the time... I just couldn't and then I had to do some stuff, see?? But the is not the point, the point is the headache that I got that time...
I got a headache for being up late... doing what? Well I was thinking. I could have just overlooked the matter but I just couldn't. Why? Because it was about me facing one of my greatest fears.
I once saw a movie in which one of the character said: "A man who fears nothing is a man who loves nothing...". Well there you go, I once was fearless because I had nothing to lose. Today I do have something to lose, and to lose that would be losing the most important thing in my life and the greatest thing that have ever happened! So I'm afraid, so to speak... but I don't want to be afraid; to live in fear is worst than fear itself in my opinion, and long ago I decided not to be afraid in life so that I could live it fully.
But the guy from the movie also said "... and what joy there is in life for a man that loves nothing??". So there you go, I once was bitter and I don't wanna go back to that...
What to do? I decided to live my life not with fear but with caution, and in order to do that I will need to face every fear that I might have. It is the hard way, I know... It would be easier to just turn my back and walk away from that but then I wouldn't be happy.
So I'm taking the hard way and by doing that I know that I will make several heads to ache, starting with mine, but it's the path I've chosen and I need this in order to feel in peace with me... So what I'm trying to say is that, if one day I give any of you a headache because of my silly way of living life please forgive me; and if I have already gave anyone such a headache I am really sorry... It has never been my intention to hurt anyone.
Now, despite my headache, I am going to read one of those new books I've got waiting.
Nah... I'll start a new tradition. From now on it's gonna be videos at the end of my posts.
Anthem - Immortal Bind
Friday, May 02, 2008
Ten Years....
Today, more than usual, we remember.
This was taken on May the 1st of 1998, the day before he died.
Thursday, April 03, 2008
The song is Rusty Nail.
Finally they are back!
One thing thoug... Heath... quit it with the outfit man!! You look like you are trying to fill in hide's shoes, seriously! Quit it man, unless you are like paying homenage or something.
Here are some more vids.
Without You - New song
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Diaries of Vengance II
By my doing Japan is under the shadow of the Serpent King! And what could not be crushed in his wake? He has even awakened my ancestry Essence and now my skills have gone were I've onbly imagined they would go and still I can hardly look at him in the eye... such power... such a terrible figure... Soon the land will be no more! And when the body of poor Xiaoyi collapses, and collapse it will!, I'll be moving on to claim the prize Da Ji should have had.
I have let go of my former name and taken the name of my ancestor, soon China will fear the name Da Ji once more.
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Time for you to meet.....
Anthem (アンセム) were one of a handful of Japanese Heavy Metal band formed in 1980 in Tokyo, they were called "The Tokyo Metal Machine". Their music is very similar in style to countrymen Loudness and Earthshaker. Disbanded since 1992, the group reformed in 2000 and released the album Heavy Metal Anthem, a reworking of some older Anthem tunes now featuring noted vocalist Graham Bonnet. Since then, original vocalist Eizo Sakamoto (who hadn't sung with the band since 1987 because he started up the band Animetal which performed heavy metal covers of anime and tokusatsu (science fiction shows like Ultraman) opening and closing themes. He also was involved with the anison "supergroup" JAM Project before reuniting with Anthem) has returned to the group.
Present members:
- vocals - Eizo Sakamoto
- electric guitar - Akio Shimizu
- leader/bass guitar - Naoto Shibata
- drums - Hirotsugu Homma
Venom Strike
This was shot in 1992 and it doesn't get much more metalish than this
The Voices
20th aniversary tour. The song starts at 3:52
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Words from The Lightings
Although I stand firm in saying that my clan is the best suited, I know that it must not happen, for we have a great flaw: pride and arrogance. That pride would lead to opression and that arrogance would lead to war. I want the Yasuki lands for my clan no less than any of my clanmates, they are ours by right, but I don't want to see the Imperial Army marching there once the Crab refuse to hand them over
-I know how you feel old friend, nothing would please me more than one own in the throne... but it's unlikely to happen. People don't trust us, and it's our fault; how does my daimyo deals with one that has angered him? He makes him disapear... I don't mean "he kills him", dying, I think, would be a much more desirable fate. Belive me when I say that I don't want to be the one to make the Emperor disapear... my blood brother's fate stills haunts my sleep.
-The Emperor should and must rule with honor! He must be flawless, and following the bushido is the way of honor and through that one can truly be flawless... that's the teacing of my clan, but I just hope it would be truth, for in our pusuit of honor we would become corrupt in our cause and quest. The Scorpion and the Mantis ways would be unaceptable in the eyes of a Emperor such as the one we would become... but regardless, the Empire needs the Scorpion and the Mantis.
-I know many good people in all of our clans, people that rule marvelously within the little realms they are given and call "home", but power corrupts, and what is worse: there are those that would seek those in power to corrupt them... we have seen this, we all saw how the leaders of the Lotus used the hitokiri Shigeru as a puppet and almost unleashed a power too great for them to control. Yes power corrupts and if my clan ruled the study of elements would be top priority and the land would be left to be forgotten; eventually we would turn to the blood, in search for more knowledge.
-Our insight would fade from us, why? Because we would try to spread that insight... Our monasteries would fill the land and monks would be everywhere. We cannot, we must not, make our lands an example of spiritual rightgeousness nor an example of what the world should live and think like... that would not be "protecting"...
-By our constant war are your lands kept safe from the shadows. We have the right to rule for it is us who keep this Empire free of taint... but war is what we know and war is what we would give to the land. War against the Crane for taking the lands of the Yasuki; war against the Shadowland, something that would leave the Empire bankrupt and wasted; war against the Unicorn for dealing with the gaijin and war to the gaijin should they ever dare show their face arround here. We are warriors, not rulers.
The last of the Lightnings fell on the battle of the Naga Spirits, he dances with the fortunes as I write, but he would have said something like this:
-We are not interested in ruling although we'll do it if we must. I'd just hope our flaw wouldn't cast it's shadow on the land... our free spirits would leave or desert the Empire... and that's my fear.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Yeah Right!!
STRONG MY ASS!! Look at what happens when you drop a one of the new coins:
Saturday, February 09, 2008
X Japan - I.V. Music Video
Only one comment to add:
Heath, you suck EMO!! BRING BACK TAIJI!!!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Do you know what would be rude...?
Say that I go to Miami and stay there for 2 weeks, but I don't tell my cousin Mari that I was in Miami. Or that I go to Spain and not tell Sylvia about it... that would be rude, so rude that in some cultures it could be clasified as low.
Anyway, I'm just saying this to give somepeople something to think about... B-bye!
Friday, January 04, 2008
........I'd give my right arm to be with her right now; I need her more than my arm anyways.