Monday, December 17, 2007
Diaries of Ignorance
Japan is bigger than what you may think!!
I've been here for like, what?, a month and a half?! I've seen so much in theese past few weeks, it's awesome, although Da Qui seems to be bothered by the fact that "we are taking too long"... She is constanly reminding me that we must reach Tokyo, that she has a "surprise" for me... but the land of the Samurai is beutifull and I want to see it all... unlike her, she is what you'd call a "stereotypical chinese", she hates Japan, it's people and it's history. Now that I think about it, I don't know why she agreed on comming with me =S
Anyway, we'll be in Tokyo by the end of this week, or maybe we'll stay the weekend here I don't know; maybe I'm being selfish and I'm not thinking about her, but it would be easier if I knew what kind of surprise expect us in Tokyo...
I just know I'm gonna love visiting the temples and the duel academies and all that... just the thought of the Great Lu Bu, or Cao Pi fighting the likes of Oda Nobunaga or Miyamoto Musashi... it's delightfull...
.... Da Qui's complainig suddenly changed my mood... I don't wanna write anymore... at least not for now.
I've been here for like, what?, a month and a half?! I've seen so much in theese past few weeks, it's awesome, although Da Qui seems to be bothered by the fact that "we are taking too long"... She is constanly reminding me that we must reach Tokyo, that she has a "surprise" for me... but the land of the Samurai is beutifull and I want to see it all... unlike her, she is what you'd call a "stereotypical chinese", she hates Japan, it's people and it's history. Now that I think about it, I don't know why she agreed on comming with me =S
Anyway, we'll be in Tokyo by the end of this week, or maybe we'll stay the weekend here I don't know; maybe I'm being selfish and I'm not thinking about her, but it would be easier if I knew what kind of surprise expect us in Tokyo...
I just know I'm gonna love visiting the temples and the duel academies and all that... just the thought of the Great Lu Bu, or Cao Pi fighting the likes of Oda Nobunaga or Miyamoto Musashi... it's delightfull...
.... Da Qui's complainig suddenly changed my mood... I don't wanna write anymore... at least not for now.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Monday, December 03, 2007
No estoy conforme
Si, no lo pueden creer verdad? Estoy escribiendo en español, y saben por que? Por que a los que les interesa esto tienen el español como lengua madre.
No estoy conforme.
Para comenzar yo aun no me la creo, espere como media hora para despertar a mi mama, quien se habia acostado como a las 11, por que en verdad no lo creo aun... no puede ser tan facil.
No estoy conforme.
Por que? porque ese hombre aun esta libre y, ademas, de presidente. Mucha gente ha ido a la carcel de por vida por crimenes mas leves. Me cale TODO el proceso, desde que comenzaron con que iban a reformar la constitucion... y saben que? Esto no hubiese sido necesario si hubiesemos ganados hace un año... yo SE que ganamos, lo se. Que por cierto Hugo, eres tan absurdo y te rodeas de gente tan incompetetnte que te hiciste una constitucion PARA TI SOLITO cuando comenzaste a gobernar y ya la quieres cambiar.
No estoy conforme.
De verdad no creo que hayamos ganado con un 1% de diferencia. No puede ser que haya un 44% de abtencion. No puede ser que a mi papa lo hayan sacado convenientemente del registro electoral hace un par de dias.
No estoy conforme
Porque he votado, firmado, vuelto a votar y des todas las veces (4 o 5, no recuerdo bien) solo han hecho valer mi voto ESTA vez.
Ahora le gente empezara a beber creyendo que ganamos... que tal si les dicen mañana que van a hacer un proceso mas decisivo que el de la reforma constitucional y en ese si nos meten el huevo; y cuando digamos "Hubo trampa" ellos diran "Aqui las elecciones son transparentes! Las pasadas las gano la oposicion".
Quizas este hablando de mas debido al sueño que estoy aguantando desde las 9pm del dia Domingo, pero creo que un post mas sincero que este no sera facil de encontrar.
Lyrics? No viejo, tengo mucho sueño.
No estoy conforme.
Para comenzar yo aun no me la creo, espere como media hora para despertar a mi mama, quien se habia acostado como a las 11, por que en verdad no lo creo aun... no puede ser tan facil.
No estoy conforme.
Por que? porque ese hombre aun esta libre y, ademas, de presidente. Mucha gente ha ido a la carcel de por vida por crimenes mas leves. Me cale TODO el proceso, desde que comenzaron con que iban a reformar la constitucion... y saben que? Esto no hubiese sido necesario si hubiesemos ganados hace un año... yo SE que ganamos, lo se. Que por cierto Hugo, eres tan absurdo y te rodeas de gente tan incompetetnte que te hiciste una constitucion PARA TI SOLITO cuando comenzaste a gobernar y ya la quieres cambiar.
No estoy conforme.
De verdad no creo que hayamos ganado con un 1% de diferencia. No puede ser que haya un 44% de abtencion. No puede ser que a mi papa lo hayan sacado convenientemente del registro electoral hace un par de dias.
No estoy conforme
Porque he votado, firmado, vuelto a votar y des todas las veces (4 o 5, no recuerdo bien) solo han hecho valer mi voto ESTA vez.
Ahora le gente empezara a beber creyendo que ganamos... que tal si les dicen mañana que van a hacer un proceso mas decisivo que el de la reforma constitucional y en ese si nos meten el huevo; y cuando digamos "Hubo trampa" ellos diran "Aqui las elecciones son transparentes! Las pasadas las gano la oposicion".
Quizas este hablando de mas debido al sueño que estoy aguantando desde las 9pm del dia Domingo, pero creo que un post mas sincero que este no sera facil de encontrar.
Lyrics? No viejo, tengo mucho sueño.
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Bleach - Masked
It's been ages, but finally we got to playing again... we'll have to wait a long time before we can play again. This last section of the campaing was played separedly so I don't know what the fuck happened with Mirumoto-San (napo) and with Kaoru-San (Franklin).
... Remember we where living in Hueco Mundo with the Vaizards gang and they were helping us control the hollows inside of us. Our preparation took long and in that time I learned that Hyuga Tenkai, one of my cousins was exiled to earth by the Soul Society... the training was hard but we were ready, or so the vaizards thought. The day of the testing came, Kaoru-San satayed slackign and sleeping while Mirumoto-San and I went to take the test, I forced my way into being the first one to be tested... a contention spell was cast, to hold me, and then they made me enter a trance in with I had to face my dark side; she took away my zanpakutou, I was helpless... but she forgot that I was better than that... my pride wouldn't let me fall, I held on to it and I was able to get my sword back, this time my dark side was at a disadvantage... and she fell. When I came to I found out that about 30 minutes has passed and some of the Vaizards were hurt, Incluiding Mirumoto who told me that I owe him one... go figure. There was like a 10 minute break and the Mirumoto- San was up. The same spell was cast... and he was forced into the same trance; what happened in his mind, I don't know, but he began transforming into a hollow... firts it was just the mask, then the body began turning non-hummanoid... he grew legs, and his face was difigured. One by one the Vaizards fought against him, i also fought (using my new-found powers of course)... now I knew what he meant by "you owe me one" but lets just say that we are even now. As the time passed he became more mounstrous but suddenly, he exploded in a ball of raiatsu, and he was himself again. He managed to it quicker than me.
When we were resting Kaoru showed up.... she took the test, but she failed. I was taken away as our leader said that she should be killed. I mourned her for days, and kept her necklace as a memento.
Days went by and we had to do our chores... Mirumoto-San and I were sent to earth to pick up some things: hair gel, hentai manga, guitar strings... you know, stuff for our gang members. I told Mirumoto "... we should split so we finish quicker; I'll meet you here within an hour...". I got there and waited but he was super late so I left... when I got "home" everything was desolate and suddenly, out of nowhere a cero almost hit me! One of the Vaizards shove me away and that saved me... an army of hollows were attacking us... we manage to defend ourselves for a while, but there was no winning this finally I lost conscience and when I came too I was laying in some rudimentary bed mede with sheets on the floor and some old lady was taking care of me.
She told me her name was Akane, she healed me (it took like 2 weeks) and in that time we talked a lot; she was a Shinigami that had exiled herself from Soul Society very long ago, now she lived in the mountains of India... I told her of my goals, and she agreed to train me so I could get what I had sought ever since I saw Kucichi Byakuya for the first time... Ban Kai. For 400 years I lived with Akane-Sensei and I never saw her Ban Kai nor knew her last name, the only thing I knew about her Ban Kai was "As long as I held my zanpakutou, I will linger on this place" that's all she told me. With time she became like a mother, and not like my real mother too fed up with nobility to hug her child, she remind me of Kaoru's family... they were so close. Time took it's tool on her... on her last moments she talked to me and said that I was the only thing that made her happy in her exile, that being alone will kill you, that I shouln't let my pride let me end up alone... and she told me that the only thing that I was lacking to be compleate is in hell.
Before she died she told me her last name: Mirumototo (she is Genryusai's sister!!!) and to take her to a certain place once she was dead... and when I did I found her body in a cave... her hand had let go of her zanpakutou. I kept her zanpakutou sheet as a memento.
With my mind set on my goal, I met up with someone I have not seen in a long time, Hyuga Tenkai... I tracked him to the Oshu province of Japan. There I learned he had become a Vaizard himself, but he was not able to control the hollow inside of him. He was as powerfull as I was when I left Soul Society... I knew this because I tested him. In 2 days we tracked a hollow dark enough to be sent to Jigoku instead of being purified... Tankai-Chan killed him and when the doors to jigoku opened we steped in. We had to fought the usual welcome wagon, a HUGE skeleton guardian... piece of cake. We walked for a while and and then we forcefully interrogated some piece of crap devils that where hanging arround torturing souls... they told us that "the genearl would come"... "let him come I said" and he came... he tried to get rid of us using illutions; we both broke free and (since I don't know what tha fuck I am suposed to look for) told him we were looking for answers, he began fighting and said "one answer for every minute you survive"....
My Ban Kai was very usefull, I wasn't hit in the whole brawl. Not before long I got out of him that there was a shinigami trapped in Jigoku, but he died before I could get more info out of him; "why?" you ask? Because Tankai-Chan used his hollow to attack the general and lost control of it so I kept fighting him to buy him some time... I didn't wanted to kill him... I wanted to keep to what Akane-Sensei told me. Eventually he fell to the ground un-hollowized and almost spent... he wasn't able to gain control of his dark side.
Moments later we saw a warehouse, we went to it and opened it... inside was none other that Mirumoto-San!!! Aparently he's been there for 400 years!! And inside that warehouse he couldn't feel anything so he went kindda nuts... he even strangled me for a few seconds (I was about to engage him in combat actually). We were talking and were interrupted by 2 guys, one very tall and with big muscles and stuff, the other was not as strong, they were wearing some sort of armor made out of bones ... the not tall was claping saying stuff like "long time no see" and shit; I wasn't sure what he meant and he said something like "Don't you remember me? Shinigami?" and he took his helmet off... It was Tseng Pai, the quincy we have fought when we were shinigami... he had a "-3" written on his forehead... the tall one took his helmet of and he was Radetsu-San, Kaoru-San's older brother which we have killed when we couldn't control our hollows... He has a "-2" written on his fore head... they were telling us to go with them, I refused at first, but then came this woman wearing the same kind of armor and as she took her helmet of she said "You are as always... What about me Kazehime? Will you trust to follow me?"... It was Kaoru-San and she had a "-1" written on her forehead... I never let it show but I was about to crumble... and I started following her....
---The End---
We'll have to wait untill Tite Kubo finishes Bleach to play again.
... Remember we where living in Hueco Mundo with the Vaizards gang and they were helping us control the hollows inside of us. Our preparation took long and in that time I learned that Hyuga Tenkai, one of my cousins was exiled to earth by the Soul Society... the training was hard but we were ready, or so the vaizards thought. The day of the testing came, Kaoru-San satayed slackign and sleeping while Mirumoto-San and I went to take the test, I forced my way into being the first one to be tested... a contention spell was cast, to hold me, and then they made me enter a trance in with I had to face my dark side; she took away my zanpakutou, I was helpless... but she forgot that I was better than that... my pride wouldn't let me fall, I held on to it and I was able to get my sword back, this time my dark side was at a disadvantage... and she fell. When I came to I found out that about 30 minutes has passed and some of the Vaizards were hurt, Incluiding Mirumoto who told me that I owe him one... go figure. There was like a 10 minute break and the Mirumoto- San was up. The same spell was cast... and he was forced into the same trance; what happened in his mind, I don't know, but he began transforming into a hollow... firts it was just the mask, then the body began turning non-hummanoid... he grew legs, and his face was difigured. One by one the Vaizards fought against him, i also fought (using my new-found powers of course)... now I knew what he meant by "you owe me one" but lets just say that we are even now. As the time passed he became more mounstrous but suddenly, he exploded in a ball of raiatsu, and he was himself again. He managed to it quicker than me.
When we were resting Kaoru showed up.... she took the test, but she failed. I was taken away as our leader said that she should be killed. I mourned her for days, and kept her necklace as a memento.
Days went by and we had to do our chores... Mirumoto-San and I were sent to earth to pick up some things: hair gel, hentai manga, guitar strings... you know, stuff for our gang members. I told Mirumoto "... we should split so we finish quicker; I'll meet you here within an hour...". I got there and waited but he was super late so I left... when I got "home" everything was desolate and suddenly, out of nowhere a cero almost hit me! One of the Vaizards shove me away and that saved me... an army of hollows were attacking us... we manage to defend ourselves for a while, but there was no winning this finally I lost conscience and when I came too I was laying in some rudimentary bed mede with sheets on the floor and some old lady was taking care of me.
She told me her name was Akane, she healed me (it took like 2 weeks) and in that time we talked a lot; she was a Shinigami that had exiled herself from Soul Society very long ago, now she lived in the mountains of India... I told her of my goals, and she agreed to train me so I could get what I had sought ever since I saw Kucichi Byakuya for the first time... Ban Kai. For 400 years I lived with Akane-Sensei and I never saw her Ban Kai nor knew her last name, the only thing I knew about her Ban Kai was "As long as I held my zanpakutou, I will linger on this place" that's all she told me. With time she became like a mother, and not like my real mother too fed up with nobility to hug her child, she remind me of Kaoru's family... they were so close. Time took it's tool on her... on her last moments she talked to me and said that I was the only thing that made her happy in her exile, that being alone will kill you, that I shouln't let my pride let me end up alone... and she told me that the only thing that I was lacking to be compleate is in hell.
Before she died she told me her last name: Mirumototo (she is Genryusai's sister!!!) and to take her to a certain place once she was dead... and when I did I found her body in a cave... her hand had let go of her zanpakutou. I kept her zanpakutou sheet as a memento.
With my mind set on my goal, I met up with someone I have not seen in a long time, Hyuga Tenkai... I tracked him to the Oshu province of Japan. There I learned he had become a Vaizard himself, but he was not able to control the hollow inside of him. He was as powerfull as I was when I left Soul Society... I knew this because I tested him. In 2 days we tracked a hollow dark enough to be sent to Jigoku instead of being purified... Tankai-Chan killed him and when the doors to jigoku opened we steped in. We had to fought the usual welcome wagon, a HUGE skeleton guardian... piece of cake. We walked for a while and and then we forcefully interrogated some piece of crap devils that where hanging arround torturing souls... they told us that "the genearl would come"... "let him come I said" and he came... he tried to get rid of us using illutions; we both broke free and (since I don't know what tha fuck I am suposed to look for) told him we were looking for answers, he began fighting and said "one answer for every minute you survive"....
My Ban Kai was very usefull, I wasn't hit in the whole brawl. Not before long I got out of him that there was a shinigami trapped in Jigoku, but he died before I could get more info out of him; "why?" you ask? Because Tankai-Chan used his hollow to attack the general and lost control of it so I kept fighting him to buy him some time... I didn't wanted to kill him... I wanted to keep to what Akane-Sensei told me. Eventually he fell to the ground un-hollowized and almost spent... he wasn't able to gain control of his dark side.
Moments later we saw a warehouse, we went to it and opened it... inside was none other that Mirumoto-San!!! Aparently he's been there for 400 years!! And inside that warehouse he couldn't feel anything so he went kindda nuts... he even strangled me for a few seconds (I was about to engage him in combat actually). We were talking and were interrupted by 2 guys, one very tall and with big muscles and stuff, the other was not as strong, they were wearing some sort of armor made out of bones ... the not tall was claping saying stuff like "long time no see" and shit; I wasn't sure what he meant and he said something like "Don't you remember me? Shinigami?" and he took his helmet off... It was Tseng Pai, the quincy we have fought when we were shinigami... he had a "-3" written on his forehead... the tall one took his helmet of and he was Radetsu-San, Kaoru-San's older brother which we have killed when we couldn't control our hollows... He has a "-2" written on his fore head... they were telling us to go with them, I refused at first, but then came this woman wearing the same kind of armor and as she took her helmet of she said "You are as always... What about me Kazehime? Will you trust to follow me?"... It was Kaoru-San and she had a "-1" written on her forehead... I never let it show but I was about to crumble... and I started following her....
---The End---
We'll have to wait untill Tite Kubo finishes Bleach to play again.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Tittle: The one that will kill you...
... has a thousand faces.
He once was the average guy; not specificly tall, slim, no body marks, molds, scars... nothing. Theese days no one, not even him, knows what he'll look like untill it's time to go out and kill.
Those close to him say he sometimes looks punkish; with black clothes, ties, sunglases and pink dyed hair... other times he seems like a modern metal head, with leather pants, boots, a shirt with it's sleeves rolled up and shoulder lenght hair... the only feature he never changes its a tattoo on his right forearm "Chi desidera la morte finale?"
But if you manage to see through his disguise, and find fangs instead of teeth, claws instead of nails and wolf's eyes; know that it's too late for you.
He once was the average guy; not specificly tall, slim, no body marks, molds, scars... nothing. Theese days no one, not even him, knows what he'll look like untill it's time to go out and kill.
Those close to him say he sometimes looks punkish; with black clothes, ties, sunglases and pink dyed hair... other times he seems like a modern metal head, with leather pants, boots, a shirt with it's sleeves rolled up and shoulder lenght hair... the only feature he never changes its a tattoo on his right forearm "Chi desidera la morte finale?"
But if you manage to see through his disguise, and find fangs instead of teeth, claws instead of nails and wolf's eyes; know that it's too late for you.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Time for you to meet....
The band broke up in 1997. X Japan performed their farewell show at the Tokyo Dome on 31 December, making it the last of five consecutive New Year's Eve the group performed in that stadium. In 2007 the band came together again, without replacing hide, and on 2008 they gave several concerts and are on schedule for more shows outside of Japan.
Kurenai - Last Live
Weekend - Back when they were Visual Kei
Forever Love - Last Live
X Japan (エックス ジャパン,) is a Japanese band founded in 1982 by Deyama Toshimitsu "Toshi"and Hayashi Yoshiki. Originally named X (エックス), the group achieved its breakthrough success in 1989 with the release of their second album Blue Blood. They started out as a power/speed metal band and later gravitated towards a progressive sound, at all times retaining an emphasis on ballads. After three more albums, X Japan disbanded in 1997.
Besides being one of the first Japanese acts to achieve mainstream success while on an independent label, the group is widely credited for pioneering the visual kei movement (characterized by the use of eccentric, sometimes flamboyant looks. This usually involves striking make-up, unusual hair styles and elaborate costumes, often, but not always, coupled with androgynous aesthetics), though the group's members toned down their on-stage attire in later years save for lead guitarrist Hideto Matsumoto "hide", who died in 1998. As of 2007, the band has sold over twenty million records and over two million home videos.The band broke up in 1997. X Japan performed their farewell show at the Tokyo Dome on 31 December, making it the last of five consecutive New Year's Eve the group performed in that stadium. In 2007 the band came together again, without replacing hide, and on 2008 they gave several concerts and are on schedule for more shows outside of Japan.
Kurenai - Last Live
Weekend - Back when they were Visual Kei
Forever Love - Last Live
Friday, November 09, 2007
You can count on me for spreading metal all over the world.
Vote Guaji!
Kotetsu Jeeg no Uta
Vote Guaji!
Kotetsu Jeeg no Uta
Sunday, November 04, 2007
That Pisses Me Off - Part XI
Hello children. As you know I am a guy who likes to complain about stuff.... a LOT... and you have been able to see that I do complain a lot indeed thanks to the "That Pisses Me Off" posts.
Now, after all this time I have come to acknowledge one thing... I don't like when people tell me that I complain a lot... so as of right now I am concluiding the "That Pisses Me Off" series. This will be it's last entry! Really no more complains from me; unless of course it's something out of the ordinary... in that case I would writte something up, but it'll have to be something reaaaaaally anoying.... like my gramma or the emo (that means only 2 posts out of 11 that I have written would get published).
There.... I don't like when people tell me that I complain too much so I'm not complaing anymore. Say goodbye to the "That Pisses Me Off" posts, althoug I don't think anyone would miss them.
Lyrics? You wouldn't get it... So I'll post a video.
Now, after all this time I have come to acknowledge one thing... I don't like when people tell me that I complain a lot... so as of right now I am concluiding the "That Pisses Me Off" series. This will be it's last entry! Really no more complains from me; unless of course it's something out of the ordinary... in that case I would writte something up, but it'll have to be something reaaaaaally anoying.... like my gramma or the emo (that means only 2 posts out of 11 that I have written would get published).
There.... I don't like when people tell me that I complain too much so I'm not complaing anymore. Say goodbye to the "That Pisses Me Off" posts, althoug I don't think anyone would miss them.
Lyrics? You wouldn't get it... So I'll post a video.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Diaries of Vengance
According to historical record, Da Ji was the beautiful daughter of a noble family named Su in the state of Yousu in the Great China. In 1047 BC, Zhou, the king of Shang, conquered the state of Su and took Daji as his trophy. When she began acting weird they called her a witch, a sorceress, people claimed that she was a nine tailed fox demon in disguise! Years later,during the 3 kingdoms era, Lu Bu of the Han Dynasty killed 2 of his adoptive fathers and his adoptive son, and what does people thought of him? The greatest warrior there was...
People are blind, they failed to see back then, fail to see now and will forever fail to see what Da Ji really was... The only thing she ever wanted was the greatest of conquest: Japan! But she was executed before he could set her plans in motion... however her executioner forgot something... If you want to get rid of a bad weed in your garden you need to unroot it, not just cut it. Her family lived on and kept trying to acomplish the imposible, and finally after almost 3000 years I, Da Qui, will acomplish that...
That Xiaoyi boy doesn't know what's ahead of him, aparently Da Ji was right, a man would do whatever you want if you please him enough... a few more days and the serpent will be under my control; once that happens... oh this IS too good...
People are blind, they failed to see back then, fail to see now and will forever fail to see what Da Ji really was... The only thing she ever wanted was the greatest of conquest: Japan! But she was executed before he could set her plans in motion... however her executioner forgot something... If you want to get rid of a bad weed in your garden you need to unroot it, not just cut it. Her family lived on and kept trying to acomplish the imposible, and finally after almost 3000 years I, Da Qui, will acomplish that...
That Xiaoyi boy doesn't know what's ahead of him, aparently Da Ji was right, a man would do whatever you want if you please him enough... a few more days and the serpent will be under my control; once that happens... oh this IS too good...
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
X-Japan 22-10-07
I’m calling you, dear
Can’t you see me standing right here
Life is bleeding from fear
I’ll give it straight from my vein.”
-The full lyrics have yet to be released.-
Lyrics II
Mudvayne - LD 50
1. Monolith
1. Monolith
[First voice]
...These symptoms suggested that our evolution, I suppose, from the animal kingdom into the human kingdom itself was catalyzed, or triggered by our encounter with these hallucinogenics, and...
[Second voice]
...Yes, we are an ape with a symbiotic relationship to a mushroom, and that has given us self reflection, language, religion and all the spectrum of effects that flow from these things...
[First voice again]
...And one can only wonder how these hallucinogens might effect our future evolution as well...
[Second voice again]
...They have brought us to this point, and as we make our relationship to them conscious, we may be able to take control of our future evolutionary path...
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Have you ever wondered why aodhide? It is not my nickname, screen name, and beliveme when I say that not a soul on earth has called me that; so why the name?
Well, it's quite simple actually; aod stans for "Archangel of Death" -my nickname on msn- and Hide was X-Japan's lead guitar! Those guys are some sort of idols for me.
But who were those guys? And why did I picked them? I know... but you don't, so I'll spell it out.
The Archangel of Death thing bagan quite stupidly actually. A few years back I changed my msn nickname from MP-Ikari to Archangel of Death... I wanted to go with Angel of Death, but Archangels are cooler and rock harder. That night a friend of mine asked me why the name, so I said the whole and compleate truth, "it sounds cool", to wich she answered "do you know that is a character from the bible?". Now, I'm not a religious person, but I looked it up on the internet... I read his story and I liked it. Here's his story
Azrael was the descendant of the high priests of Aaron. He served as a scribe for the Babylonian exile and second Temple Jerusalem period. During the early Christian period he became known as Esdras, the prophet who bears witness to the coming of the Messiah. It was this early Christian story that claimed Azrael ascended into heaven without tasting death. He was also mentioned in the Christian heretic Marcion's records concerning the "Angel of Law". He is generally depicted as an archangel under the command of God rather than in the fashion of the figure of Death personified. Depending on the outlook and precepts of various religions in which he is a figure, Azrael is portrayed as residing in the third Heaven. He has four faces and four thousand wings, and his whole body consists of eyes and tongues, the number of which corresponds to the number of people inhabiting the earth. He will be the last to die, recording and erasing constantly in a large book the names of men at birth and death, respectively. [Rf: Hastings, Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics IV, 617]
In Exodus 12:12, when God inflicts the tenth and final plague on Egypt (the death of the firstborn), it is said that Azrael was the one that actually came and took the souls of the firstborn.
I got that from; thanks guys.
So that's all with the aod thing... now comes Hide.
As you all know, my favorite band is X-Japan, and my favorite band member is Hide; who is he? Hideto Matsumoto was born in St Joseph's Hospital, Midorigaoka, Yokosuka, on December 13, 1964. He entered kindergarten in 1968, studying English for three years, followed by an enrollment in Yokosuka Tokiwa Junior High School. He was first exposed to rock and roll music at the age of fifteen, through the album Alive! by Kiss. In the same year his grandmother bought him his first electric guitar, a Gibson Les Paul Deluxe. On March 11, 1980, Matsumoto graduated from Tokiwa Junior High School. He then entered Zushi Kaisei Senior High School in Zushi, Kanagawa, where he entered the school's brass band as a club activity. He quit the band soon though, because he was assigned the clarinet, while he wanted to play the trumpet. After this, he concentrated on guitar playing and in 1981, formed the independent band Saver Tiger. A year after their founding, they started playing shows at live houses in Yokosuka, such as Rock City. In April 1983 he started attending cosmetology and fashion school at the Hollywood Beauty Salon in present-day Roppongi Hills, from which he graduated with outstanding results in 1984. Later that year he took a nationwide examination and successfully obtained a beautician license. In July 1985 Saver Tiger released the self-titled EP. In November, the band contributed to the Heavy Metal Force sampler series, which would also include songs by X Japan later on. In 1986 the group changed its name to Yokosuka Saver Tiger to avoid confusion with a similarly-named band from Sapporo. Their first appearance with the new name was on the sampler Devil Must Be Driven out with Devil. They continued to perform in live houses and night clubs such as Meguro Rokumeikan, Omiya Freaks and Meguro Live Station. Hide joined X Japan (then called X) in 1987. He became the band's lead guitarist and occasional songwriter, composing songs like "Celebration", "Joker" and the single "Scars". Shortly after the release of the album Art of Life, the members of X Japan took a break, to start solo projects. Around that time, the group also dropped most of its original visual kei aesthetics, the exception being Matsumoto, who would still perform in wildly colorful outfits and with his trademark pink hair.
Hideto Matsumoto died on May 2, 1998. After a night out drinking, he was found hanged with a towel tied to a doorknob in his Tokyo apartment, his death shocking the Japanese public. Three fans died in copycat suicides, of the 50,000 people who attended his funeral, nearly 60 were hospitalized and about 200 received medical treatment in first aid tents.
So there you have it. Now you know why you must type aodhide to get here.
X-Japan Drain
music: hide words: hide & Toshi
Talk to my troubled brain, if yon can feel my pain,
so much hurting that's living in my head
Now I can barely breathe, and now my heart's disease
and my name and my life have been stepped on and on.
No, no you made a fool of me, there is no way out.
I'm going down the drain.
The name of God in vain, you pushed me I'm insane,
dissolution is knocking on my door.
Can't stop my bitter tears, oh take away my fears,
body and soul is blown up into pieces.
Oh cry out, I want to be free...
dry out, I want to know the truth.
Let me drain my feelings out.
Laugh like a drain.
My emotions scream.
Let me drain!
So I can speak my mind. I'm so blind,
I am left in a land with just solitude,
has this become my fate, who's next to be your bait,
vicious cycle repeating on and on...
Cry out, I want to be loved.
Dry out, I want to see dreams.
Oh cry out, I want to be free.
Dry out, I want to know the truth...
Let me drain my feelings out.
Laugh like a drain.
My emotions scream.
Let me drain my feelings out.
Laugh like a drain.
My emotions scream.
Let me drain!
Well, it's quite simple actually; aod stans for "Archangel of Death" -my nickname on msn- and Hide was X-Japan's lead guitar! Those guys are some sort of idols for me.
But who were those guys? And why did I picked them? I know... but you don't, so I'll spell it out.
Azrael was the descendant of the high priests of Aaron. He served as a scribe for the Babylonian exile and second Temple Jerusalem period. During the early Christian period he became known as Esdras, the prophet who bears witness to the coming of the Messiah. It was this early Christian story that claimed Azrael ascended into heaven without tasting death. He was also mentioned in the Christian heretic Marcion's records concerning the "Angel of Law". He is generally depicted as an archangel under the command of God rather than in the fashion of the figure of Death personified. Depending on the outlook and precepts of various religions in which he is a figure, Azrael is portrayed as residing in the third Heaven. He has four faces and four thousand wings, and his whole body consists of eyes and tongues, the number of which corresponds to the number of people inhabiting the earth. He will be the last to die, recording and erasing constantly in a large book the names of men at birth and death, respectively. [Rf: Hastings, Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics IV, 617]
In Exodus 12:12, when God inflicts the tenth and final plague on Egypt (the death of the firstborn), it is said that Azrael was the one that actually came and took the souls of the firstborn.
I got that from; thanks guys.
So that's all with the aod thing... now comes Hide.
Hideto Matsumoto died on May 2, 1998. After a night out drinking, he was found hanged with a towel tied to a doorknob in his Tokyo apartment, his death shocking the Japanese public. Three fans died in copycat suicides, of the 50,000 people who attended his funeral, nearly 60 were hospitalized and about 200 received medical treatment in first aid tents.
So there you have it. Now you know why you must type aodhide to get here.
X-Japan Drain
music: hide words: hide & Toshi
Talk to my troubled brain, if yon can feel my pain,
so much hurting that's living in my head
Now I can barely breathe, and now my heart's disease
and my name and my life have been stepped on and on.
No, no you made a fool of me, there is no way out.
I'm going down the drain.
The name of God in vain, you pushed me I'm insane,
dissolution is knocking on my door.
Can't stop my bitter tears, oh take away my fears,
body and soul is blown up into pieces.
Oh cry out, I want to be free...
dry out, I want to know the truth.
Let me drain my feelings out.
Laugh like a drain.
My emotions scream.
Let me drain!
So I can speak my mind. I'm so blind,
I am left in a land with just solitude,
has this become my fate, who's next to be your bait,
vicious cycle repeating on and on...
Cry out, I want to be loved.
Dry out, I want to see dreams.
Oh cry out, I want to be free.
Dry out, I want to know the truth...
Let me drain my feelings out.
Laugh like a drain.
My emotions scream.
Let me drain my feelings out.
Laugh like a drain.
My emotions scream.
Let me drain!
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
That Pisses Me Off - Part X
mmm like 2 weeks ago I was put in a situation that was uncorfotable for me, I had to wait on someone to decide on something... I don't like to be in that place; first of all I don't compleatly trust other people when it come to making good calls; and second, it leaves me in a position in wich I am not in control.
Still I was ok with that... but, hey, I'm me... and I have to get pissed, so thanks life for giving me reasons to be, because otherwise I would turn emo.
Just today that place where I was swichted from being unconfortable to unacceptable... now I'm left in a place where I don't know what to do! In other words "me tiraron la cachua" (yes people, laugh your lungs out), and THAT is what pisses me off! It is SO anoying to not be able to know what the fuck my next move it's gonna be that I might just do something stupid to get out of there... find a quick unefficient solution to the problem at hand, just to get rid of it; it's fucked up I know... but what can I say... shit happend, no?
So there you have it, it pisses me off not to know what to next...
Iron Maiden - Hallowed Be Thy Name
I'm waiting in my cold cell when the bell begins to chime
Reflecting on my past life and it doesn't have much time
Cos at 5 o'clock they take me to the Gallows Pole
The sands of time for me are running low
When the priest comes to read me the last rites
I take a look through the bars at the last sights
Of a world that has gone very wrong for me
Can it be there's some sort of error
Hard to stop the surmounting terror
Is it really the end not some crazy dream
Somebody please tell me that I'm dreaming
It's not so easy to stop from screaming
But words escape me when I try to speak
Tears they flow but why am I crying
After all I am not afraid of dying
Don't believe that there is never an end
As the guards march me out to the courtyard
Someone calls from a cell "God be with you"
If there's a God then why has he let me die?
As I walk all my life drifts before me
And though the end is near I'm not sorry
Catch my soul cos it's willing to fly away
Mark my words please believe my soul lives on
Please don't worry now that I have gone
I've gone beyond to see the truth
When you know that your time is close at hand
maybe then you'll begin to understand
Life down there is just a strange illusion.
Still I was ok with that... but, hey, I'm me... and I have to get pissed, so thanks life for giving me reasons to be, because otherwise I would turn emo.
Just today that place where I was swichted from being unconfortable to unacceptable... now I'm left in a place where I don't know what to do! In other words "me tiraron la cachua" (yes people, laugh your lungs out), and THAT is what pisses me off! It is SO anoying to not be able to know what the fuck my next move it's gonna be that I might just do something stupid to get out of there... find a quick unefficient solution to the problem at hand, just to get rid of it; it's fucked up I know... but what can I say... shit happend, no?
So there you have it, it pisses me off not to know what to next...
Iron Maiden - Hallowed Be Thy Name
I'm waiting in my cold cell when the bell begins to chime
Reflecting on my past life and it doesn't have much time
Cos at 5 o'clock they take me to the Gallows Pole
The sands of time for me are running low
When the priest comes to read me the last rites
I take a look through the bars at the last sights
Of a world that has gone very wrong for me
Can it be there's some sort of error
Hard to stop the surmounting terror
Is it really the end not some crazy dream
Somebody please tell me that I'm dreaming
It's not so easy to stop from screaming
But words escape me when I try to speak
Tears they flow but why am I crying
After all I am not afraid of dying
Don't believe that there is never an end
As the guards march me out to the courtyard
Someone calls from a cell "God be with you"
If there's a God then why has he let me die?
As I walk all my life drifts before me
And though the end is near I'm not sorry
Catch my soul cos it's willing to fly away
Mark my words please believe my soul lives on
Please don't worry now that I have gone
I've gone beyond to see the truth
When you know that your time is close at hand
maybe then you'll begin to understand
Life down there is just a strange illusion.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Venezuela Vs Bolivia
Que lo vengan a ver! Que lo vengan a ver! Ese no es un arbitro es una PUTA de cabaret!!
Que lo vengan a ver! Que lo vengan a ver! Ese no es un arbitro es una PUTA de cabaret!!
Que lo vengan a ver! Que lo vengan a ver! Ese no es un arbitro es una PUTA de cabaret!!
Que lo vengan a ver! Que lo vengan a ver! Ese no es un arbitro es una PUTA de cabaret!!
Que lo vengan a ver! Que lo vengan a ver! Ese no es un arbitro es una PUTA de cabaret!!
Que lo vengan a ver! Que lo vengan a ver! Ese no es un arbitro es una PUTA de cabaret!!
Que lo vengan a ver! Que lo vengan a ver! Ese no es un arbitro es una PUTA de cabaret!!
Que lo vengan a ver! Que lo vengan a ver! Ese no es un arbitro es una PUTA de cabaret!!
Que lo vengan a ver! Que lo vengan a ver! Ese no es un arbitro es una PUTA de cabaret!!
Monday, June 18, 2007

When I was a kid I tasted CocaCola... and I liked it...
Now, a crapload of years later, I'm gonna write about the Coke theory made up by Annie.
When you give CocaCola to someone for the first time, one of this 2 things can happen:
1.- He/She dislike it, in wich case he/she wont like Coke.... ever!
2.- He/she can like it, in wich case he/she WILL like Coke for all eternity....
The same thing happens with people... If you meet someone, and you like that someone, you feel attracted to that someone, that person will be "special" for the rest of your life... you wont just stop liking that person, just as you wont stop liking Coke... you might not drink Coke because it makes yu fat, or because you are on a diet or because you made a bet or whatever man... but even though you are not drinking Coke, bottom line is you still like Coke.
So that "special" someone becomes your coke! You think it's stupid? If so, YOU are the stupid; because whether you like itor not there is always that special someone that rocks your world no matter how long you have been married or whatever... aint that right -Acid-? I thought so...
Well children, think about it... tonight before going to bed, ask yourselves this "Who are my Cokes?" and then send some text messages or something.
Lyrics? nah...
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
A wise man once said something like this:
"Do you wanna stay lab rats here or do you wanna go outsideand play hell with me?"
So I say to you:
"Will you just complain and worsen the trafic of the cities or will you do something about it?"
If you plan on doing somthing, them Im with you.
"Do you wanna stay lab rats here or do you wanna go outsideand play hell with me?"
So I say to you:
"Will you just complain and worsen the trafic of the cities or will you do something about it?"
If you plan on doing somthing, them Im with you.
Friday, May 11, 2007
X - Songs
I'm gonna write down every X-Japan song I can thnk of right now and the write what, or who, coms into my mind when I'm listenig to that song.
Album: Vanishing Vision
01.- Dear Loser: Noting
02.- Vanshin Love: Dragonlance Novels
03.- Phatom of Guilt: Once I screwed up, everytime I listen to this I think of that
04.- Sadistic Desire: Karol; this is your song babe.
05.- Give me the Pleasure: Me back in Caracas before I dicovered Role
06.- I'll Kill You: This reminds me when yo and I broke up hon
07.- Alive: Nothin in Particular
08.- Kurenai: A lot of red feelings
09.- Un-Finished: -Acid-
Album: Blue Blood
01.- Prologe: Noting
02.- Blue Blood: Zephiro Raze
03.- Weekend: Decemer 2004, remember kid?
04.- Easy Fight Rambling: Nothing
05.- X: Caracas
06.- Endless Rain: A LOOOOONG subway ride after class
07.- Kurenai: They sing it in japanese here, but it's the same feeling
08.- Xclamation: Same as Give me the Pleasure
09.- Orgasm: That hot girl that bit my ear
10.- Celebration: Nothing really
11.- Rose of Pain: Some blonde
12.- Unfinished: Almost same tittle, different song, still -Acid-
Abum: Jealously (This is my favorite)
01.- Es-Dur no Piano Sen: When a teacher returns a test andI didn't do good in it
02.- Silent Jelously: Karol
03.- Miscast: Nothig
04.- Desperae Angel: -Acid- and Annie
05.- White wind from Mr. Martin - Pata's nap: Peace
06.- Voiceless Screaming: I once was inlove and she didn't love me back
07.- Stab me in the Back: When I got back here
08.- Love Replica: A circus
09.- Joker: Nothing
10.- Say Anything: Nothing
Album: Dahlia
01.- Dahlia: An old friend of mine
02.- Scars: All my time in Caracas
03.- Longing: When mari used to leave here
04.- Rusty Nail: Pao-Chan
05.- White Poem I: Tati
06.- Crucify my Love: Love in general
07.- Tears: Every tear I didn't shed in 2 years
08.- Wriggle: Enough! I wanna listen to drain
09.- Drain: May 2002
10.- Forever Love: -Acid-
Singles - - - - - -
Standing Sex: A lot of random girls
Art of Life: My whole life
The last Song: I get depressed to this song
Album: Vanishing Vision
01.- Dear Loser: Noting
02.- Vanshin Love: Dragonlance Novels
03.- Phatom of Guilt: Once I screwed up, everytime I listen to this I think of that
04.- Sadistic Desire: Karol; this is your song babe.
05.- Give me the Pleasure: Me back in Caracas before I dicovered Role
06.- I'll Kill You: This reminds me when yo and I broke up hon
07.- Alive: Nothin in Particular
08.- Kurenai: A lot of red feelings
09.- Un-Finished: -Acid-
Album: Blue Blood
01.- Prologe: Noting
02.- Blue Blood: Zephiro Raze
03.- Weekend: Decemer 2004, remember kid?
04.- Easy Fight Rambling: Nothing
05.- X: Caracas
06.- Endless Rain: A LOOOOONG subway ride after class
07.- Kurenai: They sing it in japanese here, but it's the same feeling
08.- Xclamation: Same as Give me the Pleasure
09.- Orgasm: That hot girl that bit my ear
10.- Celebration: Nothing really
11.- Rose of Pain: Some blonde
12.- Unfinished: Almost same tittle, different song, still -Acid-
Abum: Jealously (This is my favorite)
01.- Es-Dur no Piano Sen: When a teacher returns a test andI didn't do good in it
02.- Silent Jelously: Karol
03.- Miscast: Nothig
04.- Desperae Angel: -Acid- and Annie
05.- White wind from Mr. Martin - Pata's nap: Peace
06.- Voiceless Screaming: I once was inlove and she didn't love me back
07.- Stab me in the Back: When I got back here
08.- Love Replica: A circus
09.- Joker: Nothing
10.- Say Anything: Nothing
Album: Dahlia
01.- Dahlia: An old friend of mine
02.- Scars: All my time in Caracas
03.- Longing: When mari used to leave here
04.- Rusty Nail: Pao-Chan
05.- White Poem I: Tati
06.- Crucify my Love: Love in general
07.- Tears: Every tear I didn't shed in 2 years
08.- Wriggle: Enough! I wanna listen to drain
09.- Drain: May 2002
10.- Forever Love: -Acid-
Singles - - - - - -
Standing Sex: A lot of random girls
Art of Life: My whole life
The last Song: I get depressed to this song
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
May the 2nd, 1998
We remember....

It's been 9 years since hide's death.
Goodbye - hide
Say good bye tada Good bye
Subete no wazurawashisa ni Good bye
Say good bye tada Good bye
Kawaru koto osorezuni Good bye
Atemo naku tada aruite
Tsukareta hibi no takara ni Good bye
Susundeyuku michishirube wa
Saisho to onaji kaze no mama ni
If you can't find a way
Ikutsu mono Winding road
Sora ni te wo kazashite Round & round
Mada minu tochi ni fuan oboenagara
Chiisana uta ni tazuneru
Please songs tell me true
Kimi no melody
Doko ni itemo naritsudzuketeiru
Mata itsuka hitori mayottemo
Kikoetanara karoyaka ni arukidaseru
Say good bye tada Good bye
Kizutsuku no wo osorezuni Good bye
Te no naka no machi kirenai
Omoi wa subete suteteyukou
Please songs tell me true
Kimi no melody
Doko ni itemo naritsudzuketeiru
Moshi dokoka hitori mayottemo
Utaetanara shinayaka ni arukidaseru
Good bye
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Nakama I
Nakama is a japanase word, slang is you will... It is used when talking about your closest friends, those you care for enough to get into trouble to help them and stuff... I'll be talking about those guys for now on every once in a while.
To talk about each and everyone of them, one by one, post by post would take too long... so I'm gonna add 2 or 3 or them together at a time.
This time I'm gonna talk about 4 cute girls... good ones, not like the ones that I've written in the "That Pisss me Off" series; I guess not all of the work fo the devil, or at least they don't have full time jobs.
In order of apereance in my life they are First Girl, Second Girl, Third Girl and Fourth Girl.
You first... how can I describe you? I cannot recall the first time I saw you and actually I never really cared muh about you at the begining, but year by year that relationshp of not really caring began to change, and it got to he point where I now see you as one of the most important people in my life... you are great kid. You are one of the sweetest most tender and caring people I've ever known, you just graduated of the best career that I can imagine for you.. you're gonna be a great nurse and I wish you the best of luck beba.
Number 2. Hehehe, you are the only one on earth that can get info out of me that easily, that is an acomplishment. When I met you you just were my friend's friend, just another one from the bunch that came when Machorro got together with Lucci; and although I remember seeing you as the most interesting of them, still I never did shit to get in contact with you or whatever. Years passed, my hair got long, then it got not so long and then it went back to the way it was when I met you and just like my hair changed so did our relationship, from one thing to the other. We've been through a lot and that lot has made me grow up, althoug no matter the age or whatever you are always gonna be bigger than me in a lot of ways.
Number 3. I wish I knew how are you doing... If you are doing, to beging with. Haven't heard from you in months; but I remember you well, talking on the phone on your window. To me you were special, in a way you always made me belive that you and I were very alike, and when I got to know you I was surprised to see that you and I were like the exact same thing! The only diference is that you are cute and I'm not. You were as lonely as I was, but we were lonely by choice... loners by nature. I remember everything very well... I remember the subway, that Bush song "The Chemical Between Us", the tree, a lot of pain, a call at like 2am and the moomlight coming through the shades of the window on your room. I miss you. I need my holy lonely light to keep me from theese heavy lonely nights I've been having of late.
Last but not least, you. I am truly, deeply, and sincerily in love with you kid... I wish I were a better person that could like, give you more.. but I'm not. You got me like no one else have gotten me before... you are cute, funny and weird.. but a good kindda weird, not like some psycho wannabe I know of. We have also been trhough a lot, and you have made me do things that I never thought I would do, things that I swore not to do; and even though I love you, I have like felt everything for you: from love to hate... everything.... well, everything but pitty... I don't pitty anyone, that's a bad thing to do. And that's everything I'm gonna ay about you... I have more, but that'd be for you only.....
And so ends my first Nakama post, stay tuned for more, you may be in th next one.
Lyrics? I was listening to Amethyst, but that is clasical so no lyrics this time.
To talk about each and everyone of them, one by one, post by post would take too long... so I'm gonna add 2 or 3 or them together at a time.
This time I'm gonna talk about 4 cute girls... good ones, not like the ones that I've written in the "That Pisss me Off" series; I guess not all of the work fo the devil, or at least they don't have full time jobs.
In order of apereance in my life they are First Girl, Second Girl, Third Girl and Fourth Girl.
And so ends my first Nakama post, stay tuned for more, you may be in th next one.
Lyrics? I was listening to Amethyst, but that is clasical so no lyrics this time.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
I told you I was gonna get it as soon as they paid me, and here it is: ARASHI!

It means storm, th second level of wind; I got it last friday (that's March 30).
Lyrics? yup...
Tierra Santa
Hermano Del Viento
Más allá de las nubes
Dormía mí
La encontré cautiva llorando
Su amarga soledad
Soñé que su llanto
Acogía mi aliento
Tuve un sueño
Soñé ser parte del cielo
Viaje con el viento
Danzando en la tempestad
Le entregue mi alma
Buscando su amistad
Sentí su lamento
Descender de lo alto
El me ofreció su hogar
Yo ser su hermano
No dejare de soñar
Ni perderé su lamento
Solo añoro poder ser hermano del viento
Tuve un sueño
Soñé ser parte del cielo

It means storm, th second level of wind; I got it last friday (that's March 30).
Lyrics? yup...
Tierra Santa
Hermano Del Viento
Más allá de las nubes
Dormía mí
La encontré cautiva llorando
Su amarga soledad
Soñé que su llanto
Acogía mi aliento
Tuve un sueño
Soñé ser parte del cielo
Viaje con el viento
Danzando en la tempestad
Le entregue mi alma
Buscando su amistad
Sentí su lamento
Descender de lo alto
El me ofreció su hogar
Yo ser su hermano
No dejare de soñar
Ni perderé su lamento
Solo añoro poder ser hermano del viento
Tuve un sueño
Soñé ser parte del cielo
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Psycodelik Violence Crime of Visual Shock!!!!
Shit man... this is too fucking rock and roll... I read this and I just began trembling man.... shit...
I'll just let you read 3 things taken from arround the web...
"On February 11, 2007 a possible reunion was announced; later, on March 21, Toshi confirmed on his site that he had spent some days at Yoshiki's studio rehearsing some parts of Without you. He also confirmed that the reformation would start soon."
Taken from
I had a chance to visit Los Angeles, U.S. for several days recently.
I met an old friend of mine at his recording studio during my stay.
I visited the studio after 10 years, it was much bigger than before,
and to my suprise, its facilities and recording machineries were much more gorgeous.
Maybe one of the top quality recording studios ever!
I was glad it was just like him.
I heard a song created by my friend at the world best studio.
We had a common friend who died almost 10 years ago,
and the song came out of the sorrow, heartache and despair from the experience.
He said he made it at one sitting a few days after the friend's death.
It was such an authentic ballad of his favorite style,
with sad and ephemeral introduction by the piano overlapped with some beautiful melodies of the strings
and furthermore temporarily recorded male vocal.
I could not stop crying to hear the song,
and I wished from the bottom of my heart that it will reach the whole world.
I sang the song along the piano by my friend. He said he really wanted me to sing it.
He showed me its melody playing every single note elaborately and I sang like tracing it.
Words became a song with such a unique melody and rhythm of him.
He chose the right key for me,
saying "It will be just right for you to sing somewhat a tough key rather than a safe and comfortable one."
I tried to sing it all through, and tears welled up again.
"One song tells much more than million words."
That is what my old friend said with a strained voice.
He also seemed crying through his glasses.
It was a moment when both of us deeply touched.
Without many words, one song connected us again.
Maybe, our dear and lost friend did it for us.
Brought up together since childhood for 37 years,
we kept on running together anyway.
I got tired of dashing for the world market and told him that I would leave 10 years ago.
I wanted to sing songs to heal desolate hearts of mine and other people.
And I traved all though Japan for these 10 years,
directly meeting thousands of children, the old, truly a large number of people and singing for them.
It had been such a decate with heartfelt events, tears and learnings for myself.
Rooted on this precious experience,
I would like to sing and send this song of life generated from a sadness for a lost friend for our age.
Our new project is about to start soon,
with this "One Song telling more than Million Words".
March 21, 2007
Taken from
OK, and X Japan…..
I'm like…….Why now? ..... Why, why, why……
To be honest….. it took years to conquer the pain and sadness….. maybe not yet, I still cannot listen to…… or watch X Japan's videos….. without tears…..
" MY OWN GODDAMN BAND" ….. I can't listen to it without crying…… HOW CAN I BE IN IT AGAIN? …… IT HURTS SO MUCH…… TO EVEN TALK ABOUT ...... X JAPAN…..
Yes, I can play the drums. I think I can play them even harder than before…… of course my injured neck and wrists hurt….. but SO WHAT!!! ….. I don't give a fuck about that kind of pain…..
But mentally….. I don't know if I can take it….. I'm not saying if I'll do it or not….. I talked to Toshi (vocalist)……. He called me almost towards the end of last year….. for the first time since we went our separate ways……….
Toshi and I..... we grew up together…........ I don't know ….. I don't know…. I don't …… know …….
Yes, there are lyrics of the song "WITHOUT YOU" ….. That, I wrote, right after Hide's death….. also, I had to do so many takes of piano recording, because of the tears falling down and flooding the piano keys, and my fingers kept slipping again and again.
If there's somebody to sing this song ….. I think it should be Toshi….. but …… I don't know….. I don't know….. I don't fucking know….. It's too painful to……
I'm sorry, I don't want to make you feel depressed or anything like that….. but so many people have been asking me about this, so I had to say something…… just let me….. have…… a little more time……
I love you all.
Taken from the blog at
Well, now you see... no more words for me to say...
Lyrics?... hehehe
5. X
[Band Anthem]
Samekitta machi ni wakare o tsuge
arekuruu shigeki ni mi wo sarase
aitsu no hitomi wa hikari-useta
moekuruu kokoro wa ayatsurenai
#midareta ai ni nagasare omae wa subete wo ushinatta
karada tsuranuku sakebi de omae no kokoro kowashite yaru
sabi-tsuita kotoba nage-sutete
harisakeru kokoro wo toki-hanate
furishikiru ame ni se wo mukete
ikizuku yatsura ni kotoba wa nai
umoreta toki tomado omae wa akumu wo samayo
chi no kifuruwasu NOISE de omae no kokoro kowashite yaru
*X! kanjite miro! X! sakende miro! X! subete nugisutero!
X! kanjite miro! X! sakende miro! X! kokoro moyase!
[* repeat]
[# repeat]
[* repeat x2]
I'll just let you read 3 things taken from arround the web...
"On February 11, 2007 a possible reunion was announced; later, on March 21, Toshi confirmed on his site that he had spent some days at Yoshiki's studio rehearsing some parts of Without you. He also confirmed that the reformation would start soon."
Taken from
I had a chance to visit Los Angeles, U.S. for several days recently.
I met an old friend of mine at his recording studio during my stay.
I visited the studio after 10 years, it was much bigger than before,
and to my suprise, its facilities and recording machineries were much more gorgeous.
Maybe one of the top quality recording studios ever!
I was glad it was just like him.
I heard a song created by my friend at the world best studio.
We had a common friend who died almost 10 years ago,
and the song came out of the sorrow, heartache and despair from the experience.
He said he made it at one sitting a few days after the friend's death.
It was such an authentic ballad of his favorite style,
with sad and ephemeral introduction by the piano overlapped with some beautiful melodies of the strings
and furthermore temporarily recorded male vocal.
I could not stop crying to hear the song,
and I wished from the bottom of my heart that it will reach the whole world.
I sang the song along the piano by my friend. He said he really wanted me to sing it.
He showed me its melody playing every single note elaborately and I sang like tracing it.
Words became a song with such a unique melody and rhythm of him.
He chose the right key for me,
saying "It will be just right for you to sing somewhat a tough key rather than a safe and comfortable one."
I tried to sing it all through, and tears welled up again.
"One song tells much more than million words."
That is what my old friend said with a strained voice.
He also seemed crying through his glasses.
It was a moment when both of us deeply touched.
Without many words, one song connected us again.
Maybe, our dear and lost friend did it for us.
Brought up together since childhood for 37 years,
we kept on running together anyway.
I got tired of dashing for the world market and told him that I would leave 10 years ago.
I wanted to sing songs to heal desolate hearts of mine and other people.
And I traved all though Japan for these 10 years,
directly meeting thousands of children, the old, truly a large number of people and singing for them.
It had been such a decate with heartfelt events, tears and learnings for myself.
Rooted on this precious experience,
I would like to sing and send this song of life generated from a sadness for a lost friend for our age.
Our new project is about to start soon,
with this "One Song telling more than Million Words".
March 21, 2007
Taken from
OK, and X Japan…..
I'm like…….Why now? ..... Why, why, why……
To be honest….. it took years to conquer the pain and sadness….. maybe not yet, I still cannot listen to…… or watch X Japan's videos….. without tears…..
" MY OWN GODDAMN BAND" ….. I can't listen to it without crying…… HOW CAN I BE IN IT AGAIN? …… IT HURTS SO MUCH…… TO EVEN TALK ABOUT ...... X JAPAN…..
Yes, I can play the drums. I think I can play them even harder than before…… of course my injured neck and wrists hurt….. but SO WHAT!!! ….. I don't give a fuck about that kind of pain…..
But mentally….. I don't know if I can take it….. I'm not saying if I'll do it or not….. I talked to Toshi (vocalist)……. He called me almost towards the end of last year….. for the first time since we went our separate ways……….
Toshi and I..... we grew up together…........ I don't know ….. I don't know…. I don't …… know …….
Yes, there are lyrics of the song "WITHOUT YOU" ….. That, I wrote, right after Hide's death….. also, I had to do so many takes of piano recording, because of the tears falling down and flooding the piano keys, and my fingers kept slipping again and again.
If there's somebody to sing this song ….. I think it should be Toshi….. but …… I don't know….. I don't know….. I don't fucking know….. It's too painful to……
I'm sorry, I don't want to make you feel depressed or anything like that….. but so many people have been asking me about this, so I had to say something…… just let me….. have…… a little more time……
I love you all.
Taken from the blog at
Well, now you see... no more words for me to say...
Lyrics?... hehehe
5. X
[Band Anthem]
Samekitta machi ni wakare o tsuge
arekuruu shigeki ni mi wo sarase
aitsu no hitomi wa hikari-useta
moekuruu kokoro wa ayatsurenai
#midareta ai ni nagasare omae wa subete wo ushinatta
karada tsuranuku sakebi de omae no kokoro kowashite yaru
sabi-tsuita kotoba nage-sutete
harisakeru kokoro wo toki-hanate
furishikiru ame ni se wo mukete
ikizuku yatsura ni kotoba wa nai
umoreta toki tomado omae wa akumu wo samayo
chi no kifuruwasu NOISE de omae no kokoro kowashite yaru
*X! kanjite miro! X! sakende miro! X! subete nugisutero!
X! kanjite miro! X! sakende miro! X! kokoro moyase!
[* repeat]
[# repeat]
[* repeat x2]
Thursday, March 15, 2007
... and for you... and you... and how to forget you?
Here's a quick one, just a few notes for a few people...
- Do you know that I used to talk to that picture you gave me?
- Help me, would you?
- I can not belive it came to this, you should fix it!
- I'm bored you know?
- How long will you ba able to take it?
- There once was a man you know?
- Are you alive?
- It has gotten to the point where I am starting not to care... I don't like it
- What the fuck are you wating for?
- I scored a goal with a rabona kick in PES 6!
- I miss you
- Yes you were
- Maybe it's because that wich you crave migth come true very soon, idk
- How the fuck do you want me to shut up?
- So?
- I wasn't thinking
- I love you baby
- That is a truckload of bullshit you know?!
- I'm gonna get inked as soon as they pay me
- I'd had control over people's emotions... you know, make them love me or hate themselves and stuff...
- Yes, they are good, damn!!
- I never got the chance to thank you so... thanks kid
- Idk, I guess it's because it's the team that I used to pick when I was a kid playing on my 8 bit nintendo
- I'd have to say that 40% laying on my back and 60% laying on one of my sides
- Like 6 months or so
- Yes, I am sorry
- You should back off man; people get tired you know?
- No I don't, and I bet my ass that none of them care either
- No more role for you, unless you are playing solo
- I still have that bottle of lotion and since last time you used it, it has been untouched
Aww fuck this, Im going to bed... no lyrics.
- Do you know that I used to talk to that picture you gave me?
- Help me, would you?
- I can not belive it came to this, you should fix it!
- I'm bored you know?
- How long will you ba able to take it?
- There once was a man you know?
- Are you alive?
- It has gotten to the point where I am starting not to care... I don't like it
- What the fuck are you wating for?
- I scored a goal with a rabona kick in PES 6!
- I miss you
- Yes you were
- Maybe it's because that wich you crave migth come true very soon, idk
- How the fuck do you want me to shut up?
- So?
- I wasn't thinking
- I love you baby
- That is a truckload of bullshit you know?!
- I'm gonna get inked as soon as they pay me
- I'd had control over people's emotions... you know, make them love me or hate themselves and stuff...
- Yes, they are good, damn!!
- I never got the chance to thank you so... thanks kid
- Idk, I guess it's because it's the team that I used to pick when I was a kid playing on my 8 bit nintendo
- I'd have to say that 40% laying on my back and 60% laying on one of my sides
- Like 6 months or so
- Yes, I am sorry
- You should back off man; people get tired you know?
- No I don't, and I bet my ass that none of them care either
- No more role for you, unless you are playing solo
- I still have that bottle of lotion and since last time you used it, it has been untouched
Aww fuck this, Im going to bed... no lyrics.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
That Pisses me Off, Part IX
Ok, I think we all know what regetton, or however the hell that blasphemous word is written, is...but Im gonna tell you anyway just in case someone doesn't know about that... plus it gives me more chance to talk trash. Reaggeton, or however the hell that blasphemous word is written, is shit made music... no no, it's vandalism, promiscuity (the wrog kind of promiscuity, IF there is a good kind), machism, more vandalism, a lot lot lot of shit and stupidity made into music, IF that can be called music at all. You may think "and why, oh why, is this dude thinking that regetonn, or however the hell that blasphemous word is written, is not music", and I'll tell you why.... The broadest definition of music I could find was "organized vibration", or "a form of art that involves organized and audible sounds and silences".... see that? ORGANIZED!
Well you know what, I just proved that I am wrong, reegaetonn, or however the hell that blasphemous word is written, IS organized... every single one of the artists of that kind of "music" got organized into using the same beat for each and everyone of their songs; a very repetitive, dull and not very original bass beat.
Moving on we get to the lyrics... It pretty much resmues to "Im cool 'cuz I kill if someone looks at me the wrong way, I fuck everything that moves and I drink so I look cool when I do the first 2 things", unless it's a "don omar" song (who chooses that name? damn!) and it'll go like "I love her and I fuck her, but she is my best friend wife and I am terribly deppressed for fucking her; BUT I do not plan on stoping because it just feels too good".
You might be supreised by how much I know about reagetoon, or however the hell that blasphemous word is written, but my bro is a fucking fan... and I say "fucking fan" because he fucks to that "music".
Moving on, and closing on the subject because I think it got a bit long, I really loathe this "music" because in my opinion, and I hope at least one of you support me on this, it has led to a stepback in the evolution of the human mind, to a growth in the general stupidity of the cultures that listen to it, and BIG ASS increase on the birth rate... in my country at least; and what can one expect? How do you think people would behave when the media tells them that whats "fashionable" is whatever those songs talk about?
Im not saying that heavy metal, hard rock, or whatever I like is better or just the best that there is; I'm just saying that riegaettom, or however the hell that blasphemous word is written, damages society and it should cease to exist.
Like I've said before, I respect everyone tastes, but the right to talk trash about what I dislike is mine and mine alone, this is, after all, a free country... mostly...
Damn... just typing reagguetom, or however the hell that blasphemous word is written, is disgusting.
Lyrics?... k...
Lyrics: Anchang/Speed Star Sypan Joe/Samurai W. Kenjilaw
Music: Anchang
Bukiyou no mama ja ikite yukenai
Kuso majime na dake ju nani ka tori nai
Taikutsu na yoru ni, omae wo yobu koe
Kiken na hodo ni, mitsumete
Ikite iru, ikite iru kara sakebu no sa
Uete iru, uete iru kara hoshii no sa
Moyashi no omae ni wa, koitsu ga iru no sa
Nanjaku na karada ni wa, toge to kusari wo
Naki koto nante, kikitaku mo nai
Koutetsu no sokute ni, dakarete
Ikite iru, ikite iru kara sakebu no sa
Uete iru, uete iru kara hoshii no sa
Moete iru, moete iru kara sakebu no sa
Well you know what, I just proved that I am wrong, reegaetonn, or however the hell that blasphemous word is written, IS organized... every single one of the artists of that kind of "music" got organized into using the same beat for each and everyone of their songs; a very repetitive, dull and not very original bass beat.
Moving on we get to the lyrics... It pretty much resmues to "Im cool 'cuz I kill if someone looks at me the wrong way, I fuck everything that moves and I drink so I look cool when I do the first 2 things", unless it's a "don omar" song (who chooses that name? damn!) and it'll go like "I love her and I fuck her, but she is my best friend wife and I am terribly deppressed for fucking her; BUT I do not plan on stoping because it just feels too good".
You might be supreised by how much I know about reagetoon, or however the hell that blasphemous word is written, but my bro is a fucking fan... and I say "fucking fan" because he fucks to that "music".
Moving on, and closing on the subject because I think it got a bit long, I really loathe this "music" because in my opinion, and I hope at least one of you support me on this, it has led to a stepback in the evolution of the human mind, to a growth in the general stupidity of the cultures that listen to it, and BIG ASS increase on the birth rate... in my country at least; and what can one expect? How do you think people would behave when the media tells them that whats "fashionable" is whatever those songs talk about?
Im not saying that heavy metal, hard rock, or whatever I like is better or just the best that there is; I'm just saying that riegaettom, or however the hell that blasphemous word is written, damages society and it should cease to exist.
Like I've said before, I respect everyone tastes, but the right to talk trash about what I dislike is mine and mine alone, this is, after all, a free country... mostly...
Damn... just typing reagguetom, or however the hell that blasphemous word is written, is disgusting.
Lyrics?... k...
Lyrics: Anchang/Speed Star Sypan Joe/Samurai W. Kenjilaw
Music: Anchang
Bukiyou no mama ja ikite yukenai
Kuso majime na dake ju nani ka tori nai
Taikutsu na yoru ni, omae wo yobu koe
Kiken na hodo ni, mitsumete
Ikite iru, ikite iru kara sakebu no sa
Uete iru, uete iru kara hoshii no sa
Moyashi no omae ni wa, koitsu ga iru no sa
Nanjaku na karada ni wa, toge to kusari wo
Naki koto nante, kikitaku mo nai
Koutetsu no sokute ni, dakarete
Ikite iru, ikite iru kara sakebu no sa
Uete iru, uete iru kara hoshii no sa
Moete iru, moete iru kara sakebu no sa
Thursday, February 08, 2007
That Pisses me Off, Part VIII
We have all seen and laughed with the "I must be emo" music video/flash/thing.
I recently saw that it was posted in so I saw it again and I laughed again... and then it happened, one of the comments was form an emo kid and was something like "why do you make fun of us", "we have feelings" and crap like that. Now notice that I just used the word "crap"... do you know why I used it? I'm gonna tell you.
I am a heavy metal-hard rocker-head banging guy; and the head bangers have been made fun of even before you emo kids even existed! People have made fun of head bangers since metal exist; because of the long hair, because of the glam bands, because how noissy metal is, how bad metal band trashed hotel rooms, how quickly ther marriages ended, how many times they went into rehab... and what did head bangers did when people laughed at them and made fun of them and were not taken seriuos? Did they sint and cry? Did they cut themselves? Did they log into and wrote about how shitty life was? NO!
Now lets put aside the music preferences and let us comepare the emo kids with me, ok? ok...
They say thay have problems with theis fathers. Ok dude you know who have had problems with his father? me... I even had to duck a fist once ok? And I'm glad my mom was there to stop us 'cuz we might have hurt ourselves badly... No kid... you don't have problems regarding your father, I have.
They say that people reject them. You don't know what rejection means untill you have lived what I went through in Caracas boy, not even my own mother would talk to me. Althoug I have to say, in your defense, that I've always been a loner by choice, so it didn't afect me that bad.
They say that people make fun of them. People make fun of me and my frineds can back that up, but what do I do when people make fun of me? Do I cry? Do I cut myself? No... I enjoy the moment and make fun of myself; the is nothing more stupid than to take oneself too seriously, you should make fun of yourself.
They say they are missunderstood and that nobody cares for them. I know for a fact that when people try to understand emo kids, the emo kids just walk away... I don't know why... maybe so they can go on saying that nobody understand/cares.
I think I made my point clear...
SO, children, this eight entry of my most famous "That Pisses me Off" is, as you already saw, to the emo culture. Im not againts emo music, although I think it's mediocre and sucks, and I am not against liking emo music... I am agains that idiotic way of living in wich you spend your days:
- Trying to convince everyone, even yourself, that you can and will commint suicide, when the thing that you fear most is death... specially your own.
- Self inflicting injury.
- Crying about everything that there is on this good earth.
- And so forth and so on...
Tune in next time, for "That Pisses me Off, Part IX... reaggeton"
Lyrics? Hell Yeah!
Children of Bodom
Hate Me!
I was born in ashes of molten hatred
Raised by demons in abodes of the dead
The Reaper's scythe I fall upon to light my path
Wrecked by mangled wounds of life
I have become become the resurrection of the Evil one
'Y know that I don't fucking care if I live or die
I need a bishop preaching fire to get away with my sins
I despise everything I see so I don't give a fuck if ya hate me
Ain't got respect for humanity
Never lived or wanted immortality
The Reaper's shadow I fall upon to obscure my path
Every day I'm being battered up until I bleed
You motherfuckers just leave me be
Ya could never give me cure for the pain I feel inside
Led by the Reaper I walk in the night
Show me the way to yer kingdom come
I believe in Armageddon, I've been baptised in alcohol
I'm enbodyment of Antichrist
I'm living for my own demise
I recently saw that it was posted in so I saw it again and I laughed again... and then it happened, one of the comments was form an emo kid and was something like "why do you make fun of us", "we have feelings" and crap like that. Now notice that I just used the word "crap"... do you know why I used it? I'm gonna tell you.
I am a heavy metal-hard rocker-head banging guy; and the head bangers have been made fun of even before you emo kids even existed! People have made fun of head bangers since metal exist; because of the long hair, because of the glam bands, because how noissy metal is, how bad metal band trashed hotel rooms, how quickly ther marriages ended, how many times they went into rehab... and what did head bangers did when people laughed at them and made fun of them and were not taken seriuos? Did they sint and cry? Did they cut themselves? Did they log into and wrote about how shitty life was? NO!
Now lets put aside the music preferences and let us comepare the emo kids with me, ok? ok...
They say thay have problems with theis fathers. Ok dude you know who have had problems with his father? me... I even had to duck a fist once ok? And I'm glad my mom was there to stop us 'cuz we might have hurt ourselves badly... No kid... you don't have problems regarding your father, I have.
They say that people reject them. You don't know what rejection means untill you have lived what I went through in Caracas boy, not even my own mother would talk to me. Althoug I have to say, in your defense, that I've always been a loner by choice, so it didn't afect me that bad.
They say that people make fun of them. People make fun of me and my frineds can back that up, but what do I do when people make fun of me? Do I cry? Do I cut myself? No... I enjoy the moment and make fun of myself; the is nothing more stupid than to take oneself too seriously, you should make fun of yourself.
They say they are missunderstood and that nobody cares for them. I know for a fact that when people try to understand emo kids, the emo kids just walk away... I don't know why... maybe so they can go on saying that nobody understand/cares.
I think I made my point clear...
SO, children, this eight entry of my most famous "That Pisses me Off" is, as you already saw, to the emo culture. Im not againts emo music, although I think it's mediocre and sucks, and I am not against liking emo music... I am agains that idiotic way of living in wich you spend your days:
- Trying to convince everyone, even yourself, that you can and will commint suicide, when the thing that you fear most is death... specially your own.
- Self inflicting injury.
- Crying about everything that there is on this good earth.
- And so forth and so on...
Tune in next time, for "That Pisses me Off, Part IX... reaggeton"
Lyrics? Hell Yeah!
Children of Bodom
Hate Me!
I was born in ashes of molten hatred
Raised by demons in abodes of the dead
The Reaper's scythe I fall upon to light my path
Wrecked by mangled wounds of life
I have become become the resurrection of the Evil one
'Y know that I don't fucking care if I live or die
I need a bishop preaching fire to get away with my sins
I despise everything I see so I don't give a fuck if ya hate me
Ain't got respect for humanity
Never lived or wanted immortality
The Reaper's shadow I fall upon to obscure my path
Every day I'm being battered up until I bleed
You motherfuckers just leave me be
Ya could never give me cure for the pain I feel inside
Led by the Reaper I walk in the night
Show me the way to yer kingdom come
I believe in Armageddon, I've been baptised in alcohol
I'm enbodyment of Antichrist
I'm living for my own demise
Let's say that you have a big ass jar filled with paint, say it is red paint... and you are very happy with it, cuz it's so red, so shinny; I mean, red is a nice color, it's not my favorite, but it's nice. If I had to chose red I'd go with a deep, crimsom like red... so, you go arround in life with your big jar of paint and one day you see that it got mixed with white paint. How did it happen? You don't know and you don't care, it just got mixed, and now you have pink paint.
When it comes to the subject of me, I don't like pink; It's not because I think pink is for gay people, or emo kids... it's just not red enough, I like dark colors and pink it's not a dark color; at least not the pink I know of.
So you are kindda cool with your new paint, but... It's not red, it's pink... shit, someway you got fucked! I mean pink it's like red, but not quite; so you go on and try to forget about it and you walk for a while holding your jar, but then you look at it and then you remember... IT'S PINK! And you like your jar of paint, after all it's yours, but sometimes you feel unconfortable with it, yet getting rid of it it's not an option; IT'S YOUR FUCKING JAR! And you like that jar, it's just that... it used to be red... anyway I'm gonna leave now and leave you with this cool lyric, 'cuz that thing I just wrote.... damn!...
Soko ni Anata ga
Lyrics: Anchang
wagamama to iwarete mo, wagamama to iwarete mo...
wagamama de mo kamawanai. boku wa, kamawanai.
dare ka ni sugaritakute mo, dare ni mo aisarenai.
usotsuki to iwarete mo, usotsuki de mo kamawanai.
shinjirarenaku natte mo, yasashi sa wo naku shite mo,
boku wa sore de kamawanai. nani ga okite mo...
ima, anata ni chikazuku. kanashimi no umi wo koete.
soko ni, anata ga iru nara, aruite yukeru.
soko ni, anata ga...
koko ni ite mo ii desu ka...
koko ni mo boku no ibasho wa nai. koko ni wa, anata ga inai kara.
aisowarai ga nigate de, mawari michi wo shite kita.
sonna ni boku ga warui no ka...wakaranai.
ima, anata ni chikazuku. kanashimi sae dakishimeru.
soko ni, anata ga iru nara, aruite yukeru.
soko ni anata ga iru nara.
hate! dou shite ii no ka, wakaranai?
pain! boku ni mo, wakarimasen.
no hate! know pain?
demo, koko ni ite mo, wakarimasen.
no hate! know pain?
sagashi ni iki nasai. kuri kaerazu. soko ni, soko ni...
zankoku na shinjitsu ga, kono sekai no higeki.
mayowanai. nani ga okite mo kowaku wa nai.
soko ni, anata ga iru nara...
nani ga okite mo,
kono yubisaki de furetai. nikushimi sae uketomeru.
soko ni, anata ga iru nara, aruite yukeru.
ima...anata ni...
soko ni anata ga iru nara, aruite yukeru.
soko ni, anata ga...soko ni, anata ga iru nara...
hate! pain!
no hate! know pain?
no hate! know pain?
When it comes to the subject of me, I don't like pink; It's not because I think pink is for gay people, or emo kids... it's just not red enough, I like dark colors and pink it's not a dark color; at least not the pink I know of.
So you are kindda cool with your new paint, but... It's not red, it's pink... shit, someway you got fucked! I mean pink it's like red, but not quite; so you go on and try to forget about it and you walk for a while holding your jar, but then you look at it and then you remember... IT'S PINK! And you like your jar of paint, after all it's yours, but sometimes you feel unconfortable with it, yet getting rid of it it's not an option; IT'S YOUR FUCKING JAR! And you like that jar, it's just that... it used to be red... anyway I'm gonna leave now and leave you with this cool lyric, 'cuz that thing I just wrote.... damn!...
Soko ni Anata ga
Lyrics: Anchang
wagamama to iwarete mo, wagamama to iwarete mo...
wagamama de mo kamawanai. boku wa, kamawanai.
dare ka ni sugaritakute mo, dare ni mo aisarenai.
usotsuki to iwarete mo, usotsuki de mo kamawanai.
shinjirarenaku natte mo, yasashi sa wo naku shite mo,
boku wa sore de kamawanai. nani ga okite mo...
ima, anata ni chikazuku. kanashimi no umi wo koete.
soko ni, anata ga iru nara, aruite yukeru.
soko ni, anata ga...
koko ni ite mo ii desu ka...
koko ni mo boku no ibasho wa nai. koko ni wa, anata ga inai kara.
aisowarai ga nigate de, mawari michi wo shite kita.
sonna ni boku ga warui no ka...wakaranai.
ima, anata ni chikazuku. kanashimi sae dakishimeru.
soko ni, anata ga iru nara, aruite yukeru.
soko ni anata ga iru nara.
hate! dou shite ii no ka, wakaranai?
pain! boku ni mo, wakarimasen.
no hate! know pain?
demo, koko ni ite mo, wakarimasen.
no hate! know pain?
sagashi ni iki nasai. kuri kaerazu. soko ni, soko ni...
zankoku na shinjitsu ga, kono sekai no higeki.
mayowanai. nani ga okite mo kowaku wa nai.
soko ni, anata ga iru nara...
nani ga okite mo,
kono yubisaki de furetai. nikushimi sae uketomeru.
soko ni, anata ga iru nara, aruite yukeru.
ima...anata ni...
soko ni anata ga iru nara, aruite yukeru.
soko ni, anata ga...soko ni, anata ga iru nara...
hate! pain!
no hate! know pain?
no hate! know pain?
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
I saw Old Boy; it is a great movie, I wanna read the manga so I can check out the diferences.
But I'm not gonna talk about that movie today, I'm here for a quote in that movie; you see, in that movie, the main character (Oh Dae Su) (It's a korean movie, so don't be impressed about the weird name) gets locked up in a "cell-room" for 15 years. In that room there is a creepy looking painting with a quote from a poem on it... the quote is:
But I'm not gonna talk about that movie today, I'm here for a quote in that movie; you see, in that movie, the main character (Oh Dae Su) (It's a korean movie, so don't be impressed about the weird name) gets locked up in a "cell-room" for 15 years. In that room there is a creepy looking painting with a quote from a poem on it... the quote is:
"Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone"
Here is a pic of Oh Dae Su staring at the creepy painting after some years of being locked up.

Now... I really dislike being alone, and I took that quote seriously... but let me ask you something, better said, let me say something... why should I care what the world thinks or feels for me? Everywere you look there is bad people, people that shouldn't exist, people that are just a waste of meat, people that fucks the world so bad that they deserve to be punished under penaly of death... but alas my children divine justice doesn't seem to exist and I am tired of just beeing the good guy. Good guys never keep the girl, right hon? SO, children, from now on I promise I will do my best to be the biggest son of a bitch in the face of the earth.... I'm gonna live up to Ocelot or something like that... Oh, I'm gonna smile, but it is going to be the most sarcastic and acid smile that I can come with...
X Japan
Blue Blood
music & words: yoshiki
music & words: yoshiki
My face is covered with blood
There's nothing but pain
oitsumerareta keraku ni
I can't tell where I'm going to
I'm running, all confused
shinimono-gurui de
Then I see you standing there
Can do nothing but run away
oikakete kuru genkaku ni
Look out ! I'm raving mad
you can't stop my sadness
kirikizanda yume wa kyouki ni nagareru
(I'll slice my face covered with blue blood)
(Give me some more pain)
(Give me the throes of death)
namida ni tokeru aoi chi o yokubou ni kaete
umarekawatta sugata o yosootte mite mo
kodoku ni obieru kokoro wa ima mo
sugisatta yume o motome-samayou
higeki ni odoru kanashimi o maboroshi ni kaete
sameta sugata no butai o enjite mite mo
hitomi ni afureru kyozou wa ima mo
nugisuteta ai o azayaka ni utsusu
(Give me some more pain)
(Give me the throes of death)
wasurerarenai kanashimi o maboroshi ni Kaete
umarekawatta sugata o yosootte mite mo
aoi namida wa higeki ni odoru kodoku no
kokoro o ima demo nurashi-tsuzukeru
Sunday, January 14, 2007
... (cont)
There... It might be a complete loss... It's up to the insurance company.
Damage report... besides the obvious things that you can see:
Damage to the chasis, the front left wheel (wich went flat by the hit), the rim, batery, radiator and, maybe, the engine and gear box were also damaged.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
They trashed my car today... real bad...
I'll be walikg for the next 2 months or so... my back hurts. I'll upload pictures soon.
Lyrics? Hmmmm, no...
I'll be walikg for the next 2 months or so... my back hurts. I'll upload pictures soon.
Lyrics? Hmmmm, no...
Sunday, January 07, 2007
"La Carreta de Gerardo"
I think it was the name of the arepa stand in wich I ate just a while ago... It doesn't matter if I don't remember the name 'cuz I'm not going there again ever... EVER! If the fate of the world rests in my hands and I have to go and eat there again to save us all then we are screwed!
I waited 50 minutes for my "2 arepas with grilled beef", 50 minutes of my life that I wont ever see again, 50 minutes to finally eat my arepas and guess what.... they sucked. This is why I'm me and not you, because this woundn't have happened to you; and thank god I was with my father because the suckers are expensive like hell...
Well well... I'm gonna go now... Its just that I am too shocked and I needed to write about this.
Nite hon.
Lyrics? who cares?
I waited 50 minutes for my "2 arepas with grilled beef", 50 minutes of my life that I wont ever see again, 50 minutes to finally eat my arepas and guess what.... they sucked. This is why I'm me and not you, because this woundn't have happened to you; and thank god I was with my father because the suckers are expensive like hell...
Well well... I'm gonna go now... Its just that I am too shocked and I needed to write about this.
Nite hon.
Lyrics? who cares?
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